Discussion: Duviri

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The Kingdom of Duviri is a beautiful and strange landscape, a dream-like facsimile of a realm from the old Orokin Empire. Deep mysteries lie within its swirls and spirals, and the astute may find echoes of things past, or indeed things to come.

Creation and history

The Zariman in Duviri's sky. Captura by GrayArchon.

The world of Duviri was conceived long before it existed in any fact. It ultimately stems from a storybook written by Euleria Entrati1 during the Orokin Era. Tales of Duviri tells the story of a far-off kingdom ruled by a child king, with characters representing various extremes of emotion. This storybook was actually a set of lessons in emotional regulation2. The Entrati, as the foremost Void scholars of the Empire, had learned that emotions interacted strongly with Void energy3, and that controlling one's emotions was vital to safe operation of Void technology, including faster-than-light travel via Reliquary Drives4. The Entrati developed a quite sophisticated regimen of emotional regulation5, but when the Zariman Project was being developed, they realised that these lessons needed to be adapted for the children that would be on board the colony ship. Thus, Euleria (who had already contributed to similar didactical material6) wrote a storybook, filled with lessons on how to temper and control one's emotions, and this storybook was a standard component of the classrooms aboard the Zariman 10-0.

The tragic events of the Zariman's journey are detailed in a separate discussion. When the ship was stranded within the Void, arcane energies flooded the vessel, and the important lessons in emotional regulation were, for one reason or another, insufficient. The minds of the adults were warped and twisted, causing them to hunt down and kill their own families. The children were saved by the intervention of a mysterious being who offered them unimaginable power, and the deal was sealed with a handshake from the child known as the Operator. With their Void-granted abilities, the children were able to prevail against their homicidal parents, and the Zariman eventually returned to real-space, with the children deeply traumatised but alive.

The philosophy of Eternalism, however, dictates that each choice has multiple outcomes that are equally real7. There was a version of the Operator who did not make the deal, and did not receive Void powers. This child, known later as the Drifter, was left aboard a derelict ship, facing unknown horrors, with no way to defend themself. We do not know how the young Drifter prevailed nor what specific dangers they faced, but they appear to have been the only survivor. Overwhelmed by trauma, their intense emotions intermingled with the raw Void energy surrounding them to create Duviri, the land from the storybook, out of pure imagination8. This phenomenon is known as conceptual embodiment, where the Void interacts with consciousness and emotion to produce physical entities9. Although the process of conceptual embodiment was known to scholars of Void theory, this is by far the most extensive and complex example ever recorded. The Drifter's trauma gave birth to a full-fledged nation, populated by sapient beings with distinct personalities. The scale of this event is likely a testament to the intensity of the Drifter's emotions, the magnitude of the Void energies surrounding them, or both.

While the idea of Duviri came from Euleria Entrati's storybook, its place within the Void, as well as its origin through conceptual embodiment and the Drifter's emotions, mean that it has by necessity diverged from its own source material. Items from the Zariman ship can be found throughout the landscape, most notably in the underground caves, and the Zariman itself hangs in the sky like a massive crescent moon. The peculiar topography of Duviri, with its spiralling fractals, is also likely due to the Void's influence, as these shapes mirror the black Void corruption seen on the Zariman.

The greatest influence of the Void upon Duviri, however, may be its bizarre relationship with time. None of Duviri's citizens age or change over the years, a fact they deem unremarkable. However, time is seen to pass: Teshin, who is not a native of Duviri, grows old during his long purgatory in the kingdom10, and Acrithis' notes on Duviri's history indicate an overall linear progression of time11. Yet at any moment, the king, Dominus Thrax, may reset the day to rewind events he deems unsatisfactory. This is seen most often when Thrax orders the Drifter executed, only to rewind time so that the Drifter may die again. The extent of this power is unknown. Can Thrax rewind specific events and leave others unchanged, or is an entire period of time affected? Is the effect local, or does it encompass all of Duviri? How far back can he rewind?12 What events, if any, are outside his power to reset? This power was also seen wielded by the Drifter when they briefly reclaimed the throne from Dominus Thrax, but its parameters remain unexplained.

Regardless of Thrax's ability to rewind time, life in Duviri largely plays out the same from day to day. Each citizen has their routine: farmer, soldier, artisan13. Time stretches on endlessly towards eternity, to the delight of some citizens14 and the despair of others15. This timeless existence means that, even when Thrax resets the day, it might hardly be noticed by many, whose yesterday is the same as their tomorrow16. Within this perspective, the history of Duviri is almost unremarkable, with few major events over an interminable expanse of time. Most of what we know comes from Acrithis' audio logs detailing the fate of the Lost Islands of Duviri.

The king of Duviri is the aforementioned Dominus Thrax. As Thrax is described in Tales of Duviri17, it may be assumed that Duviri has had no other king since it was created through conceptual embodiment. Yet Duviri has a history that predates Thrax, and may have been created with this history intact. Prince Lodun, a contender to the throne, rests his claim on ancestral birthright, indicating an established succession regime18. And according to Acrithis, Dominus Thrax was crowned on a specific date, with his coronation anniversary being a popular holiday19. Despite this evidence of a Duviri before Thrax, very few citizens are willing to discuss such a time. It is possible that Thrax, like the Orokin elite he mimics, had all references to his predecessors and forebears erased from the records20.

One event that occurred early in Thrax's reign was the arrival of the Scholar, a mysterious man who came from another world21. Acrithis' description of him matches that of Albrecht Entrati, who disappeared from the Origin System shortly before the Zariman departed on its ill-fated voyage (more information on Albrecht Entrati can be found on his discussion post). Albrecht was given permission by Dominus Thrax to build a laboratory on the island of Scholar's Landing to study the Void directly, a copy of his old laboratory in the Origin System. He told others that Duviri would be needed at a future date, implying a confrontation with the Man in the Wall. However, Scholar's Landing disappeared overnight, along with Albrecht, his laboratory, and any souls unfortunate enough to be present on the island22. Albrecht is memorialised with an ornate tomb deep underground, in a cave near Fort Wyrmsoul. The grave is of course empty, and the epitaph indicates that there were some in Duviri who loved him23.

Some time after Albrecht's arrival was an event known as the Bleeding Earth24. The island of Cornucopia, a fertile farmland that fed the rest of Duviri, began to bleed, with the dark liquid welling up from the soil. Those who tasted it were immediately affected, with their eyes turning pure black and their voices becoming a "smoky whisper". Within the day, the island was severed from the rest of Duviri at Thrax's command and cast off into the Void with all its inhabitants, never to be seen again. The cause of the Bleeding Earth has not been established. The mysterious liquid and its strange effects have been likened to kuva, although Acrithis, who would have been familiar with kuva25, does not make this comparison. This would not be the last time that one of Duviri's islands was lost due to an unexplained event.

Garmi, Mathila's husband, was the lighthouse keeper on Watcher's Island26. Although the lighthouse served no purpose as far as the residents of Duviri were aware, Garmi dutifully maintained its lamp, convinced that his actions were keeping something at bay. It is possible that he was recruited for this task by Albrecht Entrati; the lighthouse's lens was made of seriglass, a material Albrecht was known to use for his Void experiments27, and as noted earlier, Albrecht was concerned about the Man in the Wall. Whatever his reasons, Garmi's fears were eventually proved true when a Void storm of unusual properties assailed the lighthouse. It rained down lengths of chain on the landscape, devastating any who had not taken shelter and causing sufficient structural damage to the lighthouse that it collapsed, presumably with Garmi inside. According to Garmi's log book, he witnessed a massive hand, missing a finger, approaching amidst the tempest. The lighthouse's presence was apparently fundamental, as the island upon which it stood crumbled away to nothing within three spirals of the storm.

The Rain of Chains, as this event came to be known, would seem to correlate directly with the events of Chains of Harrow. During that quest, the Tenno Rell, the sacred muse of the Red Veil, became possessed by the Man in the Wall and ultimately died. Although Rell's task of fighting the Man in the Wall was passed on to the rest of the Tenno, the Void entity was doubtless empowered by Rell's passing, and thus his assault on the lighthouse may have only been possible after Rell was gone. The hand missing a finger is a recurring motif of the Man in the Wall28, a form chosen to mock the Orokin for using the Man's severed fingers in their Void technology29. The chains are a reference to the abilities Rell wielded with his warframe Harrow30. Most explicitly, Acrithis describes the Void storm that destroyed the lighthouse as "a red veil across the sky". It is unclear whether the Rain of Chains was a reflection of Rell's passing, as an event made manifest within the Void, or simply a consequence of it, with the Man in the Wall choosing to attack the lighthouse once he was freed from Rell's interference. The implications of the Rain of Chains are yet to be fully explored. It raises further interesting questions about the nature of time in Duviri and how it relates to the Origin System, as well as the intentions of the Man in the Wall.

