Starchart Resources

Dojo remaster banner, U22.16.0

Common resources

Alloy Plate

Carbon steel plates used to reinforce Grineer armour.

A common resource found as a drop or in Alloy Drums on Venus, Phobos, Ceres, Jupiter, Pluto, Sedna, and the Zariman, or as a mission reward for low-level Reactor Sabotage missions. The Grineer letters on the icon translate to "ARMOR". Alloy plate is used in constructing a wide variety of items, and may be the material used in the Alloy Armour protecting most high-ranking Grineer enemies. Alloy Plate can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Oxides.


Alloy pellets used in Grineer manufacturing.

A common resource found as a drop or in Ferrite Deposits on Mercury, Earth, Neptune, the Void, and the Zariman, or as a mission reward on Grineer Forest Sabotage. There are Corpus symbols stamped on the side of the icon, which translate to "Ga" (the icon is reused from Gallium). Ferrite was one of the resources bartered by Corpus trade convoys in the early days of the Collapse1, and is presumably the main component of the Ferrite Armour worn by most low- and mid-ranking Grineer soldiers. Ferrite is used in constructing a wide variety of items, and can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Oxides.

Nano Spores

Fibrous Technocyte tumour. Handle Infested tissue with caution.

A common resource found as a drop or in Spore Cultures on Deimos, Saturn, Neptune, and Eris, or as a mission reward in various locations. Spores are commonly mentioned as infectious agents for the Infestation2; nano spores may be one of these vectors. Nano spores are used in constructing a wide variety of items, and can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Pheromones.


High-value metals collected from war salvage.

A common resource found as a drop or in Compacted Salvage on Mars, Jupiter, Sedna, and the Kuva Fortress. Salvage was one of the resources bartered by Corpus trade convoys in the early days of the Collapse3. Salvage is used in constructing a wide variety of items, and can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Oxides.

Uncommon resources


Various electronic components.

An uncommon resource found as a drop or in Circuitry Lockboxes on Venus, Ceres, and the Kuva Fortress, or as a mission reward in various locations. The icon has Corpus text stamped on the circuitboard which reads "KEY CIRCUITRY PARTS". The Circuitry Lockboxes also have the same Corpus text on the front. Circuits are used in constructing a wide variety of items, and can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Synthetics.


A reagent commonly used to produce highly combustible fuel.

An uncommon resource found as a drop on Jupiter, or as a reward for Disruption missions on Jupiter. It is harvested from gas platforms4. Hexenon is used in constructing a small number of items, and can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Calx.


A disgusting, nanite-infested tissue mass.

An uncommon resource found as a drop or in Plastid Carapaces on Phobos, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and Eris, or as a mission reward in various locations. Plastids are used in constructing a wide variety of items, and can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Pheromones.

Polymer Bundle

A hard, thermoplastic casing. Manufactured by Corpus.

An uncommon resource found as a drop or in Polymer Cases on Mercury, Venus and Uranus, or as a mission reward in various locations. The Polymer Cases have Corpus text on the front plate that reads "CARGO ROOM 0", and also bear the Luxor logo. Polymer bundles are used in constructing a wide variety of items, and can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Synthetics.


A jagged, crystalline ore. Gives off radiant energy.

An uncommon resource found as a drop or in Rubedo Formations on Earth, Phobos, Europa, Pluto, Sedna and the Void, or as a mission reward in various locations. According to the Corpus Tenets, Parvos Granum once stole a rubedo gemstone that was decorating an Orokin Tower's gates, and swallowed it. Although it almost killed him, he later regurgitated it and used it as collateral to open a loan, which formed the basis for his Corpus organisation. Rubedo was one of the resources bartered by Corpus trade convoys in the early days of the Collapse5, and is also traded by Ostron merchants in Cetus6. In the modern Origin System, rubedo is used to enhance weapons7. Rubedo is used in constructing a wide variety of items, and can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Calx.

Spectral Debris

Discharged Spectre Particles form an inert dust that can be collected and re-energised for various robotic projects.

An uncommon resource dropped by Errant Spectres in the Granum Void. Spectral Debris is used in constructing modular Hound components. Spectral Debris cannot be fed to the Helminth.


Usually found in extreme sub-zero environments, cryotic instantly freezes anything it contacts.

An uncommon resource produced as a byproduct of Excavation missions at any location, or rewarded for completing various missions. In Operation: Cryotic Front, Baro Ki'Teer tasks the Tenno with collecting cryotic, which he uses as a refrigerant to transport perishable goods. Cryotic can also be used to make cocktails8. The Shifting Sands Tactical Alert demonstrated that cryotic can have mutagenic effects on wildlife. According to the Lotus, Pazuul is currently collecting and consuming large amounts of cryotic for an unknown project9. Cryotic is used in constructing a wide variety of items, and can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Bile.


Oxium is a rare, lighter-than-air alloy of Orokin origin, used in certain Corpus robotics.

An uncommon resource dropped only from Oxium Ospreys – which can spawn in any Corpus mission – or found as a drop from storage containers and lockers in Corpus missions, or as a mission reward in various locations. Oxium, once lost to the ages, was rediscovered by the Corpus in Operation: Oxium Espionage, and used to develop the Oxium Osprey, which is now a staple of the Corpus arsenal. According to Cephalon Cordylon, oxium is excavated by automated mining platforms10, and must be refined before sale or use11. Tremendous quantities of oxium are used by the Grineer to construct Balor Fomorians12. Oxium is used in constructing a wide variety of items, and can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Oxides.

