Discussion: Zariman 10-0
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The Zariman 10-0 colony ship was one of the grandest projects of the Orokin, and one of the most ambitious ventures humanity has ever undertaken. However, it failed catastrophically, and the ramifications of its disaster would eventually undo the Orokin Empire itself. Although the Tenno, the only survivors of that ill-fated voyage, still bear the scars of what happened, it is ancient history for most others, lost to myth and legend. But now, the Zariman has mysteriously appeared back in the Origin System, heralding a tide of strange and arcane phenomena. Its sudden emergence has caused many to ask: what was the Zariman? What happened on board? And why has it now returned?
The Zariman Project
In the wake of Albrecht Entrati's exploration of the Void1, interstellar travel was, for the first time, an attainable goal – though not an accomplished one. Much work would still need to be done in order to realise such a feat. The visionaries among the Orokin, Albrecht himself among them, had always known that humanity would some day need to spread to other star systems in order to survive2, but at some point the need became much more urgent. Resources became scarce across the System3, possibly due to the Orokin's greed or overpopulation, and expansion was increasingly seen as a necessity.
The Zariman Project is perhaps the most well known of the "countless"4 solutions that were proposed. A massive colony ship, the Zariman 10-0, was constructed at Earth5, and billions of citizens applied to be part of the colonisation effort, of which only a small fraction were chosen6. The ship was celebrated with multiple parades, to show off the glory of the Orokin's achievement7. The Zariman was outfitted with a Reliquary Drive, much larger than those seen in other ships such as Railjacks. A team of specialists, led by Archimedian Yonta, was assigned to operate and maintain the Reliquary, and they were to use it to jump to the neighbouring Tau System (possibly creating a Solar Rail as they went; this is unclear8). Once arrived, the crew of the Zariman would explore the new solar system, using their complement of small Parallax-class interplanetary craft to scout out habitable environments and analyse resource deposits9, before establishing permanent colonies, thus spreading the Orokin Empire to the stars.
The Zariman did not carry any true Orokin10, but was outfitted with their best technology and amenities – except, notably, in regards to weaponry. The Orokin commanded that only ceremonial weapons were to be brought on board, some of which had symbolic meanings, such as the Felarx hunting shotgun signifying acceptance into elite society11, and the Innodem dagger serving as a reminder that the Orokin would always protect their subjects, no matter how far they travelled from Earth12. The Reliquary Drive chamber and the surrounding sectors were equipped with automated Armaments13, but these were defensive emplacements only, to protect their most sensitive technology. The Zariman was equipped with security guards14, Grineer labourers15, Lorist healers16, and a team of Archimedians17. It featured many parks and common areas, Lunaro courtyards, amphitheatres for musical and dramatic performances, and a great deal of monuments and statues. Large elevators facilitated transit between decks. Many accommodations were included for families, such as classrooms, teaching cephalons, and schoolyards. At least one child was known to have been born on board18. Agri-biomes19 provided a constant source of fresh food, and a med bay staffed by drones20 and medical professionals21 provided the finest of care. All told, it was equivalent to a full-fledged city, able to independently meet all its residents' needs.
Dormizones were assigned to individual crewmembers or to families22. These were essentially private apartments, with sleeping quarters and a complete kitchen. Crewmembers were encouraged to decorate and personalise their quarters to make them feel like home, and items were even supplied for this purpose (in particular, each colonist received a portrait of Albrecht Entrati, and other such items could be requested from the Supply Officer). Each Dormizone also had a large meditation room called a Vista Suite, which employed holographic backgrounds called Vistagraphs and ambient music called Audioscapes. Colonists were "required to use these facilities on regular, scheduled intervals to mitigate any physical or mental adverse effects of prolonged interstellar travel."
In fact, great care was taken to ensure the mental and emotional stability of the colonists on board, due to the inherent risks of Void travel23. Void energy was known to interact with strong emotion, producing paradoxical effects on space-time24 or even more exotic phenomena like conceptual embodiment25. Although the ship was shielded from direct Void exposure26, the crew were trained in advanced emotional regulation techniques27 in order to mitigate the chances of adverse effects. Even the children on board received these lessons, though they were adapted for their benefit: the fantasy storybook Tales of Duviri, written by Euleria Entrati, featured characters who represented various extremes of emotion, and was used as allegory for the more sophisticated concepts developed by the Orokin28.
