Isolation Vault

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Find and enter an Isolation Vault.

This is a special bounty given by Gomaitru in the Necralisk that is always available. Unlike traditional bounties, this bounty always has the same three stages in the same order, none of which are shared with other Cambion Drift bounties. Also unlike other bounties, only the last stage has a bonus objective that can be met.

The Isolation Vault bounty has three tiers of difficulty which must be completed in order at least once, but after they are unlocked they are permanently available. The tiers of bounty are identical except in difficulty – most obviously in the number of Necramechs the Tenno needs to defeat – and reward. After the Tenno completes an Isolation Vault bounty, they then have access to additional Arcana bounties.

Bounty start

Gomaitru: "Much has been hidden from us on Deimos. The old ruins beneath the surface must surely contain the deepest and darkest secrets. Find a way to get inside, and the Necraloid will guide you through. See what's happening down there. Tell me what HE has been up to…."

(after entering Cambion Drift) Loid: "When the intrepid explorers returned from the Void, they would isolate themselves in the vaults until they re-aligned with causality and sanity. Technology useful against the Infestation may still—"

Otak: "You stay out, Tenno! There's only death and decay down there!"

Stage 1: Gather Bait

(variant) Loid: "The isolation vault entrances are deep beneath the surface. We'll need to enter Infestation tunnels to reach them."

(variant) Otak: "Sooo… the Infestation's got the entrance to the iso vaults squeezed tight. Any ideas?"

(variant) Loid: "To access the isolation vaults you will need to find a way through the Infestation first."

The tunnel to the isolation vault is blocked by an Infested mouth.

(upon arriving at the tunnel, variant) Loid: "If you gather the correct materials you can persuade the Infestation to open up for us. Think of it like gathering bait."

(upon arriving at the tunnel, variant) Otak: "Hey, that entry looks like it eats stuff. Maybe we can get it to open up if we feed it."

(upon arriving at the tunnel, variant) Loid: "The Infestation is strong but stupid. With the right materials we can fool it into letting us enter."

The Tenno must collect 6-12 (depending on squad size) fragments of Fass Residue or Vome Residue (depending on what is available at that time of day).

(upon collecting a wyrm fragment, variant) Loid: "Infested giblets. That should do nicely. Find more."

(upon collecting a wyrm fragment, variant) Otak: "Mm, that looks yummy for a monster-door. Let's find some more."

(upon collecting a wyrm fragment, variant) Loid: "Collecting tissue samples from Infested can supply us with a biological 'key'."

(upon collecting more wyrm fragments, variant) Loid: "We will need additional samples, but this is a good start."

(upon collecting more wyrm fragments, variant) Otak: "Okay, we better get another one to be sure."

(upon collecting more wyrm fragments, variant) Loid: "Very unpleasant, but undoubtedly what we need. Just a little more…."

(upon collecting sufficient wyrm fragments, variant) Loid: "That should suffice. Place the components into the vessel."

(upon collecting sufficient wyrm fragments, variant) Otak: "Now we just need a jug to mash everything together in."

(upon collecting sufficient wyrm fragments, variant) Loid: "Excellent. Take what you have gathered and place it into the vessel."

The Tenno must bring the fragments to a machine called a Bait Station, which will prepare them into a mixture. Upon activating the machine, Infested will arrive, and the Tenno must defend the Bait Station for 90 seconds. If it is destroyed, the bounty will fail.

(upon activating the Bait Station) Loid: "Protect the vessel while it is stewing. The stench is bound to draw Infested."

(upon activating the Bait Station) Otak: "Now we're cooking! Uh-oh, something's coming. Don't let it grab the snacks!"

(upon activating the Bait Station) Loid: "Be on the lookout for Infested. They will likely come and investigate – do not let them disrupt the process."

(once the concoction is complete) Loid: "The combined sample is ready. Hurl it against orifice-portal and it should open."

(once the concoction is complete) Otak: "Okay, now grab the snack and throw it at the monster-door."

(once the concoction is complete) Loid: "Good. Now take the concoction and throw it against the large cloaca I have marked on the map."