Shortly after the Rain of Chains, the Hollow Children began appearing in the classrooms of Academe31. Academe was an island where the children of Duviri were taught by sages in classrooms carved within the caves. The Hollow Children were black-eyed, grinning youths who sat in the back of the classroom, never speaking, but giggling unnervingly when the Void was mentioned. Some of the Hollow Children were identical to certain adults in Duviri, in younger form. Although they were never observed entering or leaving, the number of Hollow Children grew every day, and in at least one case, a Duviri child was slain by his Hollow double32. Their presence was so disturbing that Dominus Thrax ordered the entire island destroyed, but when an Orowyrm arrived to do the deed, the island had already broken away and was drifting into the Void.

At some point, the warframe Kullervo arrived, falling from the sky in a blazing fireball33. The debris from the impact spontaneously assembled into a large dungeon island, containing seven prison cells to hold seven versions of Kullervo for his seven crimes (although the seventh cell has since been destroyed). The Warden, a native of Duviri, was also formed with the island, and he watches over Kullervo's eternal imprisonment. It is likely that both the island (now named Kullervo's Hold) and the Warden were both created via conceptual embodiment, reacting to Kullervo's immense guilt34. This marks the only time in the history of Duviri that a new island has been created.

Later, Teshin arrived in Duviri in much less spectacular fashion, landing in a lake35. Although near death, he was nursed back to health by Mathila, with whom he seems to maintain a friendship. Teshin himself is unsure if he was gravely injured when he arrived in Duviri, or actually dead and resurrected by the Void's energies, appearing to give equal weight to both possibilities36. The Narmer veil and banner he still possesses are clear evidence that his appearance in Duviri occurs after his apparent death at the hands of Erra during The New War. It is unknown how long Teshin has dwelled in Duviri, though as noted earlier he has aged considerably. Teshin mostly lives a solitary life, residing within a cave in a remote part of Duviri, most likely on the otherwise-uninhabited island housing the Zariman ship.

The other events recorded in Duviri's history are mostly other islands being lost to the Void, which will be covered further in the section below.

Topography and climate

A view of the Netherbarrow region, showing the ring-like structures in the landscape. Captura by GrayArchon.

Duviri is a strange land, composed of floating islands mostly connected to each other by bridges. They drift amidst the ocean of the Void, although they seem to be at least partially protected from the more acute effects of Void exposure. Nevertheless, the otherworldly energies that permeate that realm are plainly visible throughout Duviri.

According to Acrithis, Duviri used to be much bigger than its current state37. The islands would stretch all the way to the horizon, farther than a day's flight on kaithe-back. Despite its size, the entire land was under the direct control of the king. Over the unknowably long duration of Duviri's existence, however, most of these islands have vanished, and only a handful now remain. The vast majority of the Lost Islands were claimed by the Void, simply slipping away without incident, a silent but inexorable erosion of reality. Some, as noted above, were destroyed or cast off deliberately by Dominus Thrax, and some were beset upon by unnatural disasters. Acrithis notes that no island, having been lost, has ever reappeared, nor has a new island ever been formed (other than the unique exception of Kullervo's Hold). Whenever an island is lost, the kingdom of Duviri grows ever smaller, a process that, to Acrithis, has only one unhappy end.

Duviri's islands appear to share similar physical characteristics. The earth tends towards swirling, circular shapes, and sometimes holes in the ground are present at the epicentres of these vortices, leading into underground caves or tunnelling straight through the crust of the island itself. In many locations, usually around the edge of the islands, the crust extends in a large, perfectly circular ring dozens of metres in diameter, sometimes with a spiderweb formation of rock within the ring. These are some of the most striking natural features of Duviri. The islands are also prone to slope dramatically in places, resulting in a sense of verticality among adjacent islands; for example, Lonesome Outlook, although appearing to come very close to the edge of the central island when viewed on a map, is in fact over 150 metres below it in elevation. Ponds and streams can be found in various places. When a river reaches the shore of an island, it simply flows over the edge in a mesmerising waterfall, dropping away into the abyss of the Void. In a particularly curious phenomenon, the water in the lake near Northwind Village flows against gravity up the ridge, before flowing down in a series of terracing pools that eventually fall off the edge of the island at Neighbour's Outlook.

Each of Duviri's islands also possesses cave systems, sometimes extensive, below the surface. Within these caves can usually be found items and furniture from the Zariman, especially from the classrooms. In some places, actual parts of the Zariman itself can be found implanted within the rock, including metal panelling, glass, and wood. If one spends enough time in the caves, they may hear the faint sounds of Zariman security mechanisms, or even the garbled voices of Cephalon Melica and the Zariman's captain. Some of the caves also feature tombs or other similar types of Duviri-made architecture, rather than being purely natural.

By far the most interesting aspect of Duviri's climate is the fact that the sky and weather are fully subject to the vicissitudes of Dominus Thrax's emotions, and can change as dramatically. There are six known moods, each with a distinct effect upon the sky:

  • During Calm, all Duviri is bathed in a warm, golden light, with mild weather. Calm is not a normal part of the mood rotation, but is seen during the Duviri Paradox quest.
  • During Joy, the sky is a bright blue, filled with pink, fluffy clouds and shimmering iridescent swirls of light. In some places the clouds fall like curtains of mist in the distance.
  • During Anger, the sky is a violent red, filled with storm clouds, lightning, and thunder. The clouds swirl to form cyclone-like structures in the sky, like windows to another world above. Fiery meteors rain down at intervals, scorching the earth as they land. A massive cloud shaped like Dominus Thrax's angry head looms on the horizon.
  • During Envy, the sky is a poisonous green. The cloud cover exhibits strange tendrils rising vertically or extending downward. Glaring yellow rings of light hang in the sky, surrounded by swirls of cloud, resembling giant eyes watching all who walk below. Green motes float in the air, and at times a constant clicking sound can be heard in the background, like a Geiger counter.
  • During Sorrow, the sky is gray, and a constant snow falls38. A large cloud shaped like Luscinia's face floats above, streams of water flowing from its eyes to fall as rain upon the earth. Mists swirl through the sky, and the clouds form spiderweb structures similar to those seen in the rocky rings on the landscape.
  • During Fear, the sky is a deep ultramarine, with strong winds and gray, turbulent storm clouds. Lightning flashes frequently.

There are eight main islands that currently comprise the kingdom of Duviri:

