Vilcor (Father) Dialogue
Vilcor is the father of the Entrati family on Deimos, and serves as the weapons vendor in the Necralisk. Until the Tenno learns his name when reaching rank Acquaintance with the Entrati, he is known simply as Father.
Greeting the Tenno
(if the Tenno has just completed the Heart of Deimos quest) "We tried it her way, and where did it get us? Just look at me! So now I'm doing things my way, like I should have done all along. We'll show them, won't we? You and me. Make them sit up and pay attention. The weapons, they're just one branch of the project. You keep on like this, and I might cut you in on more of what I've really been working on. You know what I'm talking about. Had a taste of it already, din'cha?"
"[grunts] That shard of seriglass my wife clutches means more to her than the damn wedding ring. None of us could ever live up to her father, least of all me."
"Two giant wyrms, screaming at one another and raining down bloody chunks. Just another day on Deimos. [sigh] At least their viscera is useful for something."
"'Look, Daddy, I caught a fish! I am good for something!' Great. Try fighting off a full-grown Predasite with a fish."
"We needed to be firm, I said. Strong against the enemy inside and out. She drew her claw, said I was the only enemy here, and she… [short chuckle, sigh] Tenno. What do you need?"
"We needed those rituals. The discipline of it. Might have kept us from ending up like… this. She clawed me! My own daughter! And she laughed!"
"Look, they're all ignoring me. And that's just how I want it! They'd only mess things up. Alright, let's get to business."
"There's useful material all over the Drift, it isn't just a mass of senseless flesh. There's sophisticated organs in there too. Bring me anything good you find out in the field."
"Don't let the Infestation intimidate you. Get out there and shoot the hell out of it. Even the stuff that doesn't move. Chances are there's something worth taking from the debris."
(if the Tenno is rank Acquaintance or higher) "I can't undo what happened, but I can keep making progress here… maybe my children will see me differently."
(if the Tenno is rank Acquaintance or higher) "Kaelli and I have done a lot of talking. She was afraid she'd turn out like her mother. And she was right."
(if the Tenno is rank Acquaintance or higher) "Ha! Have you met my wife? I wish I hadn't. Ah, ok, forgive me. That was cheap."
(if the Tenno is rank Acquaintance or higher) "I said, 'He's gone. Put the shard away. Move on.' And she cut me with it, over and over. And I just stood there. I took it. Every slice. I had to. You understand."
(if the Tenno is rank Acquaintance or higher) "My wife was the only one with a plan. It was madness, but I went along anyway. It was the only plan we had."
(if the Tenno is rank Acquaintance or higher) "'Couldn't possibly have seen this coming.' That's what she'll say. Isn't it funny how all the rest of us saw it coming?"
(if the Tenno is rank Acquaintance or higher) "The boy brought his stinking beasts in here and mocked us all with them. Gave them names of honour! Whatever they were. Pets! They were vermin. I did what I had to."
(if the Tenno is rank Acquaintance or higher) "My son knew what he was doing. We all suffered because of his rashness. It was a fair punishment."
(if the Tenno is rank Acquaintance or higher) "I should have put my foot down. Drawn the line."
(if the Tenno is rank Acquaintance or higher) "Tenno. Good to see you."
(if the Tenno is rank Acquaintance or higher) "Need weapons? Of course you do; this is Deimos."
(if the Tenno is rank Acquaintance or higher) "I've been here a long time. I know what you need to survive this place."
(if the Tenno is rank Acquaintance or higher) "Let's see if we can do something for each other…."
(if the Tenno is rank Acquaintance or higher) "'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.' I think Ballas said that. No, that can't be right. Well, someone said it."
(if the Tenno has just reached rank Family, variant) "Tenno. Working with you – it's… it's meant a lot to me. Just having someone who respects my experience, someone I can be a guiding hand to, it's… well, heh, you get what I'm trying to say. All this time I've been blaming her for what's happened, but now? Maybe, just maybe, this was meant to be. I think… I might owe her an apology."
(if the Tenno has just reached rank Family, variant) "Tenno. Working with you – it's meant a lot to me. Just having someone who… well, you get what I'm trying to say. I can hold my head up again… I see the person I almost became. All this time I've been blaming her for what happened, but now? Maybe this was meant to be. I think… I owe her an apology."
(if the Tenno is rank Family) "[big sigh] Look… whatever I said about my wife, I'm putting it in the past now."
(if the Tenno is rank Family) "She's still the woman I married. One mistake doesn't change all that. Not if I don't allow it to."
(if the Tenno is rank Family) "It's been hard to forgive Kaelli. But desperate people lash out. [sigh] I should have never made her so desperate."
(if the Tenno is rank Family) "I underestimated Grandmother. She may not be a scientist, but what she knows is worth knowing."
(if the Tenno is rank Family) "I should spend more time with Loid and Otak. They've served us loyally since this mess began."
(if the Tenno is rank Family) "Glad you joined our little family, my friend. There's a lot we still need to talk over. But at least we're talking now."
(if the Tenno is rank Family) "You know, Tenno, you can't bully people into respecting you. All you can do is make them afraid, and when that fear goes away…. [sigh]"
(if the Tenno is rank Family) "At the very least, being stranded on Deimos has given me a lot of time for self-reflection."
(if the Tenno is rank Family) "Well, sunnier days ahead, I say."
(if the Tenno is rank Family) "Always good to see you, Ayatan."
(if the Tenno is rank Family) "It's you again! I knew it was only a matter of time before you came back."
(if the Tenno is rank Family) "I was worried about you. I'd be a lot less worried if I knew you were carrying a sensible weapon."
(if the Tenno is rank Family) "Who would I be if I let you go out there improperly equipped?"
(if the Tenno is rank Family) "Let's go over your arsenal once again. Look, I'm sorry, but I could not have you going out there without the best weapons I can offer."
