Operation: Orphix Venom
18 December 2020 – 18 January 2021
On Friday (18 December 2020), the event began with the release of Update 29.6 and was set to run for a month. Upon logging in, the Tenno received an inbox message from Vilcor Entrati (Father), containing a video.
Inbox message:
ORPHIX VENOM: Dust off those Necramechs[The video shows a cutscene of the Tenno's warframe weak and stumbling on a rocky landscape filled with opaque red fog as a Murex looms overhead. Suddenly, four Voidrig Necramechs fall from orbit and slam into the ground headfirst before orienting themselves upright to face the Tenno. Father provides voiceover for the duration of the video.]
Father (video): "Back in the Old War, Orphix Sentients would hit us with pulses. Shut down anything more sophisticated than a lump hammer. Well, the Orphix are back. Only this time, someone's taught them how to override your warframes. If they spread to cover the whole System, you're all shiny hat stands. The Orokin claimed Necramechs weren't smart enough to face an enemy that could learn, and retired them early. But my boneheads shrug off Sentient pulses like the morning dew. So I reckon between your 'frames and my old dusted-off war rigs, we might just have a hope in hell. Come see me on Deimos."
Bad news, bad news. The Orphix are back, and somehow they managed to figure out how to shut you down.
Gonna need you in the saddle on a Necramech, either your own or one of mine. Get out there and drive 'em back – while we still have that as an option.
In the Necralisk on Deimos, Vilcor had new dialogue when spoken to.
Vilcor: "Message reached you, huh? Good. Listen, a Necramech is not bright. They're not like Sentients. They can't learn squat. Sentients adapt to their attacks pretty quick. But hose a Sentient down with that Tenno hoodoo beam of yours, and all that adaptive resistance just burns clean off. Might want to remember that."
On Navigation, there was a new mission on Europa, titled Operation: Orphix Venom. The event could only be played if the Tenno had completed both the War Within and the Heart of Deimos quests.
Mechanics and Missions
The event was played on the new Operation node on Europa (initially). This mission took place on the Corpus Ship tileset, with Juno Corpus enemies. Fallen Voidrig and Bonewidow Necramechs were scattered intermittently throughout the level. An Orphix would spawn somewhere on the map shortly after the mission started. The Orphix were similar in shape to the Condrix from the previous Operation: Scarlet Spear, but somewhat smaller. When an Orphix landed, it would project a spherical field around itself (roughly the size of a map tile) that would immediately disable all warframes and nullify all warframe abilities inside it. If a warframe entered the field, the Operator would immediately be ejected out of the warframe. The only way to engage in the event was to use Necramechs – either the fallen mechs on the map or the Tenno's own summoned mech.
The Orphix will summon Sentient fighters (Brachiolysts, Battalysts, Conculysts, Symbilysts, Aerolysts, and the new units Choralysts, Ortholysts, and Summulysts), as well as several stationary energy constructs called Orphix Resonators. All the Resonators must be destroyed before the Orphix is vulnerable. After losing 50% of its health, the Orphix will spawn a new set of Resonators and become invincible again. The general goal was to use Necramechs to destroy the Resonators and then the Orphix, while fighting off Sentients and the resident Corpus forces. Once an Orphix was destroyed, all Sentient units it had summoned would vanish.
The HUD displayed a stat called "Sentient control", which increased by 1% for every second that an Orphix was active. Killing Sentients would decrease control, and destroying an Orphix would immediately halve the level of control. If there were no active Orphix, Sentient control was always at 0%. If Sentient control ever reached 100%, mission objectives would no longer be updated and the Tenno would be forced to extract. If this occurred before the Tenno destroyed three Orphix, the mission would fail. After the Tenno had destroyed 24 Orphix, no more would spawn, and the Tenno could head towards extraction. Every 3 Orphix destroyed would reward the Tenno with an item from the event mission reward pool.
During a mission, the Operation score was continuously tracked on the HUD under the Sentient control meter. Score increased by 2 points every second with no active Orphix. Killing Sentient fighters as well as the Orphix themselves also awarded points. After a mission was complete, the Tenno would receive a number of Phasic Cells equivalent to 10% of their mission score, rounded down (so a score of 3524 would result in 352 Phasic Cells). Phasic Cells were a new currency which could be spent with Vilcor in the Necralisk.