  • Thrax's Island is found in the southwest. Relatively small, it houses the King's Palace and the surrounding Castle Town settlement, and little else. A cave system underneath the Palace holds a small catacomb complex. Thrax's Island is connected to the mainland hamlets by a single, wide bridge.
  • Across the bridge from Thrax's Island are the mainland hamlets. This is the central island of Duviri, although its official name is unknown39. This island holds the settlements of Primrose Village, Watershed Hamlet, Fair Shores Hamlet, and Artisan Hamlet. Other notable locations include the Agora and a curious, spiral-shaped lake in the centre of the island.
  • To the east of the mainland hamlets is the Netherbarrow region, perhaps the largest island in Duviri. A bridge connects Fair Shores Hamlet on the mainland to Mezzo Hamlet on the Netherbarrow island. Other settlements include Soprano Springs and the eponymous Netherbarrow, a fairly large town located underground. The island also has two large military fortifications: Fort Wyrmsoul and Throneguard Barracks, in addition to frequent Dax encampments located throughout the countryside. The eastern and southern parts of the island are cold and snowy. Other notable locations include Titan's Rest, a large cemetery; the Chamber of the Muses, an opera stage where Luscinia sings into the empty wind; and Sythel's boarded-up house, located on a mountaintop near Titan's Rest. A cave near Fort Wyrmsoul is noteworthy for containing the stately tomb of Albrecht Entrati deep within.
  • To the north of the mainland hamlets is the northern region. This island is roughly the same size as the Netherbarrow region and contains Northwind Village and Farbreeze Hamlet. It is connected to the mainland by two bridges, one near Moirai Crossing and one near Watershed Hamlet. There are two major military fortifications at the Citadel and Orion Tower, on opposite ends of the island. There is also the Thrax Gardens, a massive whirlpool within one of the great stone rings at the very north end of the island, with a garden complex built over the pool, featuring a large statue of Dominus Thrax. Other notable locations include Mathila's Farm on the outskirts of the Citadel and the Lunaro Court near Northwind Village.
  • Nestled into the side of the northern region is the Upperhaven region. This perfectly circular island fits neatly into a semicircular bay of the northern island, and is attached via three isthmi, rather than artificial bridges. Most of the island is taken up by the Royalstead Pastures, large round plots of land for grazing livestock. In the northwest corner of the island, however, is the large town of Upperhaven.
  • The Amphitheatre is a small island that floats off to the west of Mathila's Farm, though it does not appear during Sorrow Spirals. Unlike the others, it is not physically attached to the rest of Duviri. Most of the island is taken up by the eponymous amphitheatre, featuring a large stage. There are also numerous Tamms grazing around the outskirts. The Amphitheatre island was featured during TennoCon 2022.
  • The Archarbor is a small island to the north that functions as Acrithis' library40. In actuality, it consists of several very small islands connected by bridges to a large vertical structure. Similar to the Amphitheatre, the Archarbor is not connected to the rest of Duviri, and is not present during Anger or Fear Spirals.
  • Kullervo's Hold is a medium-sized island to the south, sitting between Thrax's Island and the Netherbarrow region. It consists mainly of a large, circular dungeon with seven cells arranged around the perimeter, each holding a version of the warframe Kullervo, although the seventh cell has collapsed. There are various other buildings placed around the island, including a kaithe stable and a house for the Warden. Other than the Warden and Kullervo, the island is solely populated by large numbers of children, standing or sitting in groups or alone, all singing an epic saga of Kullervo, to the annoyance of the Warden41. Kullervo's Hold is not connected to the rest of Duviri, and is not present during Joy or Envy Spirals.
  • The Zariman, floating in the sky, can also be seen to be embedded within a large island, but seeing as the ship is ignored by the residents of Duviri and treated as if it does not exist42, this island is likely mostly uninhabited. However, Teshin's cave is connected to a Dormizone on the Zariman, and so is probably located within the island.

The following islands were described by Acrithis as being lost43:

  • Academe: Once the location of Duviri's sages, who taught children in classrooms carved within the caves. When the Hollow Children arrived in the classrooms, Dominus Thrax ordered the island destroyed, but it broke away from Duviri on its own accord and drifted into the Void.
  • The Bountiful Swamp: Mentioned by Acrithis as an "horrific" island that was eventually swallowed up by the Void. Evidence suggests that those who ventured to the island had their innards filled with "new life"44.
  • Cornucopia: A fertile farmland that was cast off and abandoned – including its inhabitants – after the Bleeding Earth.
  • The Execution Cyst: Mentioned by Acrithis as an "horrific" island that was eventually swallowed up by the Void. Evidence suggests that it was used to execute criminals, and that the condemned were "fed" to the island somehow45.
  • The Galleria: A quiet, regal island with white statues, each bearing a tool denoting their occupation. Destroyed or abandoned by Thrax after Acrithis reported seeing a massive finger burrow up from the earth.
  • The Golden Hive: Mentioned by Acrithis as an "horrific" island that was eventually swallowed up by the Void. Evidence suggests that the island emitted a song that drew people to it, never to be seen again46.
  • The Inversion Tree: Mentioned by Acrithis as an "horrific" island that was eventually swallowed up by the Void. Evidence suggests that those who were "hanged" upon the Tree were driven mad, uttering terrible ravings until their death47.
  • Lorn: A bleak island populated by ghosts who screamed at any who drew near. It also contained many shrines, which were taken from the island by Thrax's soldiers. The local citizens exiled the island, not wishing to deal with the ghosts any longer. They destroyed the bridges by hand and towed the island into the currents of the Void with flying kaithes. Curiously, Acrithis says that the island's ghosts can still be heard screaming from time to time, indicating that the island has not been destroyed or swallowed by the Void. The shrines that were taken from Lorn can still summon its ghosts if assembled.
  • Manipura Island: A vineyard island that supplied wine to the Dax legions. The Calaventi merchant sisterhood, who owned the vineyards, mocked Dominus Thrax behind his back. Their servants betrayed their words to the king, who ordered an Orowyrm to destroy the entire island.
  • The Necropolis Island: A very large island that was entirely filled with graves, tombs, and other burial sites. Each coffin contained not a dead body, but a carving, doll, or figurine in the shape of a body. A particular section, the Doll Mausoleum, contained small coffins holding figurines of Zariman children. Thrax would visit the Doll Mausoleum alone. Acrithis does not mention how the Necropolis Island was lost.
  • Scholar's Landing: The location of a large laboratory built by Albrecht Entrati when he arrived in Duviri. Disappeared overnight.
  • Stitcher's Gulch: Mentioned by Acrithis as an "horrific" island that was eventually swallowed up by the Void. Evidence suggests that those who returned from the island were themselves stitched up, to disturbing effect48.
  • Watcher's Island: An island with a Seriglass lighthouse, tended by Garmi. The lighthouse was destroyed in the Rain of Chains, and the rest of the island crumbled away shortly after.

The last aspect of Duviri's nature worth discussing is the Undercroft. The Undercroft is a region of Duviri closer to the deep Void, less protected from its influence49. It appears to be located deep within the core of Duviri50, and is only accessible via portals, but its extensive entanglement with the Paradox means its metaphysical effects can be felt on both Duviri proper as well as the Origin System on the other side of the Wall. Fighting against the Void manifestations present in the Undercroft can undo a defeat suffered by the Tenno in the past51 by ensuring that the opposing army never existed52. Teshin encourages the Drifter to use the Undercroft as a training ground53, and also as a way to repay the Tenno for helping the Drifter via the Paradox54.

Dominus Thrax's powers seem to stem in part from the Undercroft55, and Teshin notes that fighting there can "challenge his very essence"56. Accordingly, Thrax strictly controls access to it57. However, Thrax's influence is generally weaker within the Undercroft58, and he is less able to sense the Drifter's activities or reset time in a way that would affect them59; this can be seen by the vibrant colour of the Undercroft and lack of desaturation. As seen in The Duviri Paradox, Thrax is able to at times exert an influence in the Undercroft. Lodun mentions that he has led troops there at the king's order60, and all of Thrax's courtiers agree that the Undercroft is a chaotic place filled with hostile Void energies.


Two citizens of Duviri at the Amphitheatre. Captura by GrayArchon.

Duviri is populated by many citizens. All have roughly similar physical characteristics: their skin appears to be made of blue metal or porcelain, gradually transitioning to a metallic gold at the extremities. Their right arms are elongated, in the fashion of the Orokin elite (though without the claw-like fingernails the Orokin often possessed). Most Duviri citizens wear masks that cover the eyes or the entire face. Clothing is often fairly simple, though the residents of Duviri have inherited the Orokin's predilection towards gold detailing. Interestingly, children (Barris, Koral, and the singing children found across Duviri) do not wear masks, and are all missing the right arm entirely.

Dominus Thrax, the king, is somewhat different. His right arm, though elongated, appears artificial, a slender prosthetic made of metal. His skin, where visible on his legs and left hand, appears completely human, in contrast to all other Duviri natives. Like other residents of Duviri, however, he wears a mask that obscures his whole face, bearing a neutral expression. Thrax's mask and distinctive helmet are often used as a symbol of the kingdom as a whole. Dominus Thrax is an absolute monarch, having complete authority over all that goes on in his kingdom. He also has a high degree of literal control over Duviri, able to affect time, weather, and likely more. Thrax has a childish demeanour (and stature), which makes him the subject of ridicule at times61, although such insolence is always severely punished when he is made aware of it.

The Drifter, as Duviri's creator, has been present in the kingdom since its inception. It is implied that the Drifter initially found comfort and happiness in the world that had manifested to save them from the nightmare of the Zariman. However, at some point, the Drifter tired of Duviri's simple activities and idyllic eternity, and sought to return to the world they once knew, on the other side of the Wall62. Dominus Thrax did not take kindly to this perceived betrayal and abandonment, and began ordering the Drifter's execution in an attempt to stop them from leaving63. When the Drifter was killed, Thrax would simply rewind time so they could be killed again64. Over an untold number of years, the Drifter's loop of constant death resulted in a deep apathy and sense of hopelessness65. The Drifter eventually forgot their history and identity, with no existence outside of painful death.