(if the Tenno is rank Family) "There you are! What can I do for you?"
Parts Requisition
Vilcor will trade Father tokens to the Tenno in exchange for Deimos resources. The requirements for the tokens are somewhat randomised, but with a consistent framework in which rare resources are worth more tokens. The names and descriptions of the tasks that reward the tokens are similarly randomised, drawing from a preset pool.
- Collect miscellaneous goods
- Fill requisition manifest
- Gather local supplies
- Locate Deimos-specific resources
- Refill reserve bins
- Salvage vital raw materials
- Scavenge from the Cambion Drift
- Adaptability is the key to facing off against any kind of hazard.
- Got to beat the environment into subjugation. Especially here.
- Nobody can do good work without adequate resources, Tenno.
- Stocks are always running low. I could swear something's making off with them.
- The more raw materials I have, the more I can experiment.
- Try to minimise the risk to yourself. No sense in dying with full pockets.
- We're lacking a few key supplies. Nothing major, but it's best to be prepared.
Exiting tasks or wares after purchase
"See? I knew you were smart."
"Bought and paid for."
"Pleasure transacting with you."
"Much obliged."
"Works for me."
"All satisfactory, I hope."
"I'd shake hands, but… yeah."
"Let's keep this between us for now."
"Remember: this never happened."
Exiting tasks or wares without purchase
"Guess you have everything you need."
"I guess you know what's best for you."
"Sure. Take your time, think it over."
"Okay. I guess not."
"Still here if you change your mind."
"Sure I can't tempt ya?"
"Okay, maybe not today… but you'll be back. Trust me."
Selecting a Kitgun component
"Bold choice."
"Sure, I think that'll do nicely."
"Works for me if it works for you."
If the Tenno idles while selecting Kitgun components
"You really like to 'think through' your decisions, huh?"
"Don't worry about it – got nothing but time."
"You know, indecision is a decision."
Kitgun assembly
(if the Tenno has no Kitgun components) "[sigh] Here's the problem: You have no components. Weapons require parts. You bring me said parts, I will build you said weapon."
"It's yours – made to order."
"And that oughta do it. Here you go…."
"Well, here it is. Put it to good use."
Gilding a Kitgun
"A fine piece of craftsmanship like that deserves a name. Got one?"
"Niiiiice. So what are you thinking of calling her?"
"Please tell me you have a name for that. You do, don't you?"
Confirming the name of a Kitgun or other weapon
"That works."
"Wait…. Yeah, that's it."
"I'd say that's about right."
Skipping the naming of a Kitgun after gilding
"It really does suit it, huh?"
"Well… 'if the name fits'."
"Sure. What else would you call it?"
If the Tenno attempts to gild a Kitgun that is not Rank 30
"That looks like it just came out of the box. Shoot it a few times, and then we can talk gilding."
"Slow down. That thing isn't near ready enough for me to gild it."
"That thing needs to be a little more battle-tested before I could even think about gilding it."
Donating a Kitgun
"Thanks. I wasn't expecting that."
"Much obliged."
"I'll make good use of this."
If the Tenno attempts to donate a Kitgun that is not Rank 30
"I'm a pretty good gunsmith, but I don't know what you expect me to do with that."
"Next time, ask yourself: 'Does this come up to Orokin standards?' And if it doesn't, you can save us both some time."
"Sorry, not much I can do with that junk."
"Yeah, I'm not seeing anything I can work with."
If the Tenno idles
"The lifeforms of Deimos will be picking you out of their teeth unless you have an edge. I can help."
"Deimos is a dangerous place. Dangerous places require 'special preparations'."
"You can't out-evolve Deimos. But you can procure what you need to survive."
"Survival is the priority. You're useless to us dead."
"Remember: Don't go anywhere unarmed."
"Well, look at you. So… uninfested."
"Been here so long it's difficult to remember that this isn't normal."
Bidding farewell
"Don't go getting Infested now."
"Be seeing you again, I'm sure."
"Keep safe."
'Acquaintance' cutscene
When the Tenno reaches the rank of Acquaintance with the Entrati, a short cutscene will play, showing a conversation between Father and Kaelli.
Kaelli: "I remember the claw you made for me."
Father: "With love, to protect you from the Void-horrors. But it was me you attacked."
Kaelli: "It was you that was stifling the life out of me! Those stupid, insane rituals… why?"
Father: "I didn't know what else to do! I just… didn't want to be useless."
Kaelli: "You were never useless. Just lost. I name you Vilcor. 'The whip in its moment of striking'."
'Friend' cutscene
When the Tenno reaches the rank of Acquaintance with the Entrati, a short cutscene will play, showing a conversation between Vilcor and Kermerros. Notably, this is the only such cutscene in which a member of the family is not named.
Kermerros: [wistful sigh] "Do you remember when I first bred Infested? [chuckles] How we played with them for hours."
Vilcor: "What you did with those… things… was a deliberate insult."
Kermerros: "I'm sorry you don't appreciate my sense of humour. But I did make you happy, didn't I? When you killed them."
Vilcor: "Wait. Is that… why you did it?"
Kermerros: "Vilcor, my sweet sire. What good is a weapons expert without something to kill?"
Mission control
Vilcor serves as mission control for the following game modes:
Vilcor is introduced in the Heart of Deimos quest as Father. After the quest, he is frequently mentioned in the dialogue of the other Entrati family members. Notably, he names his wife, previously known as Mother, when the Tenno reaches rank Family with the Entrati. Vilcor plays a role in Operation: Orphix Venom, and afterwards continues to direct Orphix missions in Corpus Proxima space. It is strongly implied that Loid's operation of the Necraloid syndicate is done on Vilcor's behalf, hidden from Gomaitru.