Although the bulk of the journey was designed to be undertaken in a single jump29, the Zariman was very much designed to house the colonists for an extended period of time. Before the jump, the Zariman spent months or even years in the Origin System30, and the colonists were likely to remain on the ship for quite some time in Tau as well, while colony locations were being scouted and terraforming efforts were underway. Although far away from their Orokin masters, the colonists were still expected to adhere to the same laws and protocols31, and each crew member, including children, swore a pledge to "uphold the sanctity of the thousand legems evermore"32. Executor Tuvul, the Orokin patron of the endeavour, received regular updates33 on ship conditions during the long period prior to the final Void jump, and there were some on board responsible for enforcing the will of the Seven, most notably Quinn, the Liaison to the Expeditionary Command34. The Zariman was equipped with devices for glassing35 as well as the Jade Light36, in order to administer these most well-known of Orokin judgements.
A long voyage
As noted previously, the colonists spent months or possibly years in the Origin System before attempting the jump to Tau. The exact purpose of this delay is unclear. It may have been an acclimatisation period, to ensure that the colonists could remain civil in an enclosed, self-sufficient space for such a long period of time. It may have been to complete necessary work on the Reliquary Drive – it is known that Archimedian Yonta and her team were working on it up until the final jump, refining their calculations and testing the Drive's reactions37. It is clear that, at least in the colonists' eyes, the Zariman could be safely recalled back to the Empire proper if a critical issue were to manifest, and so having the ship remain within the bounds of the Origin System would ensure that assistance was always nearby.
During this time, the Zariman crew became a cohesive society. Cultural rituals like the "We shall not fear to take the leap" mantra were established38. Deep interpersonal bonds were formed between colonists who were presumably strangers before boarding the Zariman39. Harvest festivals were held in the agri-biomes40. Executor Tuvul issued regular broadcasts to the ship, extolling the colonists' bravery and hard work41. A common feeling of hope and purpose took root42.
However, as the ship prepared to make its final jump to Tau, attitudes began to shift. Archimedian Yonta and her team had been working on the Reliquary Drive, but all on board were aware that such a massive Void jump had never before been attempted, let alone executed successfully43. The colonists became uneasy. Executor Tuvul attempted to reassure them, averring that the Zariman crew would be safe44, but when this proved ineffective, he began to reprimand them for their fear45. Small acts of civil disobedience took place all over the ship46, as well as organised protests47, prompting Tuvul to threaten the colonists with asphyxiation48, or retribution against their loved ones back home49. When threats did not work, Tuvul commanded that meals be restricted to once per day, as punishment50.
One of the Zariman crew, Hombask, took it upon herself to sabotage the agri-biomes. She vented them to space51, killing all the crops and destroying the Zariman's self-sufficiency. Without the ability to grow food, the Zariman would undoubtedly be forced to turn back. Some celebrated their imminent salvation52. But the Orokin would not allow it. They commanded that the ship continue her voyage, regardless of the cost. Hombask's act of defiance had accomplished nothing, and soon the lack of food began to affect the most vulnerable and least at fault: the children.
The agri-biome sabotage was a turning point. It was a demonstration that people were no longer merely agitated; they were desperate, and willing to take drastic actions. Quinn was quick to recognise this, and ordered the dissenters rounded up. The head of security, Cavalero, took the initiative, and his forces went about it with a heavy hand53. The "ringleaders" of the protests were "made an example", likely executed or worse. Hombask seems to have eluded blame at this stage, despite some among the crew having their suspicions54. In the aftermath of the arrests, Cavalero put the security guards on double shifts55.
Executor Tuvul appears to have written off the entire Zariman Project at this point. He was infuriated that the colonists (or at least a large portion of them) were not calmed by his words nor swayed by his threats56. His final broadcasts to the ship indicated that the Orokin would have nothing more to do with them57. The preparations for the Void jump, however, were not halted. The Zariman leadership may have taken it upon themselves to complete the voyage without the Orokin's support, or perhaps it was Tuvul's final command, assuming that consigning the ship to probable oblivion would be easier or more satisfying than destroying it outright. For one reason or another, the Zariman took up position near Saturn and began the final preparations for the extrasolar jump.
There is evidence that the stress on the Reliquary Drive was seeping out and manifesting amongst the passengers: there was a "sudden and dramatic spike in violent incidents"58, with some individuals displaying psychotic behaviour and attacking those around them, even family members. Archimedian Yonta reported seeing doppelgängers of herself in the Reliquary Chamber59 – clear evidence of the Man in the Wall's presence. Combined with the existing social tensions, these incidents only served to further fray the nerves of those on board.
The Void-jump incident
Finally, the fateful jump was initiated. The captain announced it as yet another test of the Drive60. This may have been a deception in order to forestall violence from the civilian population, or it might have been genuine, with the jump itself being an unfortunate accident. A later incident report claims that the jump was intended to translate the ship to the Outer Terminus at Pluto61, but this may have been deliberate misinformation. Whatever the reason, the Zariman 10-0 jumped into the Void… and did not jump out.