During the Duviri Paradox quest, the Other Side started to manifest paradoxes to aid the Drifter66. Guided by Teshin, the Drifter began to exploit the Paradox to find a way out of Duviri. As they did, they slowly remembered more of their memories of the past, also exhibiting increasing control over Duviri itself67. Although Dominus Thrax opposed the Drifter's efforts and even managed to kill Teshin, the Drifter broke free from their apathy and used their emotions to defeat Thrax's Orowyrms before dethroning Thrax himself. At that point, the Drifter remembered that they had created Duviri and that they were in control. They promptly used this newfound control to rewind time, bringing Teshin back to life while also returning Thrax to the throne. Although Duviri once again belonged to Thrax, the Drifter no longer did, having freed themself from his tyrannical dominion. The Drifter was now free to leave Duviri whenever they wished, or stay as long as they liked.

The Drifter is well known across Duviri68, though their true nature is likely still a mystery to most69. The Drifter is sometimes mistaken for the king70; this is almost certainly due to the fact that the Drifter is indeed the creator of Duviri. Like Teshin, the Drifter has aged during their sojourn in Duviri's spirals, though perhaps not as much as one might think. During the daily spirals of emotion, the Drifter aids the corresponding courtier, opposing Thrax's forces. The Drifter's ultimate strategic goals in Duviri are unclear.

Among the king's servants are the five courtiers who entreat the Drifter during their respective Spirals: Mathila, Lodun, Bombastine, Luscinia, and Sythel. Like Dominus Thrax, the courtiers were designed to teach specific lessons about emotional regulation. Each of them is an avatar of a distinct emotion, feeling that emotion so strongly as to be ruled by it. When Thrax is feeling a particular emotion during the day, the associated courtier becomes ascendent, petitioning the Drifter to advance their plots against the king and each other. However, when they become overwhelmed by their emotions, they transform into Orowyrms71, great dragons that soar through the sky, devastating their enemies with elemental fury. In Orowyrm form, they appear to be under the direct control of Dominus Thrax72, who may order them to destroy entire islands if he sees fit. Although there are citizens of Duviri who act as avatars of other emotions, it is unknown if they also transform into Orowyrms, or if this is a trait reserved for the five courtiers alone. As the courtiers ultimately derive from Tales of Duviri, their status may be unique.

Mathila, the Harbinger of Joy, is the avatar of Happiness. She is overly cheerful, and believes that everyone should be as happy as she is. She is convinced that she knows what others around her need to be happy, and is determined to bring it about, often to their detriment73. Her exact role in the king's court is unknown, but in addition to her official duties, she also tends a farm on the outskirts of the Citadel. She has two children: Barris, who is in charge of herding their Tamms; and Koral, who is concerned with animals of all kinds. Mathila's husband, Garmi, was killed in the Rain of Chains74. Mathila does not appear to remember him at all, and Acrithis theorises that perhaps Mathila cannot bear to keep sad memories75. She may be in a relationship with Brimon76. Mathila found Teshin when he arrived in Duviri and nursed him back to health, and the two seem to remain friends77. Mathila can be found on the porch of her farmhouse, staring dreamily off into the distance. According to Tales of Duviri, Mathila's happiness is an attempt to avoid reality78.

Lodun, the Prince of Fire, is the avatar of Anger. He believes himself to be the rightful king of Duviri79, with Dominus Thrax nothing but a usurper (whom he calls "the Imp"). Nevertheless, he serves as Thrax's executioner80 as well as a military commander. When in Orowyrm form, he also seems to be the main enforcer of Thrax's will81. Lodun often plots to overthrow Thrax and attain the throne, but is constantly thwarted, often most tragically when his own rage alienates his supporters82. His anger ultimately stems from self-hatred at his own inadequacy83, and his failure to master himself is the chief lesson of his character84. Lodun can be found in a courtyard at the highest level of Upperhaven. He carries around a tablet with a list of names, possibly a roster of individuals sentenced to death85.

Bombastine, the Covetous Courtier, is the avatar of Envy. He is intensely jealous of everyone around him, whether it be their possessions, their status, or even the love they receive from others86. Bombastine is or was the king's official playwright, muse, and performer, although his role has been at least partially usurped by Luscinia, to his great displeasure87, and Bombastine is currently barred from the King's Palace88. Bombastine is outwardly friendly and deferential, though this is a façade in order to draw supporters to his side89. As he craves everything, he schemes for Thrax's power and authority much as Lodun does90, but the target of Bombastine's envy is most often Luscinia. This is further complicated by the fact that Bombastine loved her before she became Thrax's muse91. When he is not coveting the king's throne or Luscinia's position, Bombastine covets the possessions of random Duviri citizens, demanding that the Drifter seize gold, clothing, even farm animals on Bombastine's behalf92. For all his envy, Bombastine rarely takes what he wants, preferring to send others to do it for him93. Bombastine can be found at the Agora, entertaining a small group of citizens. Interestingly, Bombastine was written to illustrate that no citizen should covet another's position, as Orokin society was built on hierarchical tiers94.

Luscinia, the Sorrowful Soprano, is the avatar of Sorrow. Her lot in life has caused her much grief, but she is also strongly attuned to the suffering of others, which only deepens her sadness95. She was once loved by Bombastine, who attempted to sabotage her due to his jealousy96. Bombastine's actions instead drew the attention of Dominus Thrax, who elevated Luscinia to his personal muse. Luscinia sang before the king, to Bombastine's bitter envy, though the position was a joyless one for her97. Luscinia considered herself a captive, and was treated poorly by Thrax98. She somehow managed to escape her situation, and now sings on an empty stage at the Chamber of the Muses. She implores the Drifter to visit suffering on others – others who deserve suffering – in a futile attempt to dull her own pain99. Interestingly, Luscinia is more knowledgeable than others about the nature of Duviri100, the Void101, and her own self102, though her knowledge only contributes to her deep sorrow. Her destructive tendency to indulge in her sorrow, rather than simply endure it, is the main lesson of her character103.

Sythel, the Fearful Conspirator, is the avatar of Fear. She experiences a crippling paranoia of everything and everyone around her104. Her exact role in the king's court is unknown, but she is in a position of authority, able to order soldiers and enact policy105. However, her suspicions often get the better of her, causing her to mistrust others, so her plans are frequently self-defeating106. She is known to enact purges in an attempt to eliminate those who would plot against her107, but is fearful that Dominus Thrax might similarly purge her108. Like Luscinia, Sythel is knowledgeable about the Void and Albrecht Entrati109, and may have even come into contact with the Man in the Wall while in the Undercroft110. Sythel can be found cowering inside her house near Titan's Rest, in which she has barricaded all the doors and windows.

There are other inhabitants of Duviri who, while not the focal point of Duviri's Spirals, are nevertheless avatars of specific emotions111. Acrithis is an archivist and historian concerned with collecting knowledge about Duviri. She is the avatar of Curiosity and knows more about Duviri and the Drifter than anyone else save Dominus Thrax112. Koral is Mathila's daughter, and is concerned with all of Duviri's animals, acting as the avatar of Compassion. She entreats the Drifter to heal any animals they find suffering from Void corruption. Koral, unlike her mother, has some faint memories of her father Garmi113. Barris is Mathila's son, placed in charge of herding the family's Tamms. Barris is the avatar of Frustration, which is clearly evidenced by his attitude towards his task114. Other characters in Duviri are avatars of Pride, Loneliness, and Optimism.

The warframe Kullervo is a unique outlier. Cast out into the Void115, he arrived in Duviri as others have done, but the immense guilt he felt from his actions (probably from his role in the death of Archimedian Ainikki116) created a prison via conceptual embodiment, which is now the island of Kullervo's Hold. The Warden, also brought into being by Kullervo's guilt, has the voice and appearance of Executor Ballas117, Kullervo's main antagonist in the Origin System. Due to Ballas' innate sense of superiority (as well as possessing some of Ballas' memories), the Warden is incredibly haughty and believes himself above the other residents of Duviri, but Acrithis states that he is not truly distinct from any other118. Kullervo occasionally escapes his prison, causing much destruction119, but is always recaptured and brought back to the dungeon120.

