Nights of Naberus is a recurring holiday event first released with Hotfix 29.2.4 in 2020. The event takes place usually in the month of October, celebrating an Orokin analogue to Halloween called Naberus, and mostly involves Kaelli Entrati (Daughter) on Deimos. Unlike most events, there are no missions associated with it.
Kaelli dialogue
During the event, Kaelli, the daughter of the Entrati family in the Necralisk, is dressed in a costume, with glass shards embedded in her head, bloody handprints all over her skin, and wearing a necklace of red hands cut from paper. The Necralisk facility also has jack-o-lantern decorations placed throughout. When spoken to, Kaelli has unique dialogue and an offering of Naberus decorations (many of them reused from the Operation: Plague Star rewards).
(Naberus trailer) Kaelli: "Hush… can you feel it? It's almost upon us! The ancient festival of death and mischief, Naberus! And you have a special invitation. We'll make you very welcome."
(greeting the Tenno) Kaelli: "It's Naberus! You… do know what that is, right? The ancient Orokin festival of death, darkness, and deviance? The happiest time of the entire year? I've dug out all the old family decorations! Take a look. One of them even tells a story…."
(opening Naberus shop, variant) Kaelli: "Now, these ghoulish little knick-knacks have been in the family for generations. I can't just give them away."
(opening Naberus shop, variant) Kaelli: "Naberus is all about raising the ghosts of the past. For the immortal Orokin, that meant everything we thought we left behind. Mortality. Mystery. Fear of the dark."
(if the Tenno idles) Kaelli: "Naberus is meant to be frightening. But if you like bones and blood, it can be fun, too."
(if the Tenno idles) Kaelli: "Scuttle-buttle… whispery-hisspery… chitter-chatter-SNAP!"
(if the Tenno idles) Kaelli: "When Otak was Otak and had his own shell, I used to put black roses all around his little skull. Tried that with Loid, but he wasn't having it."
(if the Tenno idles) Kaelli: "The Orokin would laugh at Death on Naberus night. I guess the last laugh was Death's. Here's to her."
(if the Tenno idles) Kaelli: "Mother wasn't really one for fun. I mostly amused myself dissecting specimens. But I always loved Naberus night."
(if the Tenno idles) Kaelli: "I used to put black roses all around Loid's skull."
(if the Tenno idles) Kaelli: (singing) "'Let the wedding night begin, Lift the latch and let me in, Though I'm only bones and skin'. Oh, the winds of Deimos…."
(if the Tenno idles) Kaelli: "I'm a kubrow this year. Again."
(if the Tenno idles) Kaelli: "Let's hear the tokens rattle! Put them on your eyes if you like. It's tradition."
(exiting Naberus shop after purchase) Kaelli: "Go and cause trouble."
(exiting Naberus shop after purchase) Kaelli: "Let's keep tradition alive."
(exiting Naberus shop after purchase) Kaelli: "Careful nothing catches you out there…."
(exiting Naberus shop after purchase) Kaelli: "The darkness is always watching!"
(exiting Naberus shop after purchase) Kaelli: "Happy Naberus!"
Naberus treats
Kaelli offers a variety of Naberus-themed and Infested items. All items are redeemed with Mother tokens. There are no new missions associated with the event; Tenno can earn Mother tokens in the traditional way (completing bounties on the Cambion Drift or "Mending the Family" with Grandmother, though this option did not exist during the first run of the event) and then spend the tokens at Kaelli's shop. Below are listed the Naberus rewards that the Tenno are able to redeem during Nights of Naberus.
Item name | Price (Mother tokens) | Release notes |
Basmu Day of the Dead skin | 90 | first offered in 2020 |
Gram Day of the Dead skin | 90 | first offered in 2020 |
Voidrig Day of the Dead skin | 100 | first offered in 2020 |
Stinkeye Naberus glyph | 20 | first offered in 2020 |
Rotting Naberus glyph | 20 | first offered in 2020 |
Grapeskull Naberus glyph | 20 | first offered in 2020 |
Grim Grin Naberus sigil | 5 | first offered in 2020 |
Hallow's Eve colour palette | 125 | first offered in 2020 |
Spinneret ephemera | 150 | first offered in 2020 |
Whispering Naberus Mobile | 100 | first offered in 2020 |
Naberus ephemera blueprint | 45 | originally from Hallowed Flame Tactical Alert; first offered in 2020; removed in 2023 |
Plague Akwin blueprint | 75 | originally from Operation: Plague Star; first offered in 2020; removed in 2023 |
Plague Keewar blueprint | 75 | originally from Operation: Plague Star; first offered in 2020; removed in 2023 |
Plague Bokwin blueprint | 25 | originally from Operation: Plague Star; first offered in 2020; removed in 2023 |
Plague Kripath blueprint | 25 | originally from Operation: Plague Star; first offered in 2020; removed in 2023 |
Exodia Contagion | 50 | originally from Operation: Plague Star; first offered in 2020; removed in 2023 |
Exodia Epidemic | 50 | originally from Operation: Plague Star; first offered in 2020; removed in 2023 |
Nyctalus ephemera | 200 | first offered in 2021 |
Basmu blueprint | 45 | originally from Operation: Scarlet Spear; first offered in 2021 |
Ceti Lacera blueprint | 125 | originally from Operation: Scarlet Spear; first offered in 2021 |
Ballroom Simulacrum | 55 | originally from Operation: Scarlet Spear; first offered in 2021 |
Stalker noggle | 25 | previously infrequently available; first offered in 2021 |
Revenant in Action glyph | 25 | first offered in 2022 |
Haunted interior decorations | 100 | first offered in 2022 |