It was abundantly clear that this was no standard jump. The Zariman was trapped, stuck on the threshold between one world and the next. Arcane energies streamed into the ship from hull breaches62, winding their way through the corridors and decks. Many of the adult members of the crew went fully insane63, including – seemingly without exception – the parents of all children on board. They were homicidal, fighting and killing others in their path, yet seemed especially drawn to hunt and murder their own children64. Most of the children, having been in class during the Void jump65, were able to escape immediate death, and barricaded themselves in their classrooms.
The children stayed quiet to avoid detection, but comforted each other in their traumatic situation, even to the point of "singing and laughter and play"66. Eventually, the parents found their intended prey and attempted to force their way inside67. Not all the Zariman adults had gone insane, however: Hombask and Cavalero, each with a measure of guilt for how events unfolded, tried to draw the adults away. Hombask was torn to pieces by the feral mob68, and when they fell upon Cavalero, he detonated the explosives he was carrying, taking out a number of his attackers along with himself69. But it was not enough70, and the remaining parents returned to tear at the barricades. In this critical moment, the Void entity known as the Man in the Wall appeared to one individual child, taking on the form, as always, of the other. The sinister doppelgänger offered the opportunity to save all the children from the violent fate that awaited them, but apparently did not elaborate further71. The Zariman child, after brief consideration, shook the outstretched hand, accepting the deal.
The particulars of the deal are difficult to know for certain, but it seems that all possible futures and alternate selves of the child, as posited by Eternalism, were collapsed by the Man in the Wall into only two, with the other selves either dying or being otherwise erased from existence72. The theory of Eternalism states that all possible versions of reality can be accessed through the Void73, but the elimination of the other futures meant that, for the child in question, only one other self remains. This other self, known as the Drifter, was assigned to another version of reality, and ultimately ended up in the Void-borne realm of Duviri74. Duviri and the Drifter are covered in more detail in another Discussion, but most of the Zariman's story is told from the perspective of the primary self who made the deal, known in this context as the Operator. The full ramifications of the deal are still being uncovered to this day, and to an extent are outside the scope of this discussion.
The immediate consequence of the Operator's deal with the Man in the Wall is that all the surviving Zariman children were suffused with the energy of the Void, able to call forth tremendous destructive power75. When the barricades finally fell, the children were more than a match for the adults who hunted them – though the conflict was by no means quick, based on the available details. Some groups of children sought refuge deeper within the ship, despite their terrible abilities76. Some tried to corral and imprison the feral adults, seeking to avoid unnecessary bloodshed77. But some children fully embraced their dire situation, and sought to eliminate all remaining threats on board – regardless of who they once were78. This process was not without innocent casualties; Quinn, for one, was killed by children who wrongly perceived him as a threat79. Additionally, at least one of the Zariman children was ostracised by the others for his odd behaviour. Rell, an autistic student, was denied safe sanctuary with the other children, on the suspicion that his neurodivergence was a manifestation of the Void's influence80. He was left to battle the dangers of the Zariman, both mortal and arcane, alone.
What happened next, and for how long, is not known. It is implied that all remaining adults went insane over time81, and ultimately they all died82, likely at the hands of the children – though some, like Archimedian Yonta, committed suicide83 rather than linger in madness. In the end, all that were left were the children, alone, drifting in the dark, confronting the horrors of the Void and the horror of what they had become.
Recovery and aftermath
Many years after the incident, in the midst of the Old War84, the Zariman reappeared abruptly in real-space85. The baffled Orokin authorities recovered the ship and its inhabitants. The children were taken and studied. They had yet to master their abilities, and inadvertently injured some of their rescuers, including Kaleen86 and Archimedian Margulis87. Margulis tried to help the children heal from their trauma88, while the Orokin wanted them locked away or even destroyed89. Putting the children into a dream-like stasis managed to achieve both goals90, but later, in wartime desperation, they would ultimately be turned into the Tenno, the Orokin's most fearsome weapon and most enduring legacy. But the story of the Tenno is left for another time, and is further detailed in the Orokin Timeline discussion.
The fate of the Zariman 10-0 itself is difficult to ascertain. The Lotus remarked that all official records of the ship and its voyage were deliberately eradicated by the Orokin91, and this is implied to include the destruction of the ship itself. Certainly it does not appear in any record after this point. Yet, millennia later, long after the fall of the Orokin, after the reborn Sentient invasion and the establishment of the empire of Narmer, the Drifter would reappear in the Origin System92. This harbinger of a different reality was soon followed by the Zariman itself, which had emerged from the fold and now sat perched on the divide between reality and the Void.
