Deimos Resources

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General resources


A fallen clump of entangled nerve fibres, redundant organs, and thin sensory membranes.

A common resource found in Haptic Fronds growing on the Cambion Drift, from resource containers on the Drift, or as a mission reward from Necralisk bounties. Haptic Fronds are described as "The Infestation emits searching tendrils which wait, passively, sensing their environment by touch alone." Ganglia can be traded to Vilcor in exchange for Father tokens (or Grandmother for random tokens) and are used in manufacturing a variety of Deimos-related items, especially Antigens for pet revivification with Kermerros. Ganglia can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Biotics.

Lucent Teroglobe

These orbs have long since fulfilled their original function, but still thrum with faint power.

A common resource found in Vitrific Outcrops growing on the Cambion Drift, from resource containers on the Drift, or as a mission reward from Necralisk bounties. Lucent Teroglobes can be traded to Vilcor in exchange for Father tokens (or Grandmother for random tokens) and are used in manufacturing a variety of Deimos-related items, especially metal alloys. Lucent Teroglobes of varying sizes can be seen all around the Necralisk and other Entrati installations, serving various uses such as the flame source in Lychnus lamps. Lucent Teroglobes can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Calx.


Half-formed, incomplete spore bearers, little more than twitching flesh with claws to latch on with.

A common resource dropped from Gravid Blastemata hanging from tall heights on the Cambion Drift, from resource containers on the Drift, or as a mission reward from Necralisk bounties. Gravid Blastemata are described as "The Infestation forms pendulous, fragile sacs of seed cells, constantly re-infusing the environment with its presence." Pustulite can be traded to Vilcor in exchange for Father tokens (or Grandmother for random tokens) and is used in manufacturing a variety of Deimos-related items, especially Mutagens for pet revivification with Kermerros. Pustulite can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Biotics.

Fass Residue

A chunk of the wyrm Fass, collected after his explosive death. Used to attract Glutinox, Ostimyr, and Vitreospina.

A special resource found lying on the ground of the Cambion Drift during Vome cycles (after Vome has killed her brother Fass), or awarded from Necralisk bounties. Fass Residue can be traded to Vilcor in exchange for Father tokens (or Grandmother for random tokens), can be used as fishing bait, and is used in crafting Antigens for pet revivification with Kermerros. Fass Residue is collected during the Heart of Deimos quest, and also as a part of Isolation Vault bounties that take place during the Vome cycle, where it is used to create bait to open a living tunnel-mouth that leads to the caverns below. Fass Residue cannot be fed to the Helminth.

Vome Residue

A gobbet of raw flesh, fallen from the wyrm Vome in her death spasm. Used to attract Chondricord and Duroid.

A special resource found lying on the ground of the Cambion Drift during Fass cycles (after Fass has killed his sister Vome), or awarded from Necralisk bounties. Vome Residue can be traded to Vilcor in exchange for Father tokens (or Grandmother for random tokens), can be used as fishing bait, and is used in crafting Mutagens for pet revivification with Kermerros. Vome Residue must be collected as a part of Isolation Vault bounties that take place during the Fass cycle, and is used to create bait to open a living tunnel-mouth that leads to the caverns below. Vome Residue cannot be fed to the Helminth.


These scarce, hovering relics of the Orokin era can still be found monitoring the Isolation Vaults deep below the surface of Deimos.

A special resource primarily found during Isolation Vault bounties. They hover outside Isolation Vaults like Cetus Wisps, and are dropped by enemy Necramechs encountered during the bounty. They can also be awarded from low-tier Necralisk bounties. Scintillants are used in manufacturing a small number of Deimos-related items, and cannot be fed to the Helminth.

Mining resources

On the Cambion Drift, metal ores can be mined from orange pulsing spots and gems can be mined from teal pulsing spots. Mining is performed with mining lasers purchased from Old Man Suumbaat in Cetus or Smokefinger in Fortuna. Ores can be refined into alloys in the Foundry or traded to Otak for Otak tokens (or Grandmother for random tokens). Gems can be turned into refined gems in the Foundry as well, or traded to Otak in a similar manner. Both metal alloys and refined gems are used in crafting. No mining resources, whether metal ores, gems, alloys, or refined gemstones, can be fed to the Helminth.


Infested neurotransmitters condensed under pressure.