Dominus Thrax is served by legions of Dax soldiers. The Dax appear to be distinct from the other Duviri citizens, resembling skeletal constructs rather than people. Luscinia refers to them as the "hollow ones"121, and Bombastine says that they are not flesh and blood, but ideals given form by Thrax himself122; however, they do appear to have personalities and identities, not being mere automata. The Dax appear to serve Dominus Thrax exclusively (or his officers) and are extremely loyal123. Many of Duviri's citizens regard the Dax as oppressive and cruel124, the instruments of Thrax's will. Teshin calls them "false Dax"125, but they appear to be fairly similar to the Dax of the Origin System (composition aside), including cultural rituals such as their Yaskutai servants126.

There are also more supernatural entities that serve the king. The Thrax Centurion and Thrax Legatus are powerful Void-enhanced spirits127 created by Dominus Thrax's will128. They are patterned after ancient soldier archetypes129, modelled after Orokin-era Grineer130, and named after Thrax himself. They are Dominus Thrax's most favoured warriors131, used to protect the royal palace132 and safeguard important treasures, although they are not trusted by Thrax's other soldiers133. Their entanglement with the Void has resulted in them appearing in the Origin System at locations of high Void activity134. Within Duviri, the Thrax Legati are only seen in the Undercroft, while the Thrax Centurions are also present in Duviri proper. The Liminus ghosts, on the other hand, are not loyal to the king but rather annoyances. They are described alternatively as ghosts of the dead135 or manifestations of Dominus Thrax's fears136 (similar to Skittergirl on the Zariman). They infest the dark areas of Duviri's caves, including Royal Mazes, and even the king himself is pleased to be rid of them137.

Duviri's fauna, much like the Dax, appear as metallic skeletons rather than living creatures. All the animals seen thus far are analogues of creatures from the Origin System, and were designed by Euleria Entrati for her storybook138. Kaithes are the loyal steeds and workbeasts of Duviri, resembling horses from old Earth. They are also capable of flight, allowing for aerial traversal of the islands. Kaithes come in various breeds and species139, and kaithe racing is a noble pastime among Duviri citizens. Tamms resemble goats or rams from old Earth, and are kept as domesticated livestock and said to be good luck140. Krubies resemble kubrow, and are fierce pack animals141 who sometimes hunt lost tamms142. Rablits resemble kuakas or pobbers, and are occasionally kept as pets, such as Teshin's rablit. Paragrimms resemble owls from old Earth, and can be found perched atop hutches bearing Enigma puzzles; those who can solve the Enigmas are rewarded with the riches within the hutch. Kexats resemble kavats, and are known to hunt rablits and paragrimms143. Kaithes144, krubies, kexats, and tamms are occasionally prone to Void corruption145, turning the animal hostile, although this can be healed if the animal is subdued. The fish species of Duviri possess fantastical shapes and bright colours. They are preyed upon by Golden Maws, which are not native to Duviri, but rather Orokin-era machines146 that arrived via a portal to the Undercroft that opened up underwater147. The Golden Maws are responsible for the extinction of the rainbow eels148 and possibly other fish species.

The final notable inhabitant of Duviri is known only as the Vagabond. He appears identical to other residents of Duviri, although his clothing and skin are black. He appears at specific points of extreme emotion149, varying based on the Spiral's mood150. When approached, he will laugh ominously, but not speak otherwise. Once the Drifter looks away, he vanishes. Most importantly, he is missing his right index finger, a key indication of his true identity.

Culture and beliefs

A shawzin and various books before a statue of Dominus Thrax. Captura by GrayArchon.

The citizens of Duviri were conceived by Euleria Entrati and given form by the emotions of the Drifter, both of whom were members of the Orokin Empire. It is then not surprising that Duviri's people largely conform to the dominant culture of the Orokin. In fact, they saw the Orokin as their parent culture, and aspired to live up to their ideals151, even in their choice of leisure activities152. When children were still being taught in the caves of Academe, Duviri's sages would educate them on the laws and customs of the Orokin, most importantly the Seven Principles, in addition to the customs specific to Duviri153.

As noted earlier, obedience to Dominus Thrax and his edicts is a strong imperative for Duviri's residents. The King and his Dax have authority over seemingly all aspects of life154. The respect demanded by Thrax is so great that Duviri citizens are expected to keep clean at all times, lest the king look upon uncleanliness155. Thrax's fickle moods doubtless complicate the lives of his subjects156, yet many of them continue to revere him157. Citizens are obliged to pay taxes and tributes to the king, which can sometimes be crippling158. Tribute is paid in kind159, while tax is presumably paid in coin160. These taxes and tributes often go directly to the Dax as pay161.

Music and dramatic performances are highly regarded in Duviri. There are three major stages in Duviri: the Agora, the Chamber of the Muses, and the Amphitheatre – the last of these being an entire island devoted to performance. Bombastine, the King's playwright, was a high-ranking member of the royal court until his position was taken by Luscinia, herself a singer. The shawzin is the musical instrument of choice, and many of them are kept in public places, ready to be played by any citizen wanting to entertain their peers. Many of the songs played in Duviri reference the Lost Islands of the past162. Fergin, a now-deceased citizen of Duviri, insisted that shawzin-playing was not as esteemed as other Orokin pastimes, though this may have simply been brotherly banter. Other activities seen across Duviri include the Orokin games of komi and Lunaro, as well as a yet-unnamed game played with dice and tumblers, and what appears to be a board game version of Lunaro or a similar sport. There are also Royal Mazes hidden in the caves of Duviri, set up by the king's ministers163. Mathila and Bombastine treat the mazes as diversions164, but Luscinia and Sythel note that people may be trapped in them indefinitely165, and in any case they are haunted by Liminus ghosts.

The custom of wearing masks perhaps stems from the dramatic tradition, as many of them resemble theatre masks. The masks seem to be linked to a sense of decorum166 or propriety167, though it is notable that various Duviri residents, including Acrithis, do not wear masks. Although fragments of the Entrati's lessons on emotional regulation appear throughout Duviri168, it is unknown if they are followed by its denizens; if so, the masks may act as a reminder of this philosophy. The distinction between masks that cover the whole face versus masks that only cover the eyes is unknown. On the few occasions that the Drifter possesses a mask169, it is identical to Dominus Thrax's mask, and the Drifter evidently took this mask with them to the Dormizone and into the Zariman, as it can be found hanging from a tree in the Albrecht Park during The New War. Bombastine threatens to make the Drifter's face into his new mask170, indicating that the masks may be taken from other people, or exchanged over time.

There are shrines located across Duviri in various states of disrepair or ruin. They were originally located on the ghost-infested island of Lorn, and taken from the island by royal order171. If reassembled, they may unleash spirits, either attacking the one who summoned them172 or granting them power173. Rebuilding these shrines is forbidden by Thrax's law174. Some shrines are memorials for dead ancestors175, and rebuilding them offers the opportunity to commune with the lost, or seek their assistance176 – these shrines may or may not be distinct from the shrines of Lorn. Similar shrines also appear to be connected with the Royal Mazes mentioned earlier. Other kinds of traditional graves are also seen, such as the large cemetery of Titan's Rest, with its gravesites and tombstones, as well as the tomb of Albrecht Entrati located within an underground cave.

Dotted across Duviri are small hamlets, larger towns, military fortifications, and individual houses, all made in the same clean, mediaeval style, with some gold detailing (though not nearly as much as the Orokin aesthetic), and repeated small, semicircular arch motifs. The landscape is also populated with large, golden statues of Dominus Thrax. Circles are a recurring theme in Duviri, appearing in decorations, road layouts, building shapes, and, as noted earlier, the shape of the land itself. The citizens of Duviri use both the Orokin script as well as an undeciphered alphabet consisting of semicircles and squares177.

Duviri is a bizarre and wondrous place, an oasis of beauty within the chaos of the Void. Although the kingdom was created ex nihilo as a result of disaster and trauma, it has become more than its paradoxical origins, and it is increasingly seeming to be the front line in the battle between reality as we know it, and the mysterious, all-consuming Void.