How the Zariman came to return to the Origin System intact is a mystery yet to be deciphered. Possibly the Void's grasp on the ship was never fully relinquished, and it slipped back into unreality from a Lua dock, which the Orokin then covered up with reports of demolition. Perhaps the Orokin knowingly relegated the ship to the Void in lieu of destruction, where it languished for an age. It is even possible that the ship, having been destroyed, was formed anew within the Void out of the memory of the souls who had died there, through conceptual embodiment; this is similar to how the Holdfasts came into existence, as will be discussed below. The true nature of this reemergent Zariman is not yet known, nor are other facets of the Drifter's sudden appearance in the Origin System. On board the ship, the Operator and Drifter met face to face, discussing the paradox of their concurrent existence, before one of them returned to the Origin System, with the other either joining the other reality, or unifying both selves into one again – this is unclear. The version of the Tenno who returned to the Origin System then played a key role in defeating Ballas and shattering Narmer, and the Zariman apparently disappeared.
However, it still existed within the Void. It would eventually be revealed that most if not all of its crew had been recreated by the Void some time ago93, immortal memory-ghosts given form and flesh, yet still susceptible to the Void's influence. A constant tug on their souls would urge them to shed their human form and embrace the Void's energy, and over an unknowable duration most of them had succumbed, transforming into strange and terrible entities known as Void Angels94. Eventually, only five crew members managed to hold fast to their humanity: Quinn, Yonta, Cavalero, Hombask, and another, named Kira.
Shortly after the Operator and Drifter reunited on the Zariman, Kira attempted to salvage data from the ship's computers and archives, which were on the verge of total corruption95. She worked to establish a bridge or tunnel through the Albrecht Membrane that separated the Void from real-space, to facilitate communication with the Tenno and enlist their help decrypting the Zariman files96. However, the memories that were unearthed in the Zariman data archives affected Kira greatly, weakening her resolve and transforming her into a Void Angel97. The Zariman subsequently appeared again on the outskirts of the Origin System, seemingly for good this time. The Zariman's sudden emergence may have been triggered by Kira's meddling with the Albrecht Membrane, or may have been a delayed result of the Man in the Wall's actions during Ballas' death98.
When the Zariman returned for the final time, it appeared partially immersed in both reality and the Void, embedded in the Membrane between. It emitted a keening, otherworldly song that could be heard throughout the entire System99, drawing Grineer, Corpus, and Tenno alike to investigate. Elite Grineer troops from the Kuva Fortress, sent by the Worm Queen herself, reached the ship first. Seeking kuva, they breached the Reliquary chamber and attempted to restart the Drive100. Void contamination and spectral manifestations flooded the ship, threatening to overwhelm the remaining four Holdfasts and destabilise the Zariman, with dire consequences for the rest of the Origin System. The Tenno arrived shortly thereafter, and worked with the Holdfasts to purge the corruption, heal the Membrane, fight off the intruders, and destroy Kira's Angel form, as she had begun to attack the Reliquary Drive directly. These efforts quieted the Void's song101 and reinforced the Holdfasts102, who committed with the Tenno to secure and protect the Zariman.
The Tenno began to run missions, assigned by Quinn, to strengthen the Holdfasts' position and help them reclaim sectors of their ship that had fallen to the Angels or corruption. These efforts continue to this day. Along the way, they gathered Voidplumes shed by the Angels, which contained memories that the Holdfasts had lost103. As the Tenno grew in trust and friendship with the Zariman crew, they were able to use the Voidplumes to restore that which the Void had taken.
The Zariman straddles the divide not just between the physical world and the Void, but also between two versions of reality. Within the Drifter's Void prison of Duviri, the Zariman hangs in the sky like a perpetual crescent moon, and appears to serve as the bridge through which the Drifter can access the Operator's reality. Within the Operator's Origin System, the Zariman is situated in the outer solar system, sealing a breach in the Albrecht membrane between worlds, holding back a tide of Void storms that could sweep over the System104. This liminal position makes it a critical staging point for whatever comes next. Quinn had made it clear to the Tenno that something had awoken105, some ancient balance had shifted106, and events were being put in motion that would dictate the fate of reality and unreality alike. The Holdfasts have sworn to stand with the Tenno when the time comes to face the beyond107.
But until that time comes, all we can do is study, analyse, and wait.
Appendix: Crew Manifest
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- As told in his Vitruvian entries underneath the Necralisk.