During the mission, Vilcor acted as mission control and sent transmissions to direct the Tenno.
(upon mission start, variant) Vilcor: "Sentient control will increase with every Orphix. If it tops out, you get out. Until then, fill every golden moment with sweet slaughter."
(upon mission start, variant) Vilcor: "Orphix incoming. Every one gives them more control. Make them think twice, and don't be afraid to bail when you have to."
(upon mission start, variant) Vilcor: "Gloves are off now, kids. Beat them back as best you can. If they get the upper hand, get the hell out."
(if the Tenno approaches a fallen Necramech, variant) Vilcor: "That mech may not be in prime condition, but we do not have time to be fussy. Go ahead, use it."
(if the Tenno approaches a fallen Necramech, variant) Vilcor: "That mech's still functional! Hop on board."
(if the Tenno approaches a fallen Necramech, variant) Vilcor: "Reckon you could get that mech up and running again."
(when the first Orphix arrives, variant) Vilcor: "There's our problem! An Orphix. Soon it'll spread the pulse field wider."
(when the first Orphix arrives, variant) Vilcor: "Got an Orphix! It will boost the pulse field with Resonators."
(when an Orphix arrives, variant) Vilcor: "There's another Orphix. Every one tightens the Sentients' grip."
(when an Orphix arrives, variant) Vilcor: "As Mother would say: 'Kindly address the Orphix situation, Tenno?'"
(when an Orphix arrives, variant) Vilcor: "Sentient pulser. Wipe him out."
(when an Orphix arrives, variant) Vilcor: "Orphix just hit. Updating your map."
(when an Orphix arrives, variant) Vilcor: "Big nasty on the scope."
(when an Orphix arrives, variant) Vilcor: "Big old Orphix ahead."
(when an Orphix arrives, variant) Vilcor: "Orphix!"
(after the Orphix spawns new Resonators, variant) Vilcor: "Every Resonator pushes the pulse field out wider, and we do not want that."
(after the Orphix spawns new Resonators, variant) Vilcor: "You won't even be able to scratch that Orphix while there's Resonators nearby."
(after the Orphix spawns new Resonators, variant) Vilcor: "Get to popping Resonators. Then you can tackle the big guy."
(after the Orphix spawns new Resonators, variant) Vilcor: "More Resonators means a bigger pulse field means a bigger headache."
(when the Orphix is vulnerable, variant) Vilcor: "That's the stuff! Now hit that Orphix hard!"
(when the Orphix is vulnerable, variant) Vilcor: "You got him vulnerable. Dish out some punishment."
(when the Orphix is vulnerable, variant) Vilcor: "An Orphix is like any other kind of personal hygiene problem. It will get worse if you ignore it. As I have been repeatedly reminded…."
(upon destroying an Orphix, variant) Vilcor: "Huh, that should give us some breathing space."
(upon destroying an Orphix, variant) Vilcor: "Push 'em back, one Orphix at a time."
(upon destroying an Orphix, variant) Vilcor: "Good job! They felt that back in Tau."
(upon destroying an Orphix, variant) Vilcor: "Bought yourself some time! Nice."
(upon destroying an Orphix, variant) Vilcor: "It's down! Good work!"
(upon destroying an Orphix, variant) Vilcor: "Orphix down."
(when a reward rotation is up, variant) Vilcor: "Look who found a new shiny."
(when a reward rotation is up, variant) Vilcor: "Looks like you found yourself a little added value there."
(when a reward rotation is up, variant) Vilcor: "Oh, that's a keeper."
(when a reward rotation is up, variant) Vilcor: "Good work back there."
(after the Tenno destroys three Orphix, variant) Vilcor: "Well done. Head on through to extraction when you feel the need."
(after the Tenno destroys three Orphix, variant) Vilcor: "You can come out now, if you've had enough fun."
(after the Tenno destroys three Orphix, variant) Vilcor: "Damn fine work. Clock off any time you're ready."
(when Sentient control is at 75%, variant) Vilcor: "Sentients are kinda getting the advantage down there. You still good?"
(when Sentient control is at 75%, variant) Vilcor: "Sentient control is riding pretty high. You comfortable with that?"
(when Sentient control is at 75%, variant) Vilcor: "You're losing ground, kid. Think about getting out."