After the Bait Station has completed its work, the Tenno can grab a canister from the machine, take it into the tunnels, and throw it against the closed mouth-door. If it hits, the door will open, allowing the Tenno to proceed. If the Tenno misses, the canister is wasted and the Tenno must gather another from the Bait Station (by activating it and waiting another  90 seconds, without having to gather wyrm residue). If the Tenno misses three times, the bounty will fail.

(if the Tenno misses the door, variant) Loid: "Oops. Well, we can make another concoction, I suppose."

(if the Tenno misses the door, variant) Otak: "Ha! You suck. We'll have to make another snack now."

(if the Tenno misses the door, variant) Loid: "You need to hit the orifice when you throw. Now we will need to start over."

(upon opening the door) Loid: "There. Now we can progress into the tunnels. Do not dawdle."

(upon opening the door) Otak: "Yay! Let's go inside before it starts chewing!"

(upon opening the door) Loid: "Well done. We can access the Infested tunnels now. Head inside."

Stage 2: Lower Toxicity Level

The tunnel will lead to an underground warren. Further progress is blocked by another mouth-door.

(variant) Loid: "Warning. Toxicity levels in these tunnels are deadly even for warframes. The vaults lie beyond, but they will be inaccessible until the toxicity has been reduced."

(variant) Otak: "Oh wow, it's so toxic down here it'll burn your casing off! We need to do something or the vault won't open!"

(variant) Loid: "Airborne impurities from the Infested have rendered these tunnels highly toxic to non-Infested. We cannot access the vaults until the toxicity level has been reduced."

A meter will appear on the HUD, showing toxicity level as it starts at 0 and gradually grows to 100. Infested will swarm the Tenno, and specific, marked enemies will drop pickups that will lower the toxicity level.

(when Infested begin spawning, variant) Loid: "Use organic samples to help stabilise yourself against the toxicity levels. The Infested carry their own 'antidote' of sorts."

(when Infested begin spawning, variant) Otak: "Hey, we can use Infested ick to keep the toxin off you."

(when Infested begin spawning, variant) Loid: "Organic material from the Infested can help counteract the environment and keep us alive longer. They are well adapted to this."

(marking selected enemies, variant) Loid: "Certain Infested organisms are massively increasing the toxicity levels. Eliminate them."

(marking selected enemies, variant) Otak: "Some of the Infested are real stinkers. Get 'em before they make things worse!"

(marking selected enemies, variant) Loid: "Some of the Infested are adding to the toxicity level. Deal with them quickly."

The Tenno must fight the Infested and keep the toxicity level below 100 for 3 minutes. In the last minute, heavier and more advanced species like the Saxum and Carnis Rex will appear.

(with 1 minute remaining, variant) Loid: "The strongest local Infested are inbound. This is their last gasp. Defeat these, and we should be clear to proceed."

(with 1 minute remaining, variant) Otak: "The biggest Infested are coming. If we can make it through these, we'll make it to the iso-vault!"

(with 1 minute remaining, variant) Loid: "These are the last of the Infested in the area, the largest and deadliest specimens from deeper levels. Be careful."

(once the time is completed, variant) Loid: "Toxicity is falling away to nothing with the Infested gone. We can now access the isolation vaults."

(once the time is completed, variant) Otak: "Hey, the tox-level is coming down now the Infested have backed off. We can go to the vault!"

(once the time is completed, variant) Loid: "Toxicity levels are dropping now the Infested have retreated. We can proceed to the isolation vaults."

The Tenno will then be able to travel deeper into the tunnels.

Stage 3: Defeat the Guardian

(while traversing tunnels, variant) Loid: "You are almost through the Infested tunnels. The Entrati ruins lie just ahead."

(while traversing tunnels, variant) Otak: "Just a little farther! You're almost through the icky Infested bits. The ruins await!"

(while traversing tunnels, variant) Loid: "The Entrati ruins are close. Keep pushing, and you will be there in no time."

Eventually the Infested tunnels will open up into a large Orokin complex.

(when reaching the Entrati ruins, variant) Loid: "There is a guardian here, a Necramech. You will need to destroy it so you can explore the ruins."

(when reaching the Entrati ruins, variant) Otak: "Okay, Chip, now you just need to beat a Necramech so you can explore the ruins in peace – did I mention that part already?"