- Albrecht Entrati: "immortal as we are – we die with the Sun." (Xata)
- In the Detron Crewman Synthesis entry, Archimedian Perintol says "They already suffer in this growing wasteland." An unknown Executor also says "The empire is already at risk". In a later broadcast to the Zariman, Executor Tuvul says "The future of the Origin System is… uncertain. Some think it is destined to burn." He says the Zariman Project will help them "outgrow this crowded nest".
- Executor Tuvul: "Countless other ventures have failed The Plan" (Detron Crewman Synthesis entry)
- Brack's extrasolar message found during the Zariman ARG can be interpreted as saying that the Zariman was launched from Earth.
- "You and <REDACTED> other citizens were evaluated against billions of qualified applicants, and determined to be the best candidates to pioneer the future of the Orokin Empire." (Zariman 10-0 welcome letter, Zariman ARG)
- "The purpose of the Zariman Parades [is] to instil awe in those not chosen to participate" (Zariman quiz tablets)
- Executor Tuvul speaks to the Zariman colonists of an "extrasolar Rail" for "citizens who follow after you". Railjack technology may involve the creation of a new Solar Rail, according to developer comments during the TennoCon 2017 Art Panel.
- "The Parallax was designed for Zariman interplanetary research. It can deploy the advanced Orokin Eye air support, which would have allowed colonisers to study areas rich in rare resources before landing." (Parallax Landing Craft description)
- Executor Tuvul's statement that "We are deathless, above you citizens as the mountain is above the ant, and yet we envy you" implies that no "deathless" Orokin was on board.
- "The Felarx invokes ancient times when aristocrats hunted game. For ceremonies, Orokin elites bred creatures reminiscent of game birds to reanimate cultural myths. They gave the Zariman crew Felarx and a brace of birds as a sign of acceptance into elite society." (Felarx Codex description)
- "In the early Orokin Empire, elites wore Innodem as a symbolic reminder to defend the defenceless. The tradition fell out of style, but nostalgic elites sometimes acknowledged the sentiment in the form of a gift." (Innodem Codex description)
- Cavalero: "The Orokin only wanted ceremonial weapons on the Zariman, but for something as important as the Reliquary Drive, they built in two little security guarantees: auto-fabricating Armaments and Exodampers." (Angels of the Zariman)
- A few of the messages uncovered during the Zariman ARG are from security guards, and The Husband who created the audio logs also worked as security. Cavalero appears to be the head of security, but this is not confirmed.
- One of Cavalero's messages found during the Zariman ARG mentions Grineer: "we shouldn't leave them out so any grubber or slack-jawed Grineer can reach them." Note that prior to the Old War, Grineer were strictly labourers, not soldiers, a fact that Cavalero later remarks upon.
- One of the Zariman quiz tablets mentions the Lorists: "Call the Lorists, then immolate yourself at a thermo-cubicle". This is an incorrect answer, but it demonstrates that they were on board.
- The Zariman Captain elevator announcement for Halako Perimeter mentions multiple Archimedians.
- Rella: "Ecstatic parents Rella and Dohan are overjoyed to announce the birth of their daughter, Clarra" (Zariman ARG)
- Agri-biomes are mentioned in the The War Within, the Zariman ARG, the Angels of the Zariman quest, Hombask's dialogue, and the Zariman Captain elevator announcements.
- <REDACTED>: "By the time the medical drones arrived, Dybar H.4 had died. His body was also taken to the medical bay for examination." (Zariman ARG)
- Rella: "An extra special thank you to the wonderful attendants (organic and otherwise) in the Zariman med-bay." (Zariman ARG)
- This paragraph pulls directly from the the Zariman 10-0 welcome letter seen during the Zariman ARG.
- "[Void travel is safe] so long as we control our emotions" (Zariman quiz tablets)
- "Excess time in the Void can result in temporal distortions, psychological distress" (Zariman quiz tablets)
- Archimedian Yonta: "When consciousness and Void come together, it makes a thing." (Angels of the Zariman)
- "Your first priority if you are exposed to the Void [is to] request the duty cephalon to seal off your environs" (Zariman quiz tablets)
- Examples can be found within the Archarbor's Enigma chamber: "Memory is meaning. Train yourself to replay your experiences in your mind, as if you were attuned to an Ayatan framework. You will soon find that you are able to disengage the experience from its emotional context. Even in the case of intense, troubling emotions, familiarity can bring habituation, and thus objectivity."