A common gem mined from teal mineral veins on the Cambion Drift, found in Sagiant Entrati urns on the Drift, rewarded from Requiem Obelisks on the Drift, or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface. Like all raw gems, tiametrite can be traded to Otak or Grandmother for tokens, or refined into Faceted Tiametrite in the Foundry. Faceted Tiametrite is described as "Refined purity freed from the Infested mass" and is used in crafting a small variety of Deimos-related items.


Rivulets of exocrine fluid, hardened over passing centuries.

A common gem mined from teal mineral veins on the Cambion Drift, found in Sagiant Entrati urns on the Drift, rewarded from Requiem Obelisks on the Drift, or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface. Like all raw gems, dagonic can be traded to Otak or Grandmother for tokens, or refined into Purged Dagonic in the Foundry. Purged Dagonic is described as "Crystalline symmetry, a far cry from its corrupt origin" and is used in crafting various weapons and weapon components.


Sinewy and metallic, possessed of great elastic strength.

A common ore mined from orange mineral veins on the Cambion Drift, found in Infested Rolizor Cysts and Infested Spitia Cysts on the Drift, rewarded from Requiem Obelisks on the Drift, or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface. Adramalium is used to craft the Kintsu Xaku helmet and Lobotriscid trophy decorations. Like all raw ore, adramalium can be traded to Otak or Grandmother for tokens; or refined into Adramal Alloy in the Foundry, combining with travoride, plastids, and Lucent Teroglobes. Adramal Alloy is described as "Purged of spores and contaminants, this alloy is highly versatile" and is used in manufacturing a variety of Deimos-related items.


Malleable, owing to ingrown veins of Infestation protein.

A common ore mined from orange mineral veins on the Cambion Drift, found in Infested Rolizor Cysts on the Drift, rewarded from Requiem Obelisks on the Drift, or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface. Like all raw ore, bapholite can be traded to Otak or Grandmother for tokens; or refined into Tempered Bapholite in the Foundry, combining with pyrol, nano spores, and Lucent Teroglobes. Tempered Bapholite is described as "Fused with its inert Infested tendrils into a durable alloy" and is used in manufacturing a variety of Deimos-related items, as well as the Vitrica sword.


Aggregates in the neo-lymph systems of Infested masses.

A common gem mined from teal mineral veins on the Cambion Drift, rewarded from Requiem Obelisks on the Drift, or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface. Like all raw gems, heciphron can be traded to Otak or Grandmother for tokens, or refined into Purified Heciphron in the Foundry. Purified Heciphron is described as "Extracted from the Infestation and cut into a prestigious gem" and is used in manufacturing a variety of Deimos-related weapons, as well as the Vitrica sword.


Infested mineral deposits mimicking the forms of living organs.

An uncommon ore mined from orange mineral veins on the Cambion Drift, rewarded from Requiem Obelisks on the Drift, or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface. Like all raw ore, namalon can be traded to Otak or Grandmother for tokens; or refined into Devolved Namalon in the Foundry, combining with ferros, rubedo, and Lucent Teroglobes. Devolved Namalon is described as "Retrieved from its Infested state, restored to worth and utility" and is used in manufacturing a small variety of Deimos-related items.


Impacted within Infested husks, preserved for millennia.

An uncommon gem mined from teal mineral veins on the Cambion Drift, rewarded from Requiem Obelisks on the Drift, or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface. Like all raw gems, necrathene can be traded to Otak or Grandmother for tokens, or refined into Stellated Necrathene in the Foundry. Stellated Necrathene is described as "A prismatic refinement of raw Necrathene, highly sought after" and is used in crafting a small variety of Deimos-related items.


Can be moulded by the Infestation but remains resistant to it.

A rare ore mined from orange mineral veins on the Cambion Drift, found in Infested Spitia Cysts on the Drift, rewarded from Requiem Obelisks on the Drift, or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface. Like all raw ore, thaumica can be traded to Otak or Grandmother for tokens; or refined into Thaumica Distillate in the Foundry, combining with venerol, gallium, and Lucent Teroglobes. Thaumica Distillate is described as "Thaumica reduced to its most durable, workable elements" and is used in manufacturing a small variety of Deimos-related items.


A nodule of primordial matter, encysted within Infested flesh.