(when reaching the Entrati ruins, variant) Loid: "There is a Necramech guarding the ruins. You will need to defeat it in order to roam the ruins."

Roaming the Orokin ruins will be one, two, or three Necramechs, depending on the tier of the bounty. Regardless, the dialogue lines will all reference a single Necramech.

(upon spotting the Necramech, variant) Loid: "Ah. The Necramech guardian is here. Defend yourself, Tenno."

(upon spotting the Necramech, variant) Otak: "Here's the big guy! He sure ain't pleased to see you, Chip!"

(upon spotting the Necramech, variant) Loid: "The guardian of the vault approaches. You must defeat it, Tenno."

The Necramechs are very powerful, and can only be damaged on their shoulders and back. They have an array of abilities in addition to their Mausolon weapon. If they receive sufficient damage to their shoulders, the arm will fall off (including the weapon if it's the right arm), but after sufficient time they will pick up and reattach the arm if not killed.

(upon disabling an arm, variant) Loid: "Well done, one arm down. Keep at it, more of the same."

(upon disabling an arm, variant) Otak: "You got his arm! You're doing great!"

(upon disabling an arm, variant) Loid: "While disabling one arm is a good start, the Necramech remains 82% combat-effective."

(upon disabling both arms, variant) Loid: "Another arm out of action. Excellent work, almost there…."

(upon disabling both arms, variant) Otak: "You got his other arm! That's brilliant!"

(upon disabling both arms, variant) Loid: "With both arms disabled, the Necramech is still 40% combat-effective. Do not stop attacking."

(upon destroying a Necramech, variant) Loid: "I confess I had my concerns, but that was expertly handled. The guardian is completely disabled."

(upon destroying a Necramech, variant) Otak: "Aaaaand he's down! Never doubted you for a minute, Chip!"

(upon destroying a Necramech, variant) Loid: "The Necramech has ceased function. A most satisfactory outcome."

After the Necramech is dead, the Tenno can leave the ruins and complete the bounty, by finding an Esophage nearby. The Esophage will grab the Tenno and regurgitate them on the surface. Alternatively, the Tenno can try to open the vault, which will reward them with an additional reward from the bounty as well as the contents of the vault itself. If the Tenno chooses to unlock the vault, they must find the vault door (which is identical to the door to the Heart seen in the Heart of Deimos quest). The Tenno must use their Operator form to activate the Reactive Crystal in front of the vault door. Doing so will cause the Necraloid robot that houses Loid and Otak to appear.

(upon activating the Reactive Crystal, variant) Loid: "There is one last obstacle to overcome before access is granted. Right this way…."

(upon activating the Reactive Crystal, variant) Otak: "Come on. I'll show you the locks on the vault."

(upon activating the Reactive Crystal, variant) Loid: "Follow me. I will take you to the safety interlocks."

The Necraloid will move slowly towards the first of four vault generators positioned around the Entrati complex and will begin to power it up. The Necraloid will need to be protected by waves of constantly spawning Infested as it powers up all four vault generators in sequence. If it is damaged, it can be healed with Void energy from the Operator.

(when powering up the first generator, variant) Loid: "Shed no tears for the Necramech. For they are now relentless enemies to all, and there is no countermanding that."

(when powering up the first generator, variant) Otak: "Spooky, ain't it? I think the family forgot a lot of what's really down here; even before the infestation, they'd begun to stay away. Well, most of them had."

(when powering up the first generator, variant) Loid: "The vaults were extended and reinforced many times. The outer layers have all but collapsed under the Infestation's relentless spread, but the inner chambers remain unbreached."

(if the Necraloid is at 50% health, variant) Loid: "Warning: Damage registered – structural integrity at 50%. I can be restored by Void energy; kindly assist if possible."

(if the Necraloid is at 50% health, variant) Otak: "Hey hey, I'm gettin' kinda busted up here, like, half-dead! Help a friend out? You can re-juice me with Void energy if you can spare it."

(if the Necraloid is at 50% health, variant) Loid: "I have suffered substantial damage. Request stabilisation with Void energy if available."

(if the Necraloid is at 25% health, variant) Loid: "W-warning. Damage… severe. I cannot hold on much longer. Void energy required."

(if the Necraloid is at 25% health, variant) Otak: "Hey, Chip, help a buddy out? Ol' Otak is going down hard here…."