- "Tales of Duviri is tools for emotional regulation in the event of Void exposure" (Zariman quiz tablets)
- Archimedian Yonta: "Not a safe, controlled sequence of bursts, but a single mad leap." (Holdfasts rank-up dialogue)
- Quinn reminisces about the "first harvest festival", possibly implying that there were multiple (Angels of the Zariman). Cephalon Melica references a new semester starting; semesters are typically half a year (Cephalon Melica dialogue). Many Zariman colonists appear to have close bonds and friendships with each other (Axia's daughter calling Hombask "auntie", per the Zariman ARG), while they presumably boarded the Zariman as strangers.
- Zariman Captain: "Welcome to Tuvul Commons. Mastery of protocol is expected." (Zariman Captain elevator announcements)
- The pledge is heard in a flashback during The New War, during a scene where schoolchildren are prompted to recite it.
- Executor Tuvul: "We can see you, citizens. That is our burden. Our constant duty. We deserve to see your gratitude." (Executor Tuvul broadcast logs)
- Cavalero: "I had my orders. YOUR orders. You may not have been Orokin, you pious bastard, but you were damn close. Liaison to the Expeditionary Command! Bearer of the Crystal Index!" (Holdfasts rank-up dialogue)
- Quinn: "My tablet. A swipe of my finger across a name… and the ship gained a new cephalon." (Holdfasts rank-up dialogue)
- Archimedian Yonta: "I awarded myself the Jade Light." (Holdfasts rank-up dialogue)
- The Husband: "I know how much you look up to Archimedian Yonta. What I'm trying to say is: I'm sorry. I'm sorry I said that Yonta and your team were going to get us all killed. It's just that things have been intense lately, and I'm still not convinced that Yonta isn't insane." (Zariman ARG)
- The mantra shows up in the Zariman ARG, and during the Angels of the Zariman quest, both Quinn and the Operator/Drifter know it from memory. Strangely, Kira seems not to recognise it when it shows up in the ARG.
- Axia: "Families, Hombask. MY family. Chera calls you auntie!" (Zariman ARG)
- Quinn: "Remember that first harvest festival? Children laughing in the agro biomes?" (Angels of the Zariman)
- Executor Tuvul: "Those citizens who follow after you, secure in the comfort of an extrasolar Rail, will wish they had shared in your hardship. How reverently they will speak of those who blazed the trail! How prized your simple genetic stock will be!" (Executor Tuvul broadcast logs)
- Quinn: "This ship stood for something, once […] to the ordinary families, she meant hope. Earth was ruined, Mars arid, Lua fractured… Tau would have been a chance to begin again." (Angels of the Zariman)
- Archimedian Yonta: "They all knew a big jump was coming. Not a safe, controlled sequence of bursts, but a single mad leap." (Holdfasts rank-up dialogue)
- Executor Tuvul: "We do not gamble with the lives of our beloved citizens. The jump will be over in a mere moment. Within this mighty metal heart, all of you are as safe as babes in arms." (Executor Tuvul broadcast logs)
- Executor Tuvul: "Whispers are the currency of the petty mind. Citizens who walk upright have no time for them. Root out treachery as you would root out a malignancy in your child." (Executor Tuvul broadcast logs)
- Hombask: "So the people found a thousand ways to say no." (Holdfasts rank-up dialogue)
- Cavalero: "Tensions are already high and I'm hearing word of organised protests." (Zariman ARG)
- Executor Tuvul: "Remember, citizens. The air you breathe aboard the Zariman is not free. It is a luxury you are permitted to indulge in, and like any privilege, it can be revoked." (Executor Tuvul broadcast logs)
- Executor Tuvul: "We have your names; our loyal servants stand ready to punish your families at our word." (Executor Tuvul broadcast logs)
- Executor Tuvul: "Since you citizens cannot be brave […] you shall be punished. Food is hereby restricted to one meal per day." (Executor Tuvul broadcast logs)
- Hombask: "I opened the agri-biomes to space, y'know? Killed all the plants. Every last one. All withering death and frozen dust." (Hombask dialogue)
- Quinn: "I remember how everything changed when the agricultural biomes were hit."
Hombask: "And the people celebrated. Everyone thought we'd be going back home."
Quinn: "But it just made the Orokin more determined."
Hombask: "I thought I was saving us all, when I sabotaged the biomes. But then… the children began to starve." (Holdfasts rank-up dialogue) - Cavalero: "I rounded the dissenters up. Made an example of the ringleaders."
Quinn: "You went about it like you were herding animals."
Cavalero: "I had my orders. YOUR orders. You may not have been Orokin, you pious bastard, but you were damn close." (Holdfasts rank-up dialogue) - In messages uncovered in the Zariman ARG, Axia says, "Hombask, [t]ell me you had nothing to do with what happened in the biomes." Hombask is still alive and free to act later during the Void-jump incident, however.