Jack O'Naut noggle | 25 | first offered in 2022 |
Revenant Vania helmet blueprint | 25 | available from Nightwave cred store; first offered in 2022 |
Keratose sugatra | 35 | originally from Nightwave: The Emissary; first offered in 2022 |
Sheev blueprint | 125 | available in Invasions; first offered in 2022 |
Sheev hilt | 25 | available in Invasions; first offered in 2022 |
Sheev blade | 25 | available in Invasions; first offered in 2022 |
Sheev heatsink | 25 | available in Invasions; first offered in 2022 |
Gammacor Day of the Dead skin | 90 | first offered in 2023 |
Frightening Flock emblem | 5 | first offered in 2023 |
Taunting Tamm emblem | 5 | first offered in 2023 |
Sombre Stalker sigil | 5 | first offered in 2023 |
Hounding Kubrow sigil | 5 | first offered in 2023 |
Lua Nights glyph | 20 | first offered in 2023 |
Arlo noggle | 25 | originally from Nightwave: The Emissary; first offered in 2023 |
Male Devotee noggle | 25 | originally from Nightwave: The Emissary; first offered in 2023 |
Female Devotee noggle | 25 | originally from Nightwave: The Emissary; first offered in 2023 |
Arlo's Flame decoration | 40 | originally from Nightwave: Intermission II; first offered in 2023 |
Nights of Naberus is accompanied by other seasonal offerings that predate it, such as Day of the Dead skins and festive glyphs being offered in the Market.
Nights of Naberus has returned every year since its inception, generally running for a month, mostly during October. Each year, new items are added while older items remain, with one exception: in 2023, the Plague Zaw components and Exodia Arcanes were not available in Kaelli's shop, as Operation: Plague Star returned shortly afterward, making their acquisition during Naberus redundant.
Naberus story
The Whispering Naberus Mobile is a decoration that, when placed in the Orbiter, can be interacted with to hear a story narrated by Grandmother.
Would you like to hear a story for Naberus? One that I told my grandchildren when they were small? Very well!
Long ago, in the Orokin days, a golden people lived in spoiled luxury. If a body wore out, why, they would take a new one as easily as plucking a Maprico. Such was the mystery of the kuva.
So what became of death and disease? Oh, they were abundant, but not for the Orokin. They were above petty death. Such was their contempt that they decreed a special day on which to make fun of it.
On Naberus, the night of memory, the shining people laughed at death. They dressed in costumes that recalled the old days. Of mortality. Skulls grinned. Hallways guttered with demon-lights. For one night, beauty was banished. Rot and monstrosity held sway.
Now, on one very special Naberus, three pretty Orokin were bored, as Orokin so often were. "Naberus no longer holds its magic for me," sighed one. "Masks and costumes are for children," grumbled another. "Why follow the crowd," mused the third. "Are we not the very elite of the elite? Haha! Up, my kissingtons, my luscious loves; send for blue kuva and hot lights – I have a sport that will mend all!" And in the corridor, behind a curtain, a solitary, silent girl heard them and said nothing.
Then the three were very wicked, for what do you think they did? Down into the streets, they went, and they caught three poor Ostrons and bore them back to their gilded halls. One, they peeled like a fruit and decked out with glassy splinters, and his naked jaws went chitter-chatter-snap, and it echoed all around. Scarlet footprints he left. Another's limbs they twisted, and wrenched his neck, and made a bundle of him, until he scuttled upsy-downsy like a horrid crab, with his sockets all empty and his stretched-out nose snuffling. The third they pulled thin in hand and foot. She walked spindly-wise on long tiptoes like a spider, and her entrails hung delicately down. She whispered, split-tongued and hissing, as she went.
"Fine costumes we've made," chortled the three Orokin. "Let us now try them on, and visit our friends! What shrieking there will be! Oh! Our names will live forever in the Court, for such a prank as this!" Now. The silent girl brought them their blue kuva, so they could take on these twisted bodies for only a short time before returning to their own. They drank and slept and woke in their three horrid forms. Off they went, down the stairs, out the door, into the city, into the night of banners and masks and wild hilarity. Chitter-chatter-snap, scuttle-buttle, whispery-hisspery. As you can imagine, there were many screams and laughs. Such cleverness. Such wit!
But in a high room of the tower, the silent girl looked at the faces of the three sleeping Orokin. She went and opened a little ivory door that she was not supposed to know about, and drew forth a flask that she would have been glassed for even looking at. A flask of crimson kuva. The scarlet seal upon Continuity. Permanent.
And she tipped it. Down three cruel throats.
With a little laugh, she went skating away, never to return. There were many screams that Naberus night. But when the sun came up, none screamed so loud as the three who found they were trapped in the hideous bodies that they themselves had fashioned.
Forever and ever.
So listen carefully, Tenno, and beware. For you may hear them coming tonight. Whispery-hisspery on long stalking bones. Scuttle-buttle with his eyes all empty. And skinless, dripping-handed, chitter-chatter-snap.
Happy Naberus!
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