(if the Necraloid is at 25% health, variant) Loid: "Critical damage has been registered to this unit. System failure imminent. Void energy recharge essential."

(if the Necraloid is at 10% health, variant) Loid: "Damage approaching critical levels. Self-preservation protocols active."

(if the Necraloid is at 10% health, variant) Otak: "I'ma gonna have to bail if this keeps up. I'm all but done… help?"

(if the Necraloid is at 10% health, variant) Loid: "I must retreat. Farewell, Tenno."

(upon activating all four generators, variant) Loid: "Now that I have activated all of the generators, the vault door is now active and awaiting the correct code…."

(upon activating all four generators, variant) Otak: Okay, power's on, now we gotta use that code on the door!"

(upon activating all four generators, variant) Loid: "With the generators all active, it is now possible to open the vault. One obstacle remains…."

Once all the generators are active, the Necraloid will return to the vault door. Once it arrives, a sequence of four Requiems will be displayed on the door for a brief moment before disappearing. The Tenno must activate the four Reactive Crystals before the vault door in the proper order displayed on the door by using Void damage, in a manner similar to that in the Heart of Deimos quest.

(upon arriving at the vault door, variant) Loid: "A maximum of three errors are permitted before the failsafe protocol seals the vault. Do not simply guess."

(upon arriving at the vault door, variant) Otak: "If you botch it three times, the vault locks you out for good, so don't do that, okay?"

(upon arriving at the vault door, variant) Loid: "You can only make three mistakes before the vault will lock permanently. Be sure before you input."

(upon making a mistake, variant) Loid: "Unfortunate. You have two attempts remaining."

(upon making a mistake, variant) Otak: "Oh boy, that ain't it! Good thing you got two more tries!"

(upon making a mistake, variant) Loid: "Error. Two attempts left."

(upon making a second mistake, variant) Loid: "Error. One attempt left."

(upon making a second mistake, variant) Otak: "You just bein' dramatic, right? You know you only got one shot left, right?"

(upon making a second mistake, variant) Loid: "You are down to your last attempt. I suggest you think carefully this time."

(upon making a third mistake, variant) Loid: "Final attempt failed. Vault has locked down permanently. Are you in fact deranged?"

(upon making a third mistake, variant) Otak: "Oh wow, you blew it completely! I'm kind of impressed. We ain't getting into that vault now."

(upon making a third mistake, variant) Loid: "You have failed the sanity test. The vault is now sealed. Disappointing."

Once the Tenno have entered the correct Requiem sequence, the door will open. Inside are many resource caches containing Cambion Drift resources, as well as argon crystals and Ayatan stars. The bounty will be completed, with the Tenno receiving two of the end-stage reward items (as opening the vault counts as a bonus objective). If the Tenno fail to open the vault (either by letting the Necraloid retreat or by making three mistakes on the vault door), the bounty will not fail, but the Tenno will not receive the bonus rewards.

(upon opening the vault, variant) Loid: "Some of the knowledge that was brought back from the Void never left these vaults. I hope you can find a use for it."

(upon opening the vault, variant) Otak: "There's all kindsa stuff down here. Some Void stuff they never let out of iso 'cause it was sooo not fun."

(upon opening the vault, variant) Loid: "I do not know what riches you may find, if any, but you will certainly discover some small measure of wisdom locked away down here."

(upon completing the bounty, variant) Gomaitru: "An interesting expedition, I trust? You did well, according to Loid. A reward is in order for your efforts. I do hope you'll go again; there is so much more to be found – things hidden from… a mundane gaze."

(upon completing the bounty, variant) Gomaitru: "Very, very good. You descend and return – most pleasing. So many descend and remain as remains. Perhaps you might learn more once you strengthen your Void connection. It is a difficult place to navigate with only one eye open."

(upon completing the bounty, variant) Gomaitru: "You are to be congratulated, Tenno. Few can confront the guardians of the isolation vaults. A fuller mastery of the Void and all its implications would be helpful, of course, but this must suffice for now."

Once the Tenno have finished looting the vault, they can return to the surface using an Esophage or by taking the long way.

[Navigation: HubDialogueLotusBounties → Isolation Vault]


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