Detonite Ampule

Researching the Detonite traces within could advance our weapon technology.

An uncommon resource found as a drop on the Grineer-controlled planets of Mercury, Earth, Lua, Ceres, Saturn, Uranus, Sedna, and the Kuva Fortress, or as a mission reward on Grineer Forest Sabotage. Detonite ampules are only used to research projects in the Dojo Chem Lab, or to manufacture Detonite injectors. A small number of them are also used to build the Railjack Cowling in Rising Tide. Detonite ampules can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Synthetics.

Fieldron Sample

This destroyed Fieldron could further research into superheated containment fields.

An uncommon resource found as a drop on the Corpus-controlled planets of Venus, Lua, Mars, Jupiter, Europa, Neptune, and Pluto. Fieldron samples are only used to research projects in the Dojo Energy Lab, or to manufacture Fieldron. Fieldron samples can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Synthetics.

Mutagen Sample

These samples could advance our knowledge of biological research.

An uncommon resource found as a drop on the Infested-controlled planets of Deimos and Eris, or as a mission reward for Sabotage missions on those planets. Mutagen samples are only used to research projects in the Dojo Bio Lab, or to manufacture Mutagen masses. They are also used to construct the neuroptics component of the Nidus warframe. Mutagen samples can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Pheromones.

Rare resources

Control Module

Autonomy processor for robotics. A Corpus design.

A rare resource found as a drop or in Robotics Lockboxes on Europa, Neptune, and the Void, or as a reward for Tier 2 bounties in Cetus. Control modules are used in constructing a wide variety of items, especially sentinels and the systems component of warframes. Control modules can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Synthetics.


Soft metal used in microelectronics and energy weapons.

A rare resource found as a drop or in Gallium Deposits on Mars and Uranus, or as a mission reward in various locations. There are Corpus symbols stamped on the side of the icon, which translate to "Ga" – the chemical symbol for gallium. Smokefinger theorises that gallium was used in the manufacture of Dax weaponry as well as warframes13. Gallium is used in constructing a wide variety of items, and can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Oxides.


An amorphous solid. Possibly Orokin technology.

A rare resource found as a drop or in Morphics Stabilisers on Mercury, Mars, Europa and Pluto, or as a mission reward in various locations. Morphics are used in constructing a wide variety of items, especially warframe components, and can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Bile.

Neural Sensors

Implanted neural link for controlling augmentations. Grineer design.

A rare resource found as a drop or in Neural Arrays on Jupiter and the Kuva Fortress, or as a mission reward in various locations. They may also be dropped by the Raptors on Europa, even though they do not appear elsewhere on Europa. The Market carries a blueprint allowing the Tenno to manufacture neural sensors in the Foundry for large amounts of alloy plate, nano spores, and salvage. Neural sensors are used in constructing a wide variety of items, especially the neuroptics component of warframes, and can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Synthetics.


Biotech sensor organ harvested from Infested entities.

A rare resource found as a drop or in Neuroptic Masses on Earth, Lua, Deimos, and Eris, or as a mission reward in various locations. The Market carries a blueprint allowing the Tenno to manufacture neurodes in the Foundry for large amounts of alloy plate, nano spores, and salvage. Neurodes are used in constructing a wide variety of items, and can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Pheromones.

Orokin Cell

Ancient energy cell from the Orokin era.

A rare resource found as a drop or in Cell Arrays on Deimos, Ceres, and Saturn, or as a mission reward in various locations. They may also be dropped by any boss, including field assassins. The Market carries a blueprint allowing the Tenno to manufacture Orokin cells in the Foundry for large amounts of alloy plate, nano spores, and salvage. A shipment of Orokin cells was stolen from the Corpus by Solaris United agents during the Fortuna ARG14. Orokin cells are used in constructing a wide variety of items, especially prime weapons, which require massive amounts of this rare resource. Orokin cells can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Synthetics.

Argon Crystal

Void-based radioactive resource that decays every day it is out of the Void.

A rare resource found as a drop or in Argon Pegmatites in the Orokin Void, or as a mission reward in various locations. Argon crystals decay after being collected, with a 24-hour half-life. Smokefinger notes that argon crystals are not normally found on Venus, and any argon finds could point to an Orokin Void gate15. Argon crystals are used to irradiate Pherliac Pods to increase their potency in the Jordas Precept quest. Darvo also occasionally trades in argon crystals16. Argon crystals are used in constructing a wide variety of items, and can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Bile.

Somatic Fibres

Neural fibres sampled from an early Warframe prototype and preserved in a stabilised cerebral fluid.

A rare resource dropped by Demolishers on Lua Disruption missions, or sometimes rewarded from Conjunction Survival on Lua. They are mostly used in crafting Lua lenses, but are also a necessary crafting requirement of the Voruna neuroptics component. Somatic fibres can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Bile.


This rare metal is foreign to the Origin System and can only be found in asteroids that have made the long journey from other stars.

A rare resource found as a drop in any Archwing or Empyrean mission, or as a mission reward in various locations. As the Grineer Sealab and Grineer Kuva Fortress tilesets incorporate Archwing tiles, any mission on those tilesets will also have tellurium available as a drop. Smokefinger believes that tellurium was used to build the Void gates used by the Orokin, though he has no evidence to support this theory17. Tellurium is used in constructing a wide variety of items, and can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Oxides.


The rare thorn of an extinct rose, and a vital component in Orokin Defixios and other technology. Last seen near the Abyssal Zone.