- The Husband: "…ever since Cavalero's little show of force, we're on double shifts." (Zariman ARG)
- Executor Tuvul: "How dare you fear? What do you imagine you have to lose? You citizens are born to die; such is your lot!" (Executor Tuvul broadcast logs)
- Executor Tuvul: "Hear me, if you still can. Microscopic creatures live upon your skin, and yet you are oblivious to their existence. So it shall be with the Seven and yourselves. We wash our hands of you. The Zariman Project is no more." (Executor Tuvul broadcast logs)
- As noted in Incident Report V64K-5, found in the Zariman ARG.
- Archimedian Yonta: "I never liked to stay too long in the Reliquary Drive chamber, even when I was alive. I kept thinking I could see myself out the corner of my eye, grinning." (Archimedian Yonta dialogue)
- Zariman Captain: "This is Zariman actual. All decks, all stations, stand by for Reliquary field drill." (The New War)
- Kaleen: "The Zariman was lost making the fold from Saturn to the Outer Gates." (Ember Codex entry)
- The Rell webcomic shows hull breaches during the incident.
- Operator: "The whole ship went insane." (The War Within)
- In the Rell webcomic, Kay breaks off from the rest of her hunting party when she senses that her son Rell is nearby.
- As seen in the flashback during The New War.
- Elder Queen: "Fires rage on the lower decks. Blood shimmers in the fitful light. Hunting parties roam the ship. But there is singing and laughter and play… for all the children have come together. Their minds, somehow unbent. You wipe away your tears…" (The War Within) Some scenes of comfort are also seen during The New War.
- Elder Queen: "The grownups are howling at the door… drowning mad in the Void ocean, but you… you are at ease, swimming within the depths! You remember then how the howling stopped – they had broken through." (The War Within)
- Cavalero: "I watched the parents tear you to pieces, Hombask." (Holdfasts rank-up dialogue)
- Archimedian Yonta: "Then, when they threw themselves on you, you blew yourself up." (Holdfasts rank-up dialogue)
- Cavalero: "I thought loading myself with explosives and going out in a blaze of glory was the perfect way for a guy like me to go. But it didn't solve a damn thing." (Cavalero dialogue)
- Man in the Wall: "Time's up, kiddo. I can save them, all of them. But you have to want it. Let's say we shake on it." (The New War)
- This is a straightforward interpretation of the cutscene in The New War, and is backed up by Baro Ki'Teer's reports of a similar deal offered to him: "a dashing stranger presented me with the opportunity to refine all my selves into a single perfect individual."
- Euleria Entrati: "Versions of reality now exist in which each parent dies. Lintana is assigned to one of them, but the other is no less real and is theoretically accessible." (The New War)
- How the Drifter came to reside in Duviri is explained in The Duviri Paradox.
- Operator: "I felt guilty that I was alive, but we could do things, extraordinary things" (The Second Dream). Tenno children using Void powers, especially Void Beam, shortly after the incident is depicted in The War Within and the Rell webcomic, and described in the Ember Codex entry.
- The Rell webcomic depicts a group of children seeking refuge in a more secure part of the ship.
- Operator: "They had lost their minds. I didn't blame them. We built a makeshift prison." (The War Within)
- Operator: "They were nothing but animals by then. So I hunted." (The War Within)
- Archimedian Yonta: "Quinn… the children didn't understand he was a friend. They blasted him to ash." (Holdfasts rank-up dialogue)
- unknown Tenno: "He's not going in […] I remember him from classes. He's weird. Can't risk it." (Rell webcomic)
- The Husband did not immediately go insane or get killed, but describes progressing symptoms of insanity: "Already it envelops me. A warm breath in my ear, a half-whispered lullaby that turns into a chorus as the corpses that litter every filthy corner of this forsaken ship raise their voice in song." (Zariman ARG)
- Elder Queen: "No crew aboard, only the children… only the parricidal monsters they had become." (The War Within)
- Archimedian Yonta: "An honour I did not deserve. I awarded myself the Jade Light." (Holdfasts rank-up dialogue)
- Kullervo's Warden indicates that the proto-warframes (and thus the Old War) already existed when the Zariman returned: "Upon the arrival of the wretched Tenno, you struck."
- Lotus: "It was years before the ship was recovered. It was drifting dead in space, all her crew gone… except the children." (The Second Dream) The Ember Codex entry says it was days, but we consider this retconned by The Second Dream.