A rare gem found in teal mineral veins on the Cambion Drift, rewarded from Requiem Obelisks on the Drift, or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface. Vilcor's bier in the Necralisk is made of xenorhast1. Like all raw gems, xenorhast can be traded to Otak or Grandmother for tokens, or refined into Trapezium Xenorhast in the Foundry. Trapezium Xenorhast is described as "Facets gleam with the un-light of the Void" and is used in manufacturing a small variety of Deimos-related weapons, as well as the neuroptics component of Lavos.


This rare gem forms in a clotted mass within the Infestation.

A rare gem found in teal mineral veins on the Cambion Drift, rewarded from Requiem Obelisks on the Drift, or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface. Like all raw gems, embolos can be traded to Otak or Grandmother for tokens, or refined into Cabochon Embolos in the Foundry. Cabochon Embolos is described as "Convex and smooth, worked as a lens or for ornament" and is used in manufacturing a small variety of Deimos-related weapons, as well as the systems component of Lavos.


On the Cambion Drift, Infested life-forms can be found swimming in the exocrine and floating above it. They can be attracted with bait and caught using fishing spears. Spears bought from Fisher Hai-Luk or The Business will work on floating fish, but cannot pierce the exocrine if the fish are swimming within – only Infested fishing spears purchased from Kaelli in the Necralisk can penetrate the exocrine. Once caught, these fish can be brought to Kaelli to disassemble in order to yield resources for crafting. Unlike the other Landscapes, fish from the Cambion Drift have high overlap in the resources they yield. No fishing resources, whether whole fish, fish parts, or bait, can be fed to the Helminth.

Benign Infested Tumour

The Infestation infects all fish on Deimos, even those that do not show any external mutations.

Harvested from all fish on the Cambion Drift in addition to the specialised parts they yield. Can be traded to Kaelli or Grandmother for tokens, or used in crafting a number of Deimos-related items (primarily Antigens for pet revivification with Kermerros).

Ferment Bladder

Many Deimos fish secrete reagents in a pouchlike organ, creating volatile gases that enable limited periods of levitation.

Harvested from all fish on the Cambion Drift in addition to the specialised parts they yield, with the exception of Chondricord, Duroid, and Myxostomata. These are original Orokin fish that never leave the exocrine, and so they lack the organs to do so. Ferment Bladders can be traded to Kaelli or Grandmother for tokens, or used in crafting a number of Deimos-related items (primarily Mutagens for pet revivification with Kermerros).

Tubercular Gill System

Adaptive membranes allow many Deimos fish to move freely between fluid and gaseous environments.

Harvested from the following hybrid and Orokin fish from the Cambion Drift: Aquapulmo, Duroid, Vitreospina, Chondricord, Ostimyr, and Myxostomata. Can be traded to Kaelli or Grandmother for tokens, or used in crafting Mutagens for pet revivification with Kermerros.

Biotic Filter

Sifting the glutinous exocrine is an essential part of the survival process, and a reminder of the creature's original function.

Harvested from Aquapulmo and Duroid, both rare fish found in exocrine hotspots. Aquapulmo are surface fish active under Vome and attracted to Processed Fass Residue, while Duroid are cave fish active at all times and attracted to Vome Residue. Processed Fass Residue is a consumable item purchased from Kaelli in the Necralisk and is described as "Matter from the body of the wyrm Fass, purged of toxins, and rendered usefully. Used to attract Aquapulmo." It should be noted that, despite their different behaviours, Aquapulmo appear to be the partially Infested versions of Duroid. Biotic Filters can also be rewarded from Requiem Obelisks on the Drift or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface, and are used in crafting a small variety of Deimos-related items.

Cranial Foremount

Beneath the membranous protein layers can be found a secondary 'skull'; flexible, tough, and highly conductive.

Harvested from Myxostomata, a legendarily rare cave fish found in exocrine hotspots under Fass. Myxostomata can be attracted with Processed Vome Residue, a consumable item purchased from Kaelli in the Necralisk and described as "The flesh of Vome, refined, and ready for use. Used to attract Myxostomata." Cranial Foremounts can also be rewarded from Requiem Obelisks on the Drift or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface, and are used in crafting a small variety of Deimos-related items.

Dendrite Blastoma

Elements of other lifeforms are detectable in Infested body parts, such as this apparently parasitic clump of land-dwelling animal tissue.