A rare resource rewarded for completing Defixios Retrieval missions in the Abyssal Zone near Ceres. Each mission rewards 6 – 8 Vainthorns, or 8 – 12 on the Steel Path. Vainthorns are used to craft Dagath and her signature Dorrclave weapon. Vainthorns can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Bile.

Nitain Extract

Each vial is produced by the painstaking expression of billions of rare, ocean-vent dwelling microorganisms.

A rare resource primarily obtained through Nora Night's cred offerings, though it is also a rare mission reward in various locations. A shipment of Nitain extract was stolen from the Corpus by Solaris United agents during the Fortuna ARG18. Nitain extract is used in constructing a wide variety of items. Nitain extract cannot be fed to the Helminth.

Manufactured resources

Detonite Injector

Detonite injectors are the basis for explosive and incendiary weapons.

A resource typically manufactured from Detonite ampules, though it can also be rewarded from rare Grineer storage containers, Orb Vallis bounties, or given as battle pay in Invasions. Detonite injectors are only used to build clan research items, typically of Grineer origin, but are also required to research some warframe and Archwing blueprints (though not to manufacture them). Detonite injectors are also used to research and reconstruct Cephalon Cy prior to the Rising Tide quest. Detonite injectors cannot be fed to the Helminth.


Clan-tech weaponised containment field to contain superheated substances.

A resource typically manufactured from Fieldron samples, though it can also be rewarded from rare Corpus storage containers, Orb Vallis bounties, or given as battle pay in Invasions. A shipment of Fieldron was stolen from the Corpus by Solaris United agents during the Fortuna ARG19. Fieldron is only used to build clan research items, typically of Corpus origin, but are also required to research some warframe and Archwing blueprints (though not to manufacture them). Fieldron is also used to research and reconstruct Cephalon Cy prior to the Rising Tide quest. Fieldron cannot be fed to the Helminth.

Mutagen Mass

This living mass can produce weaponised toxins for weaponry.

A resource typically manufactured from mutagen samples, though it can also be rewarded from Orb Vallis bounties or given as battle pay in Infested Invasions. Mutagen masses are only used to build clan research items, typically of Infested origin, but are also required to research some warframe and Archwing blueprints (though not to manufacture them). Mutagen masses are also used to research and reconstruct Cephalon Cy prior to the Rising Tide quest. Mutagen masses cannot be fed to the Helminth.


Distilled fuel for stims.

A resource manufactured from morphics, neurodes, and gallium, with the blueprint available from the Dojo Tenno Lab. Synthula is only used to manufacture stims, also found in the Tenno Lab. Synthula cannot be fed to the Helminth.

Navigation resources

Nav Coordinates

Coordinate used to locate lost ships.

An uncommon resource found on all missions in lockers and storage containers, or as a drop from certain enemies. Nav coordinates are used to craft the single-use mission keys to access the Mutalist Alad V Assassination mission on Eris, as well as the navigational signals in the New Strange quest. Nav coordinates can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Bile.

Lephantis Nav Coordinate

Coordinate used to locate the Lephantis.

An uncommon resource found in lockers and storage containers on the Orokin Derelict. Lephantis nav coordinates were used to craft the single-use mission key to access the Assassination mission to defeat Lephantis. Lephantis nav coordinates were removed from the game in Update 28.3 when keys to access to the Orokin Derelicts were removed (in advance of the Derelict missions being moved to the new planet of Deimos). Any Lephantis nav coordinates in Tenno inventories were converted to 500 credits each, and Lephantis can now be encountered on Magnacidium, Deimos without a key.

Mutalist Alad V Nav Coordinate

These coordinates can be used to track Mutalist Alad V.

A rare resource primarily awarded as battle pay in Infested Invasions, though they can also be rewards for certain Infested missions. Mutalist Alad V nav coordinates are used to craft the single-use mission key to access the Mutalist Alad V Assassination mission. Mutalist Alad V nav coordinates cannot be fed to the Helminth.

Cryptographic ALU

Excess circuitry disposed of during the Razorback manufacturing process, these components only appear in the vicinity of high-level outer-orbit Corpus facilities after a Razorback Armada has been launched.

An uncommon resource found as a drop in Corpus Archwing missions on Jupiter and Neptune, or in Corpus Empyrean missions. However, cryptographic ALU only drops when a Razorback Armada is approaching one of the Relays. ALU likely stands for "Arithmetic Logic Unit", a fundamental type of circuit. Cryptographic ALU is only used in constructing the Razorback Cipher, which is used to defeat Razorback Armadas. Cryptographic ALU can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Synthetics.

Omega Isotopes

Produced by a Fomorian's power core, these particles only appear on or around planets where a Fomorian is present.

An uncommon resource found as a drop on any non-Archwing mission on a planet that is currently being threatened by a Balor Fomorian. Omega isotopes are only used in constructing the Fomorian Disruptor, which is used to defeat Fomorians. Omega isotopes can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Bile.

Special resources

Granum Crown (standard, Exemplar, & Zenith)

An ancient token of [esteem / high esteem / highest esteem] from the Corpus Founder himself. [The rarest of all.]