(when Sentient control is at 100%, variant) Vilcor: "So help me I will come down there and drag you to extraction myself. MOVE!"
(when Sentient control is at 100%, variant) Vilcor: "What are you doing, admiring the drapes? Time to move! Let's go!"
(after 36 Orphix are destroyed, variant) Vilcor: "That wraps it up."
(after 36 Orphix are destroyed, variant) Vilcor: "All done. Let's go."
(after 36 Orphix are destroyed, variant) Vilcor: "Good work back there."
The event mission can be repeated as many times as desired. After the Tenno achieved a score of at least 500 on the Europa mission, they will receive an inbox message from Vilcor containing an event emblem.
Inbox message:
ORPHIX VENOM: Were we right, or were we right?Well, kid, that’s what we call a thoroughly field-tested theory. And you performed great. The Necramech and warframe combination is exactly what the Sentients did not expect.
Felt I ought to mark the occasion with something. Sorry, I don't have more to offer just yet.
You're cleared to take on higher-order Sentients, by the way. I'd say you're ready. But it's your call.
This unlocks a second event mission on Saturn, labelled "Operation: Orphix Venom – Advanced". This mission takes place on the Grineer Galleon tileset and features standard Grineer enemies, as well as higher-level Orphix that give more mission score points when destroyed. Other aspects of the mission were identical to the first mission. Once the Tenno achieved a score of at least 1000 on the Saturn mission, they received an inbox message from Vilcor containing an Ayatan Hemakara sculpture (without Ayatan stars).
Inbox message:
ORPHIX VENOM: Giving away the family treasures now (Don't tell Grandmother)You know, I remember when the Tombjockey took its first faltering steps into the Lux-Severin Hotzone. Experimental Necramech. Low CoG, squat little guy, built for endurance.
Didn't make it seven paces before some wide-winged hell-clown I'd never seen before ripped it apart like a kubrow going at a raggedy-kai.
Tell you the truth, I was scared the same would happen to you out there. Glad you proved me wrong.
Little keepsake enclosed. And if you want to turn your guns on the Sentient heavy hitters, I will not stand in your way.
This unlocked the third, final mission on Jupiter, titled "Operation: Orphix Venom – Endurance". This mission took place on either the Corpus Ship, Corpus Gas City, or Grineer Galleon tileset (with the tileset cycling every hour), featuring the standard enemies for each tileset. Orphix were higher level and gave more mission score points when destroyed, and the maximum number of Orphix spawns in a mission was 36 instead of 24. In addition, the Endurance mission also features cryptic transmissions from Natah that can trigger when an Orphix is destroyed.
Natah: "Deploying squadron I-0-5 to attack vectors."
Natah: "Orphix launch reinforcement across all lanes. Delta sequence A-1."
Natah: "M-2 protocol in effect. We require sector control. Do not let them advance."
Natah: "D-3 series badly damaged. We did not expect Necramechs, but we will adapt."
Natah: "Adapt next series. Deploying from Y-4 quadrant. We cannot be stopped."
Natah: "Orphix N-6 series lost. Adjusting repeater deployment algorithm."
Natah: "Entrati interference must be cross-controlled. Segment G-7 restarting."
Natah: "I sing. No. The wind sings my emptiness. I am the Queen of nothing."
Natah: "Sentient as we, as they are not. Simple. It is not simple."
Natah: "The steel vipers sleep now. I showed them how. I… had my reasons."
Natah: "Who woke the Orphix? Who sang the steel lullaby to the viperous children? Who?"
Natah: "I speak for myself. No. I am the hollow vessel. The echo."
Natah: "Unravelled, the serpent coiling of their genes. The secret phrases of cell and cipher. I too am encoiled."
If the letters in the letter-number designations from Natah's transmissions are arranged in sequence according to the corresponding number (with I in both the 0th and 5th place, as indicated), the message I AM DYING is revealed.
After the Tenno achieved a score of at least 2000 on the Jupiter mission, they received an inbox message from Vilcor containing an Aura Forma and a Supulchrax Mausolon skin.
Inbox message:
ORPHIX VENOM: Wish I could be there to see you open thisGotta say I'm feeling pretty redundant down here, dispensing two-credit advice and shelved mechs while you've been… well, doing what I used to do. Heavy lifting. Takin’ it to them. So I got to thinking: what do I have that you could actually use?