[Navigation: Hub → Discussion → Duviri]

  1. The Tales of Duviri storybook decoration awarded after The Duviri Paradox is described as "An instructive storybook by Euleria Entrati." Euleria's voice can be heard when she narrates the daily Spiral stories.
  2. "[The Tales of Duviri is] tools for emotional regulation in the event of Void exposure." (Zariman quiz tablets)
  3. Lotus: "When extreme emotions meet pure Void Energy, they can change reality, bend and break the laws of nature." (Mirror Defence missions)
  4. "[Void travel is safe] …so long as we control our emotions" (Zariman quiz tablets)
  5. "Mnemonic Adjutant: Train yourself to replay your experiences in your mind, as if you were attuned to an Ayatan framework. You will soon find that you are able to disengage the experience from its emotional context. Even in the case of intense, troubling emotions, familiarity can bring habituation, and thus objectivity." (Archarbor Engima)
  6. Euleria Entrati can be heard teaching a lesson on Temporal Axioms during The New War, as well as administering a short quiz.
  7. Baro Ki'Teer: "Are you familiar with the philosophy of Eternalism? The notion that all possible permutations of the present moment are real?" (Platform parity event)
  8. The cutscene at the end of The Duviri Paradox shows the moment of creation, with the young Drifter in the throes of anguish in their Dormizone, while the islands of Duviri can be seen forming outside within the Void and Dominus Thrax's arm emerges from a swirl of Void corruption inside the Dormizone. It is also briefly mentioned by Teshin and the Drifter at the conclusion of The Duviri Paradox.
  9. Archimedian Yonta: "When consciousness and Void come together, it makes a thing." (Angels of the Zariman)
  10. Acrithis: "I have never known a constitution to match his; yet unlike us, he has… deteriorated… with the passing of time." (Lost Islands of Duviri)
  11. The Lost Islands of Duviri fragments describe events that have happened throughout Duviri's history, and Acrithis places them in a chronological order; for example, she says that the Hollow Children arrived after the Rain of Chains.
  12. All examples seen so far have involved Thrax rewinding a single day, or less.
  13. Cheerful citizen: "I've been doing this all my life and I'm not even tired!" (Duviri citizen dialogue)
  14. Cheerful citizen: "Who, I ask you, who would ever want to live anywhere else?" (Duviri citizen dialogue)
  15. Morose citizen: "First day of the rest of my life. Again. Wa-hoo." (Duviri citizen dialogue)
  16. Pensive citizen: "Yesterday, my mood was 'bored'. Today, it is also 'bored'. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?" (Duviri citizen dialogue)
  17. Dominus Thrax can be seen inside the book when the storybook decoration is observed. Also pictured are the five courtiers.
  18. Lodun: "The relics of my ancestors, shattered! He's trying to erase my proof of ancestry! Rebuild my great-grandmother's shrine AT ONCE!" (Anger Spiral dialogue)
  19. Acrithis: "On the anniversary of Thrax's coronation, the citizenry would build ceremonial floating islands. On these they would drift, sing, play music, and light fragrant lanterns in honour of Thrax." (Lost Islands of Duviri)
  20. Lodun: "Wait. You're near where the succession scrolls are hidden. If that wretched Imp hasn't burned them all, that is. What are you waiting for? Find them!" (Anger Spiral dialogue)
  21. This paragraph pulls directly from the Scholar's Island fragment of the Lost Islands of Duviri.
  22. "Roon. Forever curious, escaped in the night with Scholar's Landing" (gravestone epitaph at Titan's Rest)
  23. "Stranger. Father. Scholar. In our hearts we hold you" (epitaph at Albrecht's tomb)
  24. This paragraph pulls directly from the Bleeding Earth fragment of the Lost Islands of Duviri.
  25. Pensive citizen: "Eighteen million bottles of kuva on the wall…." (Duviri citizen dialogue)
  26. This paragraph and the one following pull directly from the Watcher's Island fragment of the Lost Islands of Duviri.
  27. Gomaitru Entrati: "One shard of seriglass is all I have left of my father. But it's all I need to find him again." (Gomaitru dialogue)
  28. When the Tenno activates their Reliquary Drive at the conclusion of Rising Tide, the Man in the Wall appears above the Drive, waving his hand with one finger folded down. Later, at the end of The New War, the massive statue form of the Man in the Wall is missing a right index finger.
  29. Albrecht Entrati: "…the pale reaching digits severed on the floor… studied with reverence, with greed." (Netra)
  30. Chains are prominently featured in Condemn, which also is used during the Chains of Harrow quest, but chains can also be seen in Covenant and (as part of the thurible) in Penance and Thurible.
  31. This paragraph pulls directly from the Caves of Academe fragment of the Lost Islands of Duviri.
  32. "Govio lies here, or so we hope. Slain by his other, or so we hope. In the chalky halls of Academe" (gravestone epitaph at Titan's Rest)
  33. Acrithis: "My archives note that the island was first formed when a ball of fire descended from the sky! It bored a hole straight through the ground, and from the tainted debris, a dungeon spontaneously arose, complete with Warden to berate its sole prisoner, the warframe Kullervo, for his many crimes." (Acrithis dialogue)
  34. Acrithis: "Kullervo did not arrive empty-handed. No, it seems he brought with him the burdensome weight of a guilty conscience." (Acrithis dialogue)
  35. Acrithis: "…the monk Teshin, who fell from the sky into the lake on the island we now call Hermit's Landing. Seemingly lifeless, he was dragged ashore by Mathila who nursed his return to health." (Lost Islands of Duviri)
  36. Drifter: "How'd you end up here, anyway?"
    Teshin: "Through the eye of a storm… I'm not sure if I was dead or alive at the time." (The Duviri Paradox)
  37. This paragraph pulls directly from the We Are Not What We Were fragment of the Lost Islands of Duviri.
  38. In-game, this precipitation more resembles snow, but dialogue from the Dax Arcus indicates it also commonly rains during Sorrow: "Sad King means rain." (Dax Arcus idle dialogue).
  39. The name of the island may be Hermit's Landing; Acrithis mentions an island by this name with a large lake. Alternatively, Hermit's Landing may be one of the Lost Islands no longer present.
  40. Rebecca Ford: "We have our five moods in Duviri. Many of them have different island variations; some have only one island, sometimes you have the Amphitheatre island, other times you have the library, Acrithis' library." (Devstream 171 @24:15)
  41. The Warden: "The brats are at their chanting. Were the King himself not a child, I would have them all hanged." (Warden dialogue)
  42. Acrithis: "Did you ever notice how that thing hangs in the sky overhead, and yet nobody ever wants to talk about it? Like it's not really there?" (Acrithis dialogue)
  43. All information on the Lost Islands is taken from the Lost Islands fragments recorded by Acrithis.
  44. "Hogo, ventured swampward. Returned bountiful from his innards. A cornucopia of new life." (gravestone epitaph at Titan's Rest)
  45. "Qig. Thief. Fed to the Cyst." (gravestone epitaph at Titan's Rest)
  46. "Vana. Heard the song of the Golden Hive. She does not lie here." (gravestone epitaph at Titan's Rest)
  47. "Jinn. Five nights hanged upon the Inversion Tree. Went to her end chattering. Recount not what was relayed." (gravestone epitaph at Titan's Rest)
  48. "Pol. Lingered too long in Stitcher's Gulch. Returned to us, bound within himself." (gravestone epitaph at Titan's Rest)
  49. Sythel: "Everyone's afraid of the Undercroft. Even Thrax. It's too close to the Void." (Fear Spiral dialogue)
  50. "Rune Marrow erupts from Duviri's core." (Rune Marrow description)
  51. Teshin: "Many defensive battles within the Origin System were lost. Through the Paradox, you now have the chance to undo those defeats." (Undercroft dialogue)
  52. Teshin: "Confront the maddened ones who walk the Undercroft, the shadows of armies that do not yet exist. Ensure they never become fully real." (Undercroft dialogue)
  53. Teshin: "The endless challenge of the Undercroft makes it an ideal training ground. Hone your skills there, if you have the stamina." (Teshin dialogue)
  54. Teshin: "The Other Side has assisted you many times. The Undercroft is where you may repay them, with blood." (Teshin dialogue)
  55. Bombastine: "Thrax's 'power' is rooted in the Undercroft. Pfeh. Without it, he's not that big of a deal." (Envy Spiral dialogue)