A special item dropped by Treasurers in the Corpus Ship tileset. Only one Treasurer will spawn per mission, and it will drop a single Crown if killed within 90 seconds, although it will not drop a Crown if the Tenno has not completed the Deadlock Protocol quest. Depending on the enemy level, the Granum Crown will be either standard, Exemplar, or Zenith tier, with slight variations in their description based on tier. Granum Crowns are used to free Solaris Prisoners, redeem the Tenets from Corpus Temple Reliefs, or pay tribute at the golden hand statues to enter the Granum Void – all activities that take place on the Corpus Ship tileset. Interestingly, Granum Crowns remain cold no matter how long they are held20. Granum Crowns are mentioned in Vala Glarios' song "Sleeping in the Cold Below"21. Granum Crowns cannot be fed to the Helminth.

Kavat Genetic Code

Contains the genetic code sequence of a kavat.

A special resource acquired by scanning Feral Kavats. Kavat genetic codes are primarily used in breeding kavats, but they are also used in constructing the Kavat Incubator Upgrade segment (which allows the Tenno to breed kavats in the Orbiter) and constructing the Khora warframe. Kavat genetic codes cannot be fed to the Helminth.


Kuva is an exceedingly rare red fluid coveted by the Grineer Queens. It can be obtained in Kuva Missions, and is used to cycle Rivens or build rare blueprints.

A special resource found primarily through Kuva Siphon missions, though it is also a mission reward in various locations and is available for purchase from a number of merchants, including Teshin, Palladino, Archimedian Yonta, and others. Kuva is a lore-heavy item, being of Orokin origin22 and currently used by the Grineer Queens23, as well as being present in the Tower of the Unum24 (and, presumably, other intact Orokin Towers). A more complete analysis of kuva and its properties will be covered in a future discussion. Kuva is primarily used to cycle Riven mods, but is also used in constructing a small variety of items. Kuva cannot be fed to the Helminth.

Void Traces

A substance used to increase the power within relics.

A special resource acquired by collecting enough Reactant during a Void Fissure mission. Reactant drops from Corrupted enemies in Fissure missions. In addition, a small number of Void traces are given to a player if another Tenno chooses that player's reward at the end of a Fissure mission. Void traces can also be rewarded for defeating Errant Spectres in the Granum Void, and found within storage containers inside Isolation Vaults on Deimos. Void traces were required to stabilise Kira's Void tunnel during the Zariman ARG25. Void traces are primarily used to refine Void relics, though they are also used in the crafting of Dragon keys to unlock Orokin Vaults, and to rank up with the Necraloid syndicate. Void traces cannot be fed to the Helminth.

Plant extracts

On most tilesets, there are plants that grow as a part of the environment. Although they cannot be harvested or collected, they can be scanned with the Codex Scanner or Synthesis Scanner, to yield an extract that can be used in crafting (similar to the harvesting of Kavat Genetic Codes). All plant extracts can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Biotics.

Dusklight Sarracenia

This robust, carnivorous plant has adapted to conditions in polluted waters.

Dusklight Sarracenia are found in the Grineer Shipyards tileset (primarily on Ceres), growing in pools of toxic sludge26. Their extracts are used to craft the Nightfall Apothic.


This resilient plant provides a natural food source in frigid areas of the Origin System.

Frostleaf is found in the Corpus Outpost tileset (on Venus, Neptune, and Pluto), generally growing on the edge of cliffs. Their extracts are used to craft the Sunrise Apothic. According to Amaryn, Frostleaf has many healing properties27.

Lunar Pitcher

This carnivorous plant can be found growing in the wilderness on Lua.

Lunar Pitchers are found in the Orokin Moon tileset (on Lua), growing in decorative planters or just in the regolith. Their extracts are used to craft the Twilight Apothic and Seeding Step ephemera. According to Amaryn, they used to grow on Earth, thriving under the moonlight, but went extinct (at least on the planet) long ago when Lua vanished28.

Moonlight Dragonlily

This uncommon plant can only be found at night.

Moonlight Dragonlily is an uncommon plant found on the Grineer Forest tileset (on Earth), only during the nighttime. It is used to craft some Antitoxins, as well as the Nightfall Apothic. Cephalon Melica mentions Moonlight Dragonlily as an example of noteworthy evolution29.

Moonlight Jadeleaf

This rare plant can only be found at night.

Moonlight Jadeleaf is a rare plant found on the Grineer Forest tileset (on Earth), only during the nighttime. It is used to craft rare Antitoxins, as well as the Twilight Apothic.

Moonlight Threshcone

This common plant can only be found at night.

Moonlight Threshcone is a common plant found on the Grineer Forest tileset (on Earth), only during the nighttime. It is used to craft some Antitoxins.

Ruk's Claw

This plant was introduced to arid regions across the Origin System, for its ability to collect moisture in harsh environments.

Ruk's Claw found in the Grineer Settlements tileset (on Mars). Their extracts are used to craft the Twilight Apothic. Ruk's Claw can be killed by overwatering; New Loka lost their specimen in such a manner30. Ruk's Claw may be named after General Sargas Ruk of the Grineer.

Sunlight Dragonlily

This uncommon plant can only be found during the day.

Sunlight Dragonlily is an uncommon plant found on the Grineer Forest tileset (on Earth), only during the daytime. It is used to craft some Antitoxins.

Sunlight Jadeleaf

This rare plant can only be found during the day.

Sunlight Jadeleaf is a rare plant found on the Grineer Forest tileset (on Earth), only during the daytime. It is used to craft rare Antitoxins, as well as the Sunrise Apothic.

Sunlight Threshcone

This common plant can only be found during the day.

Sunlight Threshcone is a common plant found on the Grineer Forest tileset (on Earth), only during the daytime. It is used to craft some Antitoxins, as well as the Nightfall Apothic.

Vestan Moss

One of the few known plant species able to thrive on asteroids in deep space.