Harvested from Barbisteo and Vitreospina, both cave fish active at all times. Barbisteo are common, while Vitreospina are uncommon and can be attracted with Fass Residue. Both fish appear to be the Infested and partially Infested versions of the Chondricord, respectively. Dendrite Blastomata can also be found in resource containers on the Drift, rewarded from Requiem Obelisks, or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface, and are used in crafting a small variety of Deimos-related items.

Ocular Stem-Root

The organs that once served as eyes, prior to Infestation, are still replete with useful components.

Harvested from the Flagellocanth, a common fish found in and above exocrine hotspots on Deimos' surface at all times. Ocular Stem-Roots can also be rewarded from Requiem Obelisks on the Drift or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface, and are used in crafting a small variety of Deimos-related items.

Parasitic Tethermaw

Used to latch on to other life forms for feeding purposes, and to inject them with anticoagulants and sporelets.

Harvested from the Lobotriscid, a common fish found in and above the exocrine on Deimos' surface under Vome. Parasitic Tethermaws can also be rewarded from Requiem Obelisks on the Drift or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface, and are used in crafting a small variety of Deimos-related items.

Pustulent Cognitive Nodule

The Infestation provokes the growth of multiple, seemingly redundant brain-like clusters, whose function may be linked to hivemind activity.

Harvested from Cryptosuctus and Aquapulmo, both found in and above the exocrine on Deimos' surface. Cryptosuctus are common fish active under Fass, while Aquapulmo are rare fish found in hotspots at all times and can be attracted with Processed Fass Residue. Processed Fass Residue is a consumable item purchased from Kaelli in the Necralisk and is described as "Matter from the body of the wyrm Fass, purged of toxins, and rendered usefully. Used to attract Aquapulmo." Besides their differences in behaviour, Cryptosuctus and Aquapulmo appear to be derived from completely different Orokin specimens (Myxostomata and Duroid, respectively). Pustulent Cognitive Nodules can also be found in resource containers on the Drift, rewarded from Requiem Obelisks, or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface, and are used in crafting a small variety of Deimos-related items.

Saturated Muscle Mass

Environmental contamination is co-responsible for mutations, alongside Infested cellular alteration.

Harvested from Kymaeros and Ostimyr, both found in the exocrine on Deimos' surface. Kymaeros are common fish active at all times, while Ostimyr are uncommon fish found in hotspots under Fass, and can be attracted with Fass Residue. Besides their differences in behaviour, Kymaeros and Ostimyr appear to be derived from completely different Orokin specimens (Duroid and Myxostomata, respectively). Saturated Muscle Masses can also be found in resource containers on the Drift, rewarded from Requiem Obelisks, or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface, and are used in crafting a small variety of Deimos-related items.

Spinal Core Section

Many delicate and complex nerve fibres are housed in the jointed vertebrae, which are one of the creature's most resilient parts. Found from Vitreospina fish, known to eke out a primitive existence in cave systems.

Harvested from Vitreospina and Chondricord, both uncommon cave fish active at all times. Vitreospina can be attracted with Fass Residue, while Chondricord are found in hotspots and can be attracted with Vome Residue. Vitreospina appear to be the partially Infested versions of Chondricord. Spinal Core Sections can also be found in resource containers on the Drift, rewarded from Requiem Obelisks, or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface, and are used in crafting a variety of Deimos-related items.

Sporulate Sac

These pressurised repositories of Infested spores require careful extraction, or explosive rupture and local contamination may occur.

Harvested from Glutinox, an uncommon fish found in and above the exocrine on Deimos' surface under Vome that can be attracted with Fass Residue. Sporulate Sacs can also be found in resource containers on the Drift, rewarded from Requiem Obelisks, or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface, and are used in crafting a small variety of Deimos-related items.

Waxen Sebum Deposit

Remnants of creatures' original bodily fluids persist post-Infestation, often crystallised or congealed into entirely new compounds.

Harvested from Amniophysi, a common fish found in and above the exocrine in Deimos' cave systems and active at all times. Waxen Sebum Deposits can also be found in resource containers on the Drift, rewarded from Requiem Obelisks, or found in Isolation Vaults deep below the surface, and are used in crafting a small variety of Deimos-related items.