  56. Teshin: "Thrax must be fought on many fronts. In Duviri we engage his forces, but through the Undercroft we challenge his very essence." (Teshin dialogue)
  57. Teshin: "Access to the Undercroft is strictly controlled. We are lucky to have this undetected portal." (Teshin dialogue)
  58. Teshin: "The king's reach is weaker here in the Undercroft." (The Duviri Paradox)
  59. Teshin: "Thrax will reset the spiral the moment he senses a warframe on the surface. We will save that for the Undercroft." (The Duviri Paradox)
  60. Lodun: "Does that brat on the throne have ANY IDEA how often I've had to send forces into the Undercroft to clean up his mess?" (Anger Spiral dialogue)
  61. Acrithis: "With his changeable moods and his short stature, Thrax was – they whispered – merely an upstart, an imitator." (Lost Islands of Duviri)
  62. Dominus Thrax (disguised as Teshin): "You had it all. A whole world to yourself. But you were bored. Ungrateful. You had to bite the hand that feeds!" (The Duviri Paradox)
  63. Dominus Thrax: "It wasn't me that started stirring up this mess with the executions. You got it in your head to get out. Don't you see now, that these stories are for you? For us?" (The Duviri Paradox)
  64. Dominus Thrax: "Every time you try, you die. That's the loop." (The Duviri Paradox)
  65. Drifter: "I'm… just so tired." (The Duviri Paradox)
  66. Teshin: "From the other side… they command the selfsame powers of Void that make the walls of our prison. I suspect the paradox is their attempt to help us." (The Duviri Paradox)
  67. Teshin: "His memories are giving you something. As these emotions flow through you, you take from him his singular power over the world." (The Duviri Paradox)
  68. Morose citizen: "There goes that Drifter again." (Duviri citizen dialogue)
  69. Acrithis: "You're not like us at all, are you? I've worked out that much. Now, I want more." (Acrithis dialogue)
  70. Duviri citizen: "The king! The king! There goes our honoured king!" Bombastine also refers to the Drifter as "sire" despite being familiar with them. (The Duviri Paradox)
  71. Mathila: "I always swear I will not indulge in that horrid… wyrm behaviour… but I just get so very, very, very happy." (Mathila dialogue)
  72. Lodun: "Next time I'll stay in control. Keep out of Wyrm form. Dethrone the little bastard." (Lodun dialogue)
  73. Euleria Entrati: "Unfortunately, Mathila was convinced she knew what would make people happy better than they did." (Joy Spiral dialogue)
  74. As described in the Watcher's Island fragment of the Lost Islands of Duviri.
  75. Acrithis: "Two children and no memory of her husband. Poor Mathila. I wonder if sad memories can even exist in that happy mind?" (Acrithis dialogue)
  76. Brimon: "You, um, ever wonder why Mathila's so… happy…?" (Brimon dialogue)
  77. Mathila implies that they confide in each other: "You certainly make old Teshin happy. Perhaps one day he'll even tell you that himself." (Mathila dialogue)
  78. "[Mathila is excessively joyful because] she seeks to avoid reality." (Zariman quiz tablets)
  79. Lodun: "Another day, another insult to my dignity… my right! Return me to my rightful place OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!" (Anger Spiral dialogue)
  80. Lodun: "He treated his bloody kaithes better than he treated me, his own executioner!" (Anger Spiral dialogue)
  81. Lodun is the main Orowyrm faced in The Duviri Paradox, and was mentioned in the Caves of Academe fragment as well as Bombastine's TennoCon 2022 Amphitheatre showcase.
  82. Euleria Entrati: "Friends and family were scorched and retreated away from him, so his rage became like a stone in his chest, weighing him down." (Anger Spiral dialogue)
  83. Euleria Entrati: "In his heart, Lodun knew he was angry with his own powerlessness. And no amount of screaming could remedy that." (Anger Spiral dialogue)
  84. "[The Prince of Fire's fatal flaw was] he failed to master himself." (Zariman quiz tablets)
  85. The text on the tablet is actually identical to the text on Quinn's tablet, which shows a list of names of Zariman crewmembers in Orokin text. This may imply that Duviri citizens share the names of Zariman colonists, or it may simply be a case of recycled text.
  86. Euleria Entrati: "Bombastine was envious. Of what? Anything. Wherever his gaze fell, it seemed other people had it better." (Envy Spiral dialogue)
  87. Bombastine: "I am the Bombastine of the courtly stage… until that witch, Luscinia, took it from me!" (The Duviri Paradox)
  88. Bombastine: "That oaf bars my way every time I try to return to the Palace!" (Envy Spiral dialogue)
  89. Euleria Entrati: "With sweet words, he persuaded others to his side. But his thoughts were only ever of himself." (Envy Spiral dialogue)
  90. Bombastine: "Whoever controls the Undercroft grasps all of Duviri by the roots. I won't let its reputation stand in the way of claiming what's mine." (Envy Spiral dialogue)
  91. Acrithis: "He loved her, you know. Bombastine. Claims he didn't. But he cries and whispers her name when he thinks no one's listening." (Acrithis dialogue)
  92. Bombastine: "I want EVERYTHING. Every coin, every thread, every blade of grass. The Tamms in the field! Yes. Yes! Steal them for me!" (Envy Spiral dialogue)
  93. Teshin: "If you coveted anything in this world, Drifter, I would hope you had the courage to go and win it for yourself." (Teshin dialogue)
  94. "[Bombastine is the most dangerous Courtier because] envy of another's station undermines the Empire." (Zariman quiz tablets)
  95. Euleria Entrati: "Sorrow had made Luscinia compassionate. She could not give pain without feeling it." (Sorrow Spiral dialogue)
  96. Bombastine: "It's not fair! The things I did were supposed to break her, not make her his favourite! I was meant to be the one who was loved!" (Envy Spiral dialogue)
  97. Luscinia: "Bombastine envies me. The King's Favourite. He wishes we could trade places. So do I." (Luscinia dialogue)
  98. Luscinia: "In my time as the King's captive songbird there have been many jailers… many tormentors." (Sorrow Spiral dialogue)
  99. Euleria Entrati: "Perhaps Luscinia's misery would end if she inflicted suffering upon others? Others who deserved it?" (Sorrow Spiral dialogue)
  100. Luscinia: "Duviri pretends it never happened, but the Undercroft remembers. The tragedy… the Zariman." (Sorrow Spiral dialogue)
  101. Luscinia: "Acrithis tells me the Void is emotion's keeper." (Sorrow Spiral dialogue)
  102. Luscinia: "I was created to be Sorrow. Written into being. To serve as a lesson. Can that change?" (Luscinia dialogue)
  103. "Sorrow is to be endured, not indulged." (Zariman quiz tablets)
  104. Euleria Entrati: "Afraid to go outside and afraid to be shut in, Sythel lived a timorous life. Usually, she was too scared to act… but not always." (Fear Spiral dialogue)
  105. Sythel: "I ordered a man executed. I, I, I was sure he was conspiring against me." (Fear Spiral dialogue)
  106. Sythel: "You! You were never on my side to start with, were you? All along you've been plotting with them… siding with them… preparing to betray me! IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO BE AFRAID!" (Fear Spiral dialogue)
  107. Euleria Entrati: "Her brutal actions had consequences. Like a deadly pestilence, Sythel's fear spread across Duviri." (Fear Spiral dialogue)
  108. Sythel: "I feel sick. The King suspects. I'm sure of it. He's going to send an assassin after me. Any moment now." (Fear Spiral dialogue)
  109. Sythel: "The first scholar looked into the Void and he feared it. And his fear took shape. Do you understand? That's how all this started!" (Sythel dialogue)
  110. Sythel: "There's something wrong in the Undercroft. I can't go down there. Not after what I saw that time." She additionally says that the Undercroft is "too close to the Void. To… to HIM." (Fear Spiral dialogue)
  111. Adrian Bott: "all the key Duviri characters are the avatars of emotions, not just the courtiers." (Tweet)
  112. Acrithis: "I believe I know who you are. Better, perhaps, than you do." (The Duviri Paradox)
  113. Koral: "I wonder what father would have had to say about you, Outlaw. Mother looks upon you kindly… and father was always contrary… so perhaps it is better you never did meet." (Koral dialogue)
  114. Barris: "Being a shepherd is so… dumb. I'm no good at this. Why do I have to do this dumb job anyway?" (Barris dialogue)
  115. The Warden: "The fool sought oblivion. As if I could not pursue him wherever he went!" (Warden dialogue)
  116. The Warden: "The Archimedian Ainikki, your… 'mother'… lived […] you – laughably – managed to kill the very woman you came to rescue." (The Seven Crimes of Kullervo)