Vestan Moss is found in the Grineer Asteroid tileset, growing on top of rocks or in shaded locations31. Their extracts are used to craft the Sunrise Apothic.



The dominant currency of the Origin System. Explore the system and complete missions to earn more.

The main currency used by the Tenno and all major groups in the Origin System. Credits are dropped from enemies and storage lockers, and awarded for mission completion for almost all missions. Lore-wise, these mission rewards are distributed by the Lotus for successful completion of assignments32, and are in turn financed by the sale of information or goods obtained by the Tenno during missions, among other revenue sources. Credit rewards may also be given by grateful recipients of Tenno protection. The Tenno may also obtain credits by selling items from their inventory. Credits are used to purchase items from the Market, mainly blueprints for weapons, warframes, and gear items, and are also consumed when building an item in the Foundry and upgrading or transmuting mods. These spent credits are actually allocated by Ordis for the procurement of supplies for the Tenno's ship (as well as a betting pool on the Tenno's survival)33. Credits are used by the Grineer, Corpus, Tenno, Ostrons34, Solaris35, syndicates, and others such as Rail agents, smugglers36, and independent merchants37. According to Cephalon Cordylon, the ubiquity of credits is necessary to maintain streamlined trade throughout the various factions and regions of the Origin System38, and is imposed by the Grineer and Corpus authorities, by force if necessary. Credits are also known as "silver stamps" by Rail agents39. The use of credits by the Entrati40 may indicate that this currency has its roots in the Orokin Era, although likely created by Parvos Granum's Corpus if so; the Orokin were known to use Ducats for currency, and the design of credits has a distinctly Corpus aesthetic. According to their visual icons, credits come in small, bronze units and larger, silver units, though the exact denominations are unknown. Credits cannot be fed to the Helminth.

Crystal Fragment (Belric's & Rania's)

A small fragment of [Belric's / Rania's] Crystal from Tyana Pass on Mars.

Two resources acquired from Mirror Defence missions at Tyana Pass, Mars. Each rotation rewards 10 Crystal Fragments of both types, and collecting 50 Citrine's Remnants during the mission rewards 5 Crystal Fragments each time of alternating types (Steel Path rewards 50% more Crystal Fragments). Crystal Fragments are used to purchase blueprints for Citrine, her weapons, and associated items from Otak in the Necralisk. Mirror Defence missions, and thus collection of Crystal Fragments, require completion of the Heart of Deimos quest. Crystal Fragments can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Calx.


Concentrated energy used to Fuse and upgrade Mods. Can be found in missions, Dissolved from Mods, or Extracted from Ayatans.

A form of stored energy used to upgrade mods. Endo is dropped by enemies, and awarded from a wide variety of missions. Endo can also be obtained by dissolving mods, or by turning in Ayatan statues and stars to Maroo. The daily Synthesis task from Cephalon Simaris awards Endo for completion, and Teshin will periodically offer a large quantity of Endo in exchange for Steel Essence. According to Maroo, Ayatan statues are powered by Endo, and she melts them down to extract it41. Old Man Suumbaat has several clusters of Endo in his stall, along with a broken Ayatan statue, although he sells neither Endo nor Ayatans. Endo cannot be fed to the Helminth.

Lua Thrax Plasm

A unique variant of Thrax Plasm harvested during Void Conjunctions on Lua.

A resource acquired from Conjunction Survival missions at Yuvarium and Circulus on Lua. Each rotation rewards a small amount, and Thrax enemies that appear during the mission have a chance to drop a single Plasm. Lua Thrax Plasm is used to purchase blueprints for Voruna, her weapons, and associated items from Archimedian Yonta on the Zariman, and is also used to craft Voruna and her weapons. Conjunction Survival missions, and thus collection of Lua Thrax Plasm, require completion of the War Within quest, but the Tenno cannot trade the Plasm to Archimedian Yonta until they complete the Angels of the Zariman quest. Lua Thrax Plasm can be fed to the Helminth to secrete Pheromones.

[Nightwave Series] Cred

Used to purchase Nightwave's Cred Offerings. Nightwave Creds from past Series can be kept as souvenirs or sold for credits.

A currency awarded by ranking up the Nightwave syndicate. Some ranks award an amount of Creds (others award specific items). Any cosmetic rewards already owned are converted to Creds, to avoid redundancy. After rank 30, each additional rank earned in Nightwave awards a small amount of Creds. Creds are spent in the Nightwave Cred Offerings store, which cycles its wares weekly. Each Series of Nightwave (including Intermissions) has an exclusive version of Cred (eg "Emissary Cred"). Once a Nightwave Series ends, its exclusive Creds can no longer be spent, but they can be sold for credits.

Orokin Ducats

Currency exchanged for Prime components and used to purchase items from the Void Trader.

The currency used by Baro Ki'Teer, the Void Trader. Ducats are described as "an ancient Orokin currency long out of circulation"42. On every Tenno Relay, kiosks can be found where the Tenno can deposit Prime blueprints and components in exchange for Ducats. Ducats can also be purchased from Varzia, in exchange for Aya. Ducats are used (in addition to credits) to purchase items from Baro Ki'Teer when he arrives every fortnight. Ducats are also used to purchase Rell's Donda from Palladino, to construct the Paracesis, and to achieve the final rank in the Conclave. A shipment of Ducats was stolen from the Corpus by Solaris United agents during the Fortuna ARG43. Ducats cannot be fed to the Helminth.