Syndicate resources

These are resources that are primarily obtained from or used for syndicate Standing. None of them can be fed to the Helminth.

Bulbous Oleum Gland

This early-developing organ dissolves skeletal systems when converting the original life form to Infested, and later assists digestion.

Dropped from enemies during the first phase of an Assassination bounty stage, either on the Cambion Drift or in the underground tunnels. These samples are then used to create bait to draw out the Assassination target. They only drop when the bounty stage requires them and are removed from the Tenno's inventory to create the bait, so the Tenno will never carry these resources outside the mission. Bulbous Oleum Glands are not used in the Protect the Corpus Scientist bounty stage, which features a very similar sample-collection mechanic, but are dropped by the Polyp-Hog Juggernaut in the Digging Up Polyps bounty stage after it is killed (however, they are similarly removed from the Tenno's inventory immediately). As these resources will never be carried out of a mission, Bulbous Oleum Glands have no use outside their appearances in Cambion Drift and Arcana bounties.

Mother Token

A mark of Mother's esteem.

Rewarded from Cambion Drift and Arcana bounties, found in caves on the Cambion Drift, or rewarded from Grandmother in exchange for random resources. Mother tokens can be used to purchase items from Grandmother's shop, traded to Grandmother for 100 Entrati Standing, or converted into Grandmother tokens (at a rate of 10 Mother tokens to 1 Grandmother token). One Mother token each is used to rank up to both Associate and Family ranks with the Entrati.

Father Token

A symbol of Father's trust and confidence.

Rewarded from Vilcor in exchange for gathered Cambion Drift resources, found in caves on the Cambion Drift, or rewarded from Grandmother in exchange for random resources. Father tokens can be used to purchase items from Grandmother's shop, traded to Grandmother for 100 Entrati Standing, converted into Grandmother tokens (at a rate of 10 Father tokens to 1 Grandmother token), or used to gild Kitguns with Vilcor. One Father token each is used to rank up to Acquaintance, Friend, and Family ranks with the Entrati, and 20 Father tokens are used to rank up with each rank of the Necraloid Syndicate.

Daughter Token

A token of Daughter's gratitude.

Rewarded from Kaelli in exchange for fish products, found in caves on the Cambion Drift, or rewarded from Grandmother in exchange for random resources. Daughter tokens can be used to purchase items from Grandmother's shop, traded to Grandmother for 100 Entrati Standing, or converted into Grandmother tokens (at a rate of 10 Daughter tokens to 1 Grandmother token). One Daughter token is used to rank up to Acquaintance with the Entrati.

Son Token

A mark of Son's respect for services rendered.

Rewarded from Kermerros in exchange for Conservation tags or for donating Vulpaphyla and Predasite companions, found in caves on the Cambion Drift, or rewarded from Grandmother in exchange for random resources. Son tokens can be used to purchase items from Grandmother's shop, traded to Grandmother for 500 Entrati Standing, converted into Grandmother tokens (at a rate of 2 Son tokens to 1 Grandmother token), or used to gild Vulpaphyla and Predasite companions. One Son token each is used to rank up to both Associate and Friend ranks with the Entrati.

Otak Token

Otak is grateful for your aid. This helps him to remember it.

Rewarded from Otak in exchange for mining resources, found in caves on the Cambion Drift, or rewarded from Grandmother in exchange for random resources. Otak tokens can be used to purchase items from Grandmother's shop, traded to Grandmother for 100 Entrati Standing, or converted into Grandmother tokens (at a rate of 10 Otak tokens to 1 Grandmother token).

Grandmother Token

A rare sign of Grandmother's favour.

Rewarded from Grandmother in exchange for other Entrati family tokens, or for random resources. Grandmother tokens can also be found in caves on the Cambion Drift. Grandmother tokens can be used to purchase items from Grandmother's shop (particularly Seriglass Shards), or traded back to Grandmother for 1.500 Entrati Standing.

Orokin Orientation Matrix

A spatial orientation matrix to aid with a mech's guidance, balance, and movement.

Rewarded from Tier 1 Isolation Vault bounties, and a guaranteed drop from Tier 1 Necramechs in Isolation Vaults. Can be traded in to Loid for 1.000 Necraloid Standing, and also used to rank up to Clearance: Agnesis.