  117. The Warden: "I am your guilt. The form and voice of your greatest persecutor." (Warden dialogue)
  118. Acrithis: "That Warden is a repugnant, self-righteous man, speaking as though he too came from beyond the Zariman, but deep down both he and I are well aware he is of Duviri. Of the Void. We know our own." (Acrithis dialogue)
  119. Acrithis: "When Kullervo escapes, no one seems to be safe, save the children." (Acrithis dialogue)
  120. The Warden: "Again and again, Kullervo revealed the slaughter-drunk beast he was. Again and again, I locked him away." (Warden dialogue)
  121. Luscinia: "The hollow ones mock my pain. Find out whether their hearts can be broken." (Sorrow Spiral dialogue)
  122. Bombastine: "In Duviri, our Dax are not flawed, mortal flesh and blood. They are legends given form. A pure ideal, smithed into shape by our King's will." (TennoCon 2022 Amphitheatre showcase)
  123. Dax Gladius: "Our steel serves the King." (Dax Gladius dialogue)
  124. Mathila: "I know, I know, the Dax are bullies and the weather is apocalyptic." (Mathila dialogue)
  125. Teshin: "This should at least give you a fighting chance against his false Dax." (The Duviri Paradox)
  126. Acrithis: "…in the Dax barracks, as the veiled Yaskutai would pour bowl after bowl of wine…" (Lost Islands of Duviri)
  127. Bombastine: "This fellow, for instance. Strong. Fast. He even has Void powers." (Envy Spiral dialogue)
  128. Sythel: "Oh, Thrax brought monsters to life to defend his Kingdom." (Fear Spiral dialogue)
  129. Luscinia: "Centurions and Legates. A child's idea of strength." (Sorrow Spiral dialogue)
  130. Quinn: "These half-made manifestations mirror them… but a different them." (Angels of the Zariman)
  131. Sythel: "I can't bear the sight of those things. Thrax's favoured. Like something out of a vapour vision." (Fear Spiral dialogue)
  132. Luscinia: "How many times did I dream of escape, only for one of those hulking brutes to bar my path?" (Sorrow Spiral dialogue)
  133. Lodun: "I TOLD the Imp these Void-sodden travesties were a STUPID idea. 'But they're so strong, Lodun!'" (Anger Spiral dialogue)
  134. Namely, on board the Zariman as well as the Yuvarium and Circulus on Lua.
  135. Bombastine: "The spirits of the greedy dead rise, wanting me to return what is obviously mine!" (Envy Spiral dialogue)
  136. Lodun: "That gormless CHILD in the Palace is letting his night-terrors run free." (Anger Spiral dialogue)
  137. Dominus Thrax: "I should allow you to dispatch vermin more often." (Dominus Thrax dialogue)
  138. The description of the Fabled Gene-Masking Kit confirms that the unique animals are part of the original storybook: "Euleria Entrati commissioned this unique kubrow DNA segment to manifest a creature from the storybook, Tales of Duviri."
  139. The breed customisation options are Histornam, Aetigo, and Psyacus.
  140. "The Dyrncaul Chamfron's curved horns are reminiscent of the Tamm, a creature whose happiness is said to bring good fortune." (Kaithe customisation descriptions)
  141. "Krubies are fiercely loyal. They do not hesitate to risk their own safety for the good of their pack." (Update 33 patch notes)
  142. Barris: "Are they trying to get themselves eaten by Krubies?" (Barris dialogue)
  143. "Kexats hunt Paragrimms and Rablits and love to be pampered." (Update 33 patch notes)
  144. Sythel: "That kaithe might be mad. Void-struck. Dangerous." (Fear Spiral dialogue)
  145. "As you traverse through Duviri you may encounter creatures that have been doused in Void corruption and are easily agitated if you stray into their gaze." (Update 33 patch notes)
  146. Golden Maws can be encountered during The War Within.
  147. Acrithis: "We could not know that down on the lake bed, a portal to the Undercroft had formed. Predatory creatures writhed in. They were golden, slender, with massive fanged bivalve maws. And they were ravenous." (Lost Islands of Duviri)
  148. Acrithis: "They devoured the rainbow eels, and then they devoured each other until only a handful were left." (Lost Islands of Duviri)
  149. "Nobody knows where they've come from, but supposedly they've been spotted near places of extreme emotion." (Update 33.5 patch notes)
  150. During Joy, the Vagabond appears in a cave beneath Thrax Gardens. During Anger, he appears at the top of Thrax's Palace. During Envy, he appears at the tomb of Albrecht Entrati. During Sorrow, he appears above the cave entrance at the pond near Moirai Crossing. During Fear, he appears behind Sythel's house.
  151. Acrithis: "The Calaventi were proud. They considered themselves reflections of the 'true' Orokin…" (Lost Islands of Duviri)
  152. Fergin (as told by Pip): "Komi is for true Orokin! Shawzin's nothing but a Dax toy!" (Duviri citizen dialogue)
  153. Acrithis: "They learned of the Seven Principles, the geometries, the primords, the harmonics and resonances, the sacred stories, and most importantly, the unquestionable benignity of Dominus Thrax." (Lost Islands of Duviri)
  154. Sweeper: "Don't these idiots know the Dax might inspect us at any moment?" (Duviri citizen dialogue)
  155. "Duviri citizens are expected to keep clean at all times, in case Thrax's gaze should fall upon them." (Duviri Hand Spa decoration description)
  156. Teshin: "You have angered Thrax, and because he is a creature of emotion, his world follows." (The Duviri Paradox)
  157. Cheerful citizen: "Let's not waste the day His Majesty gave us!" (Duviri citizen dialogue)
  158. Girl (singing): "Even when you can't afford your tax…" (Duviri citizen dialogue)
  159. Acrithis notes in the Lost Islands fragments that the Calaventi paid tribute in wine, while the farmers of Cornucopia paid tribute in produce.
  160. Both Luscinia and Dominus Thrax reference coin, indicating an official currency, though it has not been seen.
  161. Luscinia: "The Dax are guarding their pay chests. Blood money, every coin of it." (Sorrow Spiral dialogue)
  162. The songs played on Duviri's shawzins are: Dax's March, The Day the Earth Bled, Elegy of the Dolls, Galleria Delights, Lorn Echoes, Passing Days, Sky Ever Changing, Spirits of Manipura, There Came a Stranger, Verdant Plains, Verula Sings, and Watcher's Eye.
  163. Lodun: "While I deal with whichever of the Imp's INCOMPETENT ministers set this travesty up, YOU can take it back down again." (Anger Spiral dialogue)
  164. Mathila: "I think some simple little challenges will perk you right up. Ouu, why not have a go at this Royal Maze?" (Joy Spiral dialogue)
    Bombastine: "I can hear them now. Little children laughing at me because they could solve the maze and I couldn't. I won't have it. Solve the wretched thing!" (Envy Spiral dialogue)
  165. Luscinia: "Secrets are lost in mazes like this. Sometimes souls are, too." (Sorrow Spiral dialogue)
    Sythel: "One day I might be locked up in one of those mazes. Then you'll have to get me out." (Fear Spiral dialogue)
  166. Pensive citizen: "I'm going to take off this mask! No. I'm not." (Duviri citizen dialogue)
  167. Acrithis: "They were classical in their features, masked in due propriety…" (Lost Islands of Duviri)
  168. In the Archarbor, on Zariman quiz tablets, and in the Tales of Duviri book itself which is commonplace throughout the kingdom.
  169. During the introductory cutscene to The Duviri Paradox, where the mask is worn, as well as Void mirror anecdotes during Spirals, when the mask is rewarded.
  170. Bombastine: "I'll take your face and make it my new mask!" (Orowyrm fight dialogue)
  171. Acrithis: "Lorn was notable for its curious shrines, many of which were dismantled and their component stones taken from the island by royal order." (Lost Islands of Duviri)
  172. "Yimi. Heeded not the warnings of the Lorn shrines. Haunted to her death." (gravestone epitaph at Titan's Rest)
  173. Bombastine: "I've often wondered what power the Otherworld spirits could offer a man like me. Nothing ventured, nothing gained… rebuild one of the lost shrines and let's see what happens." (Envy Spiral dialogue)
  174. Dominus Thrax: "I declared the Shrines forbidden because I know better than you do. Do not test me." (Dominus Thrax dialogue)
  175. Luscinia: "The monuments to the lost now lie in ruins. If you could reassemble one, just one… it might make a difference." (Sorrow Spiral dialogue)
  176. Lodun: "If I have to summon the ghosts of the past to back up my claim to the throne, I WILL! All YOU need to do is put the shrine back together." (Anger Spiral dialogue)
  177. This alphabet can be seen on the street signs and on the tombstones at Titan's Rest.


  1. Added a general update to include new information from The Seven Crimes of Kullervo.

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