Warframe's premium currency. Select to open the Platinum store.

A more expensive, premium currency. Platinum is known to be used by the Corpus44 and Ostrons45 for rare, high-tier items, though credits are by far a more common medium for trade. Platinum is used to purchase items from the Market or from Darvo, bypassing time, resource, and Mastery Rank requirements to obtain items easier than normal acquisition methods (ie, with credits). Platinum can also be spent to bypass most timers such as Foundry craft times. Platinum is primarily obtained through purchase with real-world money, though it can also be distributed directly by Digital Extremes during giveaways. It constitutes the default trading medium among Tenno. Platinum cannot be fed to the Helminth.

Riven Sliver

A fragment of a sundered Riven. It is known that, with enough slivers, Palladino is capable of reforging a complete Riven.

A special resource acquired from certain Empyrean missions in Earth Proxima, Saturn Proxima, Neptune Proxima, Pluto Proxima, or Veil Proxima. Riven slivers can also be dropped by the Jackal if it is high enough level, or by Eximus enemies on the Steel Path, or received from Requiem relics. 10 Riven slivers can be given to Palladino in Iron Wake, who will then reforge them into a new Riven mod. This is currently the only use for Riven slivers. Riven slivers cannot be fed to the Helminth.

Steel Essence

Tokens of Teshin's esteem earned from Incursion Alerts or Acolytes on the Steel Path. Can be exchanged for items that prove your warrior capabilities.

A special resource dropped by Acolytes and Eidolon bosses on the Steel Path, or awarded from daily Steel Path Alerts, Steel Path Void fissures, or completing a planet on the Steel Path. It is used to purchase Honours from Teshin in the Relays. Steel Essence cannot be fed to the Helminth.


Chipper's current Stock level. Raise his Stock level by completing Kahl's Break Narmer missions.

A numerical representation of Chipper's wares in the Drifter Camp. Stock increases when Kahl completes randomised challenges during his weekly Break Narmer missions46, with a total of 105 Stock for completing all of a week's challenges. Redeeming an item from Chipper's store consumes Stock (but no other currency). Chipper sells blueprints for Styanax and Afentis, as well as Narmer- or Archon-themed items, most notably Archon Shards and Archon mods.

Syndicate Medallions

Medallion of the [NAME] syndicate. Can be traded on Relay syndicate hubs for additional Standing.

Items found during Syndicate missions or, rarely, given as a Daily Tribute reward. Medallions can be given to their respective syndicate in exchange for Standing; this Standing gain bypasses the daily limit. Each of the factional syndicates has their own unique medallion, in three tiers of rarity:

The Holdfasts have their own set of syndicate medallions, Voidplumes, which operate slightly differently. Other syndicates have similar items that can be redeemed for Standing, such as Toroids for Vox Solaris or family tokens for the Entrati. Syndicate medallions cannot be fed to the Helminth.

Universal Medallion

A medallion prized by all the syndicates. Can be traded in on Relay syndicate hubs for additional Standing.

A syndicate medallion rewarded as a rare drop during Disruption missions (not on Mars). Universal medallions can be given to any syndicate, including the factional syndicates, the Landscape syndicates, Cephalon Simaris, and the Holdfasts (but not the Conclave), in exchange for 1.000 Standing. In contrast to other syndicate medallions, Standing earned this way does not bypass the daily limit. Universal medallions cannot be fed to the Helminth.

Vitus Essence

Awarded by the Arbiters of Hexis to the few Tenno capable of surviving Arbitration.

A special resource found as a mission reward in Arbitration or dropped by Arbitration Shield Drones in Arbitration. It is primarily used to purchase Honours from the Arbiters, but is also used in the construction of a small number of items, primarily Ephemera. Vitus Essence cannot be fed to the Helminth.

Helminth secretions

When the Helminth Segment is unlocked after ranking up with the Entrati on Deimos, the Tenno gains the ability to feed most types of resources to the Helminth in order to produce secretions, which are used for the advanced functions of the Helminth.


Metallic substances, steadily corroded by the Helminth's digestive juices and exuded as a coarse powder.

The following resources can be fed to Helminth to produce Oxides:

  • Alloy Plate
  • Carbides
  • Ferrite
  • Gallium
  • Maw Fangs
  • Oxium
  • Salvage
  • Tellurium
  • Titanium


On consuming minerals, Helminth converts those it does not fully absorb into a smooth, rich paste with a faint vanilla odour.

The following resources can be fed to Helminth to produce Calx:

  • Asterite
  • Belric Crystal fragment
  • Cubic Diodes
  • Gallos Rods
  • Grokdrul
  • Hexenon
  • Iradite
  • Lucent Teroglobe
  • Nacreous Pebbles
  • Nullstones
  • Rania Crystal fragment
  • Rubedo


Plant-based materials of all kinds are processed and liquidised within the Helminth's digestive tract; the surplus is excreted as an inoffensive, inert clump.

The following resources can be fed to Helminth to produce Biotics:

  • Connla Sprouts
  • Dracroot
  • Dusklight Sarracenia
  • Eevani
  • Frostleaf
  • Ganglion
  • Gorgaricus Spore
  • Kovnik
  • Lunar Pitcher
  • Maprico
  • Moonlight Dragonlily
  • Moonlight Jadeleaf
  • Moonlight Threshcone
  • Mytocardia Spore
  • Nistlepod
  • Pustulite
  • Ruk's Claw
  • Silphsela
  • Sunlight Dragonlily
  • Sunlight Jadeleaf
  • Sunlight Threshcone
  • Tasoma Extract
  • Tepa Nodule
  • Ueymag
  • Vestan Moss
  • Yao Shrub


Helminth eagerly consumes artificial materials and exudes these rope-like strands of filament as a useful byproduct.