Orokin Ballistics Matrix

A mech matrix that assists with the machine's weapon accuracy and control.

Rewarded from Tier 2 Isolation Vault bounties, and a guaranteed drop from Tier 2 Necramechs in Isolation Vaults. Can be traded in to Loid for 2.500 Necraloid Standing, and also used to rank up to Clearance: Modus.

Orokin Animus Matrix

A cognition matrix that enables mechs to be adaptable and efficient in the field.

Rewarded from Tier 3 Isolation Vault bounties, and a guaranteed drop from Tier 3 Necramechs in Isolation Vaults. Can be traded in to Loid for 5.000 Necraloid Standing, and also used to rank up to Clearance: Odima.

Seriglass Shard

Once part of an intricate Entrati apparatus, now shattered and bearing a sharp edge.

A special resource that can only be purchased from Grandmother in exchange for 20 Grandmother tokens. Seriglass Shards are used in manufacturing a small number of Deimos-related weapons. Seriglass Shards appear to be fragments of Albrecht Entrati's seriglass Bell that was shattered during his first expedition to the Void. His daughter, Gomaitru, possesses a shard which she believes to be the only one, until the Tenno presents her with another, showing her that the shard is not unique, and allowing her to let go of her obsession with her father.

Albrecht’s laboratories resources

These resources are found in Albrecht's laboratories, accessed from the Sanctum Anatomica after completing Whispers in the Walls.

Entrati Obols

During the Orokin era, these obols were a commonly recognized mark of the Entrati family. Some Archimedians even used them as good luck talismans.

A common resource found as a drop within Albrecht's laboratories, or as a mission reward from Sanctum Anatomica bounties. Entrati Obols are used to manufacture a variety of Cavia-related items, as well as being required to attain certain ranks in the Cavia syndicate. Entrati Obols are a very common design motif on Entrati-related items (even those outside the laboratories), often used in great quantities.


This experimental array transmutes Void energy into high voltages with low currents.

An uncommon resource found as a drop within Albrecht's laboratories, or as a mission reward from Sanctum Anatomica bounties. Necracoils are used to manufacture a variety of Cavia-related items, as well as being required to attain certain ranks in the Cavia syndicate. Necracoils or similar devices are very prevalent within Albrecht's laboratories.


This Void-touched stone contains an ominous essence.

A rare resource that can be obtained as a drop from Murmur enemies within Albrecht's laboratories, found in Murmur Sarcophages in the Indifference, or as a mission reward from Sanctum Anatomica bounties. Stela are also rewarded for collecting Vosphene glyphs during Mirror Defence missions at Munio, Deimos. Stela are used to manufacture a variety of Cavia-related items, to fuse Archon Shards through Coalescent Fusion, and to attain certain ranks in the Cavia syndicate.

Shrill Voca

A Voidtongue cry, trapped in the stone. Crucial to unraveling the secrets of the Murmur.

Shrill Voca can be found during missions in Albrecht's laboratories, rewarded from Sanctum Anatomica bounties, and traded from Loid. Up to 5 of the 8 Voca that spawn in every Laboratory mission can be Shrills. Shrill Voca can be turned in to Loid for 500 Cavia Standing each. Shrill Voca are also used to rank up with the Cavia and construct the Ekhein.

Bellow Voca

The deepest of Voidtongue moans, etched into stone. An unlikely asset in the construction of Albrecht's vessels.

Bellow Voca can be found during missions in Albrecht's laboratories, rewarded from Sanctum Anatomica bounties, and traded from Loid. At least 2 of the 8 Voca that spawn in every Laboratory mission are guaranteed to be Bellows. Bellow Voca can be turned in to Loid for 1.000 Cavia Standing each. Bellow Voca are also used to rank up with the Cavia.

Echo Voca

The quietest and most elusive of Voidtongue utterances. Sought after but never found by Albrecht.

Echo Voca can be found during missions in Albrecht's laboratories, rewarded from Sanctum Anatomica bounties, and traded from Loid. One of the 8 Voca that spawn in every Laboratory mission is guaranteed to be an Echo. Echo Voca can be turned in to Loid for 2.000 Cavia Standing each. Echo Voca are also used to rank up with the Cavia and construct a variety of Cavia-related items.

