Codex Entries

The Tenno Codex contains entries of many individuals, enemy types, and objects, some with significant lore contributions. The most prominent are listed here.
Warframes and weapons | Unique enemies | Enemy factions | Resources and items |
Excalibur (Prime) | (Shadow) Stalker | Tusk Grineer | Kuria |
Ember (Prime) | Grustrag Three | Terra Corpus | Kubrow |
Rhino Prime | Rathuum Executioners | Deimos Infested | Belric & Rania |
Mag Prime | Index Brokers | Ghouls | |
Vapos Corpus and Amalgams | |||
Juno Corpus | |||
Empyrean Grineer | |||
Empyrean Corpus | |||
Sentients | |||
Murmur |
[Navigation: Hub → Codex]