The following resources can be fed to Helminth to produce Synthetics:

  • Aucrux Capacitors
  • Circuits
  • Control Module
  • Cryptographic ALU
  • Detonite Ampule
  • Entrati Lanthorn
  • Fieldron Sample
  • Komms
  • Neural Sensors
  • Orokin Cell
  • Polymer Bundle
  • Saggen Pearls


When Helminth consumes Infested matter it creates greasy intestine-like casings, bloats them with a dark, musky gas and ejects them. The reason for this is unknown and probably best left that way.

The following resources can be fed to Helminth to produce Pheromones:

  • Chitinous Husk
  • Infected Palpators
  • Lamentus
  • Lua Thrax Plasm
  • Mutagen Sample
  • Nano Spores
  • Neurodes
  • Plastids
  • Pulsating Tubercles
  • Severed Bile Sac
  • Thrax Plasm


Helminth is able to digest all manner of miscellaneous substances, but generates a large surplus of bile in order to do so. Fortunately, this bile can be repurposed.

The following resources can be fed to Helminth to produce Bile:

  • Aggristone
  • Antiserum Injector Fragment
  • Argon Crystal
  • Ariette Scales
  • Cryotic
  • Diluted Thermia
  • Enigma Gyrum
  • Hemocyte Cystolith
  • Isos
  • Javlok Capacitor
  • Kullervo's Bane
  • Morphics
  • Nav Coordinate
  • Omega Isotope
  • Orokin Cipher
  • Rune Marrow
  • Somatic Fibres
  • Thermal Sludge
  • Ticor Plate
  • Vainthorn
  • Voidgel Orb

Sentient Appetite

In addition, Metamorphosis level 8 unlocks the ability Sentient Appetite, which allows the Tenno to feed Sentient resources to Helminth to restore its hunger for resources that are currently disliked. The following items can be fed to Helminth per Sentient Appetite:

  • Anomaly Shard
  • Cetus Wisp
  • Eidolon Shard (standard only)
  • Sentient core (all grades)

[Navigation: Hub → Other → Item Descriptions → Starchart Resources]