[Navigation: HubOtherItem Descriptions → Deimos Resources]

  1. Vilcor: "One day you're a Railjack gunner, riding high and proud. The next, you're a broken man on a Xenorhast bier, telling war stories to Tenno who politely pretend to listen." (Operation: Orphix Venom)

One Comment

  1. The ores and gemstones on Deimos often have names that refer to gods and/or demons from fiction and mythology. I’ve done my best to highlight some of these references below:

    Tiametrite – likely refers to the primordial being “Tiamat” from Mesopotamian mythology, who begets the first gods alongside her consort Apsu. The war between Apsu and her offspring in the Enuma Elish creation myth recalls the conflict between the worms Fass and Vome. In addition, Tiamat lends her name to a five-headed goddess of dragons in Dungeons & Dragons; there may be a connection here to Lephantis, a multi-headed Infested boss also found on Deimos.

    Dagonic – taken from “Dagan/Dagon”, a god of prosperity worshipped in ancient Syria and Mesopotamia. The name was also used by H. P. Lovecraft for “Father Dagon”, patron deity of the sea-dwelling Deep Ones and their half-human offspring. The latter is probably the intended reference, given the themes of eldritch horror that surround the Entrati and their void research and comparisons that can be drawn between the hybrid Deep Ones and the Infestation.

    Adramalium – possibly taken from “Adrammelech”, the pagan god of the Sepharvites mentioned in the biblical Book of Kings; Adrammelech is considered to be a demon in some traditions and appears as such in Milton’s Paradise Lost and de Plancy’s Dictionnaire Infernal. The name may also be a corruption of or play on “adrenal”, as in adrenal glands or adrenaline.

    Bapholite – named for “Baphomet”, the occult deity said to have been worshipped by the Knights Templar. The most well-known image used to represent Baphomet is a half-goat half-human figure composed of symbolically opposed elements (male and female, good and devil, the alchemical dissoving and coagulation), originally drawn by esotericist Éliphas Lévi: again, there is a theme of hybridisation reminiscent of the Infestation, but also references to occultism and alchemy that recall Albrecht’s research.

    Heciphron – possibly “Hex” (as in a curse or spell; the unrefined gem appears to consist of hexagonal clusters, though Purified Heciphron has a decidedly more cubic appearance), but I would suggest “Hecate”, the Green goddess most relevant to magic and the occult. Deimos is (was?) a moon of Mars, while Hecate was associated with the moon; in addition, later depictions of Hecate gave her three forms or three bodies, again suggesting the distinctive body structure of Infested creatures like Lephantis and the Hemocyte.

    Namalon – likely from “Naamah”, a figure that appears in the Bible, the Talmud and the Zohar. In the former, she is a descendant of Cain and sister of Tubal-cain (the first blacksmith). In the latter two, and in other kabbalistic literature, she is a spirit and mother of devils and plagues, a contemporary of the more famous Lilith.

    Necrathene – shares the same root as “Necralisk”, “Necraloid” and “Necramech”: necr-, from the greek νεκρός nekrós, meaning [dead body, dead person, corpse]. Nekros is, of course, the name of a warframe whose component blueprints are obtained from Lephantis (which is fought on Deimos).

    Thaumica – derives from the Greek θαῦμα “thaûma”, meaning marvel or miracle. The English word “thaumaturgy” refers to the ability of a saint or magician to do impossible things and is derived from the same root: In Warframe, powers derived from the Void are frequently described in terms of miracles or devilry along the same lines, or occasionally treated with religious reverence. Finally, the suffix “mica” likely refers to the real-world mineral group of the same name.

    Xenorhast – “Xeno” is a prefix denoting strangeness or foreignness, derived again from Greek: ξένος “xénos”, meaning alien. The description of Trapezium Xenorhast implies that the alien quality in question is the “un-light of the Void” within the material. The “hast” ending recalls “Ghast”, an archaic verb meaning “to terrify” which was used by H. P. Lovecraft as the name of a humanoid but grotesque species in his story The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath.

    Embolos – a variation on “embolus”, a medical term referring to any loose mass (like a blood clot or cholesterol crystal) that is travelling through the bloodstream and that may cause a blockage, called an embolism. Embolos gems are described as forming as a “clotted mass within the Infestation”; presumably they act as emboli within the Infestation’s equivalent of a bloodstream when they are dislodged.

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