- Interrogator: "So you broke quarantine, and this happened to you." (Ember Codex entry)
- Operator: "We couldn't help it, the outbursts. We hurt her, blinded her, but even then, she never abandoned us." (The Second Dream)
- Margulis: "We could heal them. Maybe they’re meant to save us." (The Second Dream)
- Lotus: "But the Orokin were afraid of you. The Void had changed you, and you couldn't control it – no one could. They were about to destroy the orphans of Ten-Zero…" (The Second Dream)
- Margulis: "This will stop the voices from taking hold. You will have to dream, my angel…." (The Second Dream)
- Lotus: "When the Zariman was found adrift, the Orokin did everything they could to erase their mistakes. Transit recordings, personnel logs… everything was wiped out. The only thing they kept was… you." (The War Within)
- Nora Night: "Whoever's picked up the mantle the Tenno dropped, driftin' wild, poppin' masks and loosin' bonds, whoever you may be, we salute you. Drifter." (The New War)
- Quinn: "The Void creates. Death is merely a blank canvas." (Angels of the Zariman)
- Quinn: "That form is what awaits us, should we fail to hold fast. The others were all like us, once. But in time they all drank from that bleak Reliquary, and now they scream in chorus to the Void." (Angels of the Zariman)
- Kira: "I found a cache of encrypted data. Personnel files, message logs, and much more. Most of it is already gone, corrupted. We have to save what little is left. Please, I'm begging you. Help me back it up so it's safe." (Zariman ARG)
- Kira: "Okay I did some investigating. It looks like the tunnel I'm using to transmit these files to you is decaying – but it's happening on your end, not mine. I triple checked. I don't know if I can explain this in layperson's terms, but this bridge I've created mirrors the frequencies found in some of this Void Contamination. There's plenty on my end. Too much, if I'm being honest. But we need more on your end to stabilise the connection or we risk losing contact. We can't let that happen. Listen carefully: We need to ramp up the Void Contamination on your end. By a lot. If my calculations are correct, we'd need somewhere around 10.000.000 Void traces to do that." (Zariman ARG)
- Kira: "The Void took so much, but you've given me something back. As painful as it might be, at least I can… [Kira screams] I'm sorry. I tried. I really did. Please, just…." (Zariman ARG)
- After Ballas died in The New War, the Man in the Wall was seen to emerge from a Void portal in a form heretofore unseen, speaking Requiem words. He vanished abruptly, and it is not known what effects his appearance will have.
- Lotus: "The Zariman. There is no life aboard. And yet, all the System can hear it sing." (Angels of the Zariman)
- Quinn: "When the Grineer restarted the damaged Reliquary Drive, they unleashed a cascade of Void contamination. Void manifestations from beyond the Membrane." (Angels of the Zariman)
- Lotus: "Tenno? The song has… quieted. I am no longer reading Void distortion. What have you found on the Zariman?" (Angels of the Zariman)
- Quinn: "We changed. Oh, we drew power, but from a very different source. You have noticed it's not just the Reliquary that can work miracles with the Void, yes? I wonder… do you even know just how brightly you shine?" (Angels of the Zariman)
- Quinn: "We can remember much of what happened. But the time of the… accident… is clouded for us, like cryo fog. It is as if the Void had to erase in order to create. There's… material… the Angels secrete that functions like Aya. Yonta believes our lost memories are in there." (Quinn dialogue)
- Archimedian Yonta: "Something I wasn't sure existed has burst through the Albrecht Membrane, and right now the Zariman is plugging that hole. Pop her out, and we'd see Void Storms from here to Mercury. Which would be fascinating, if memorably horrible." (Archimedian Yonta dialogue)
- Quinn: "The Indifference has awoken, and all of the Void’s creations must find a light." (Holdfasts rank-up dialogue)
- Quinn: "There are debts other than ours still to be paid. This is a place where great and terrible bargains were struck." (Quinn dialogue)
- Quinn: "When the time comes to confront what waits beyond, we will stand with you just as you stood with us." (Quinn dialogue)
The only thing I would say is a little off would be in the section regard the Zariman’s first return to real space post-accident. While it might be that the context this adds is unnecessary, I would still say that the Orokin did not immediately attempt to weaponize the Tenno, doing so only after one their rejected Warframe prototypes broke containment and wandered into the facility where the children were previously stored. Before this moment the children were meant to be merely erased from public memory like the ship itself, but the discovery of transference changed that
I kept the discussion of the Tenno brief, because it gets covered in more detail in the Old War timeline discussion. But you’re right; it might be worth saying that the Orokin were not trying to use the children at first. I’ve updated the discussion a bit. Thanks for your comment!