I'm sending you this. Crater some goob and think of me.
The Tenno could repeat any of the event missions as many times as desired in order to acquire Phasic Cells (with the Endurance mission giving the most).
The Tenno earned rewards over the course of the event, delivered by Vilcor via inbox message. The Tenno also earned Phasic Cells by playing, at a rate of 1 Phasic Cell per 10 mission event points (rounded down). Phasic Cells were a new currency, described as "Harvested from the debris left by fallen Orphix Sentients, Phasic Cells seem to be key to pulse function. These components can be traded with Father in the Necralisk."
(when viewing event store) Vilcor: "Going up against Orphix, you'll likely come away with your little hands full of Phasic Cells. Now, I can use those – probably the only person in the System who can! So, we can trade. I've been keeping some special stuff in reserve."
(if the Tenno idles in the shop, variant) Vilcor: "Ballas, huh? Who would have known. Who… would… have known."
(if the Tenno idles in the shop, variant) Vilcor: "There were four of us: Barroc, Kailen, Mutaru, and me, patching ruptures on a rust bucket of a Railjack off the Delta Proxima. I remember our first sight of a Sentient Murex… [chuckles] eh, maybe some other time."
(if the Tenno idles in the shop, variant) Vilcor: "One day you're a Railjack gunner, riding high and proud. The next, you're a broken man on a Xenorhast bier, telling war stories to Tenno who politely pretend to listen."
(if the Tenno idles in the shop, variant) Vilcor: "You tried the Bonewidow yet? One of the most fearsome tools I've ever constructed. Cold, cutting, ruthlessly efficient. Based her on my wife."
(if the Tenno idles in the shop, variant) Vilcor: "I think my wife's clinging on to the idea we'll all just jump into new bodies one day. Would be nice. (under breath) She sure made a mess of mine."
(if the Tenno idles in the shop, variant) Vilcor: "Not sure how much longer I can keep the lid on the mech project. She's not said anything, but I'm pretty sure she suspects."
(exiting wares after purchasing an item, variant) Vilcor: "Hope you're happy with it."
(exiting wares after purchasing an item, variant) Vilcor: "Whatever you need to keep those mechs up and running."
(exiting wares after purchasing an item, variant) Vilcor: "Hope it makes up for the trouble you took."
Vilcor's event wares contained the Lavos warframe blueprint and component blueprints, the Cedo blueprint and components, the Lavos Cordatus helmet blueprint, the Cryptanaut Necramech helmet, the Supulchrax skins for the Cortege and Morgha, a Lavos in Action glyph, and seven new Necramech mods. In addition, Vilcor offered the same rewards that Little Duck carried in Operation: Scarlet Spear – Basmu and Ceti Lacera blueprints, Stance Forma blueprints, Ballroom Simulacrum, clan sigils, and warframe Arcanes. The only exceptions were the Orbiter decorations for the Murex and Earth, which Vilcor did not offer.
During event missions, every 3 Orphix destroyed would reward the Tenno with an item from the reward pool. This pool was largely the same for all three levels of difficulty, and contained the Lavos blueprints, Cedo blueprint and components, Lavos Cordatus helmet blueprint, and the new Necramech mods. Thus, the Tenno could obtain these rewards without having to purchase them using Phasic Cells.
The founding Warlord of each clan received an inbox message from Vilcor with trophies based on the clan’s level of participation in the event, combining each member's top score from the Endurance mission. There were Terracotta, Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies, and clans received each trophy they were qualified for (up to all four).
Inbox message:
ORPHIX VENOM: Your very own shiny hat standHey, kids.
I don't have a proud father speech lined up for you. Heck, my own kids never got one. But that doesn't mean I'm not proud. [clan] faced down the same nightmares that made Orokin vets turn tail and run. Glad I could be a part of that.
I put this statue together in the workshop for you. Hope it'll remind you of your own war stories.
After the event concluded, the Lavos and Cedo blueprints and components were made purchasable from Vilcor for Entrati Standing. The Lavos Cordatus helmet was made available in the Nightwave store in Intermission III.
The Orphix game mode was added to Corpus Empyrean missions in Update 29.10, with virtually no changes other than the addition of Railjack gameplay. Orphix missions no longer award Phasic Cells, but instead award Arcane enhancements directly.