  1. "The whole convoy is loaded down with items we have scraped together through months of local trade. It was mostly salvage, with some ferrite spread between the different transports." (Anti Moa Synthesis entry)
  2. Doctor Tengus: "Tragically, I believe the Tenno have stolen spores with the intent to use the plague against us." (Once Awake)
    Kermerros: "I broke the containment protocol. I carried the spores in." (Heart of Deimos)
  3. "The whole convoy is loaded down with items we have scraped together through months of local trade. It was mostly salvage, with some ferrite spread between the different transports." (Anti Moa Synthesis entry)
  4. Some Red Veil crewmembers have as their bio "Former Hexenon gas platform worker."
  5. "The whole convoy is loaded down with items we have scraped together through months of local trade. It was mostly salvage, with some ferrite spread between the different transports. Rumour was that Umpal's transport might even have some rubedo in the hold." (Anti Moa Synthesis entry)
  6. "My door is a shipment of rubedo, and the cost of opening it would be…?" (Merchants of Cetus fragment)
  7. Index broker Dru Pesfor is said to have a "high-grade, rubedo-lined laser cannon" (Index Broker Codex descriptions). Steel Meridian crewmembers mention rubedo as a component of Grineer munitions: "Sometimes I'll de-cap a round, just to get a whiff of musky vordite base with sharp rubedo notes and a toasty magnesium finish" (Steel Meridian crewmember idle dialogue). The mod Rubedo-Lined Barrel increases Arch-gun damage.
  8. Sister of Parvos: "I would kill for a cryotic cocktail right now." (Domineering personality)
  9. Lotus: "Pazuul's project is consuming huge amounts of cryotic." (Archon Hunt dialogue)
  10. Cephalon Cordylon: "Dock 42.C did receive commendation in pioneering new means of excavating Oxium during its short-lived revolution." (Ask-a-Cephalon #14)
  11. Cephalon Cordylon: "…a shipment of (reportedly) unrefined Oxium…" (Ask-a-Cephalon #15)
  12. Twin Queens: "Are you even aware of the resources you have squandered? Do you understand how much oxium goes into a single Fomorian?" (Operation: Eyes of Blight)
  13. Smokefinger: "Now: gallium is interesting. I theorise it had a role to play not just in Dax weapon manufacture… but in creating warframes themselves. Just a theory, just a theory." (Smokefinger dialogue)
  14. The Business: "Thankfully, Agent HR-67 made it home safe along with the stolen Corpus shipment. Crates upon crates of Nitain, just waiting to be plucked from those Taxmen muckers. We also found Ducats and Orokin Cells inside." (Fortuna ARG)
  15. Smokefinger: "Now: argon crystals. They've not been found on Venus, but if they were… well, that would support my tellurium theory, now, wouldn't it?" (Smokefinger dialogue)
  16. Darvo: "I paid Baro Ki'Teer a crate full of Prime blueprints and two Argon Crystals just so I could sample his so-called 'delicacy'." (Operation: Cryotic Front)
  17. Smokefinger: "Now, there is no evidence for this theory, but I believe the Orokin used tellurium in Void gate creation. Finding traces here could be significant!" (Smokefinger dialogue)
  18. The Business: "Thankfully, Agent HR-67 made it home safe along with the stolen Corpus shipment. Crates upon crates of Nitain, just waiting to be plucked from those Taxmen muckers. We also found Ducats and Orokin Cells inside." (Fortuna ARG)
  19. The Business: "While the Corpus jammer was up, our agents managed to steal a shipment of Fieldron. We also found a crate of Articulas stored away in there." (Fortuna ARG)
  20. Perrin Sequence crewmember: "If you hold a Granum Crown in your fist, you'll notice it always stays cold. What's that tell you?" (Perrin Sequence crewmember idle dialogue)
  21. "Won't you lay me down / Under Granum Crowns" (Call of the Tempestarii)
  22. Grandmother: "Long ago, in the Orokin days, a golden people lived in spoiled luxury. If a body wore out, why, they would take a new one as easily as plucking a Maprico. Such was the mystery of the kuva." (Naberus story)
  23. Lotus: "The Queens have been frantically trying to produce more kuva." (Kuva Fortress Defence dialogue)
  24. Onkko: "[The Unum] gave her followers some of her blood – her refined Temple Kuva…" (The Gara Legend)
  25. Kira: "We need to ramp up the Void Contamination on your end. By a lot. If my calculations are correct, we'd need somewhere around 10.000.000 Void traces to do that." (Zariman ARG)
  26. Amaryn: "The Dusklight Sarracenia grows best in absolute filth. I mean, one-hundred-percent pollution. Poisonous air and water." (The Silver Grove)
  27. Amaryn: "Frostleaf… a delightful herb with many healing properties. Too bad it only grows on the iciest of planets…" (The Silver Grove)
  28. Amaryn: "Ah, Lunar Pitcher, a flower that thrives on moonlight. But, alas, without any Moon, we fear it went extinct long ago. We've searched everywhere on Earth for it; where else would it grow?" (The Silver Grove)
  29. Cephalon Melica: "Don't you think that the evolution of the common moonlight dragonlily is one of the universe's great miracles?" (Cephalon Melica dialogue)
  30. Amaryn: "Ruk's Claw: we had one of these plants in our greenhouse once, but a new recruit overwatered it." (The Silver Grove)
  31. Amaryn: "Have you found any Vestan moss? Neither have we, but our scholars theorise that it could thrive in damp, cold rocks, away from the light of the Sun." (The Silver Grove)
  32. Cephalon Cordylon: "Credit rewards are distributed by the Lotus for the successful completion of a mission. These credits are obtained by various means, whether through the resale of information obtained during espionage or the acquisition of goods obtained through remnant Corpus or Grineer outposts […] Gifts from outlying colonies threatened by Grineer raiding parties are also not uncommon." (Ask-a-Cephalon #20)
  33. Cephalon Cordylon: "While I cannot speak for Cephalon Ordis, it is conceivable that Ordis allocates acquired credits to managing other trivial areas unrelated to slaughter, such as Liset fuel cells, breathable atmosphere, etc. I can assure you with absolute certainty that Ordis doesn't not contribute a portion of those funds into a probability pool weighed against your odds of survival." (Ask-a-Cephalon #2)
  34. "3000 credits, plus tax." (Merchants of Cetus fragment)
  35. Solaris: "Say, might you loan me a couple of hundred credits?" (Solaris Male 5 dialogue)
  36. Cephalon Cordylon: "…an abandoned smuggler ship containing contaminated credits…" (Ask-a-Cephalon #23)
  37. Darvo and Maroo accept credits, according to the Stolen Dreams quest and Darvo's inbox messages, respectively. Additionally, Baro Ki'Teer accepts credits in conjunction with Ducats.
  38. Cephalon Cordylon: "The Corpus and Grineer would prefer to avoid each other as frequently as possible, but trade between all inhabitants of our solar system is an absolute necessity. So long as neither the Grineer nor Corpus control the entirety of our solar system, both sides will always require goods obtainable from specific environments. Using a single unified currency helps reduce many problems that arise when making complex trades – such as Grineer bidding on Corpus weaponry or Corpus purchasing raw materials en masse from various mining colonies. Naturally, the Tenno may spend credits on similar goods or information such as blueprints." (Ask-a-Cephalon #15)
  39. Solaris slang
  40. Kaelli Entrati: "Kahl, try your new contraption! 20 credits says it rips his head off." (Break Narmer: Sneaky Sabotage)
  41. Maroo: "People look out for their Ayatan sculptures. Those things run on Endo. If you don't want the ornaments for your ship, I can extract the Endo from them. The more complete the sculpture, the more Endo I can extract. Just keep in mind, I keep the leftovers, okay?" (Maroo dialogue)
  42. "Meet the Void Trader, Baro Ki'Teer"
  43. The Business: "Thankfully, Agent HR-67 made it home safe along with the stolen Corpus shipment. Crates upon crates of Nitain, just waiting to be plucked from those Taxmen muckers. We also found Ducats and Orokin Cells inside." (Fortuna ARG)
  44. The Profit trailer shows Corpus Board members bidding platinum for warframes.
  45. Ostron: "Abyssal snail spawn! As served on the tables of Corpus royalty! One thousand platinum per dropper, yes?" (Ostron Civilian dialogue)
  46. Chipper: "Can only give ya what I got in stock. Me stock level depends on how well ol' Kahl and his imaginary girlfriend do on his little outings. Good week, lotsa stock. Lotsa stock, ya more likely to get what ya need." (Chipper dialogue)

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