Solaris Civilian Dialogue
The debt-internment colony of Fortuna is very active. Many Solaris civilians chat to each other as they work, or will call out to the Tenno. The loudspeakers constantly repeat Corpus indoctrination, and occasionally the giant screens all around Fortuna will be commandeered by Nef Anyo as he addresses his workers – when the feed isn't being hijacked by the subversive Vox. Commonly repeated lines are reproduced below, grouped by speaker.
The message that greets outworlders who arrive in Fortuna is as follows:
Howzit, Outworlder! Welcome to Fortuna, nerve centre of Nef Anyo's attempts to terraform Venus, and home to the Solaris rig jockeys who make it all happen. Talk to the local reprobates for all your quasi-legal needs! If you're looking to hit the Orb Vallis, talk to Eudico. Fortuna: it ain't much, but it's home… provided you can handle all the noise comin' from the vents.
The list of Solaris slang may be useful in parsing some of these lines, though it is not exhaustive.
Note: these dialogue lines are not subtitled, so spelling and, in some cases, wording, is approximate. If you have a comment regarding the transcription of these lines, please contact the Curator.
We All Lift Together
The Solaris anthem is "We All Lift Together", a song that encourages them to keep working even in adverse conditions. Its rhythmic beat helps them keep time while working, and its message is a core part of the Solaris identity. Various Solaris can be heard humming it as they go about their work, and when the Tenno arrives in Fortuna for the first time, they are able to hear the entire song being sung by the Solaris community.
Cold, the air and water flowing
Hard, the land we call our home
Push to keep the dark from coming
Feel the weight of what we owe
This, the song of sons and daughters
Hide the heart of who we are
Making peace to build our future
Strong, united, working til we fall
[first two stanzas repeat]
And we all lift
And we're all adrift together, together
Through the cold mist
Til we're lifeless, together, together
Solaris Female 1: The Merc
"I'd scrub me wetware before they shelve me and no mistake. Scrub a few of them, too, right out."
"Look, you can breathe coolant for twenty years, or, come with me! Merc-mercs need backup! Six-month run popping zits near Mercury. Come back flush! Easy money, old mate, easy!"
"Solaris United, uppity sorts who think they know how things should be. That's why they can't see things how they are. Things are as they should be!"
"You wanna wish for heaven? Go right ahead. But any history book will tell ya, what waits at the end of that dream… every time… is straight-up genocide."
"I don't give a fig they're Corpus-endorsed, one more witness for the Order of Profit comes around my hab early in the cycle, they're gonna find me waiting with a shotgun, ready to void some muckin' warranties!"
"Me boyfriend broke up with me yesterday. [chuckling] He's smart, he's handsome, his optical receptors have been malfunctioning for months. He told me: 'I'm seeing someone else.' I said: [scoffs] 'I'm over HERE!'" [laughing]
"Wanna know how you die, kid? One day at a time, that's how."
"Look, he's really there for you on a good day, sure. But he's always there for you on a bad one."
Solaris Female 2: The Canal Worker
"Want work, gonna need a rebuild. Rebuild costs credits, go into debt, debt means they own ya. So you wanna be free, gotta earn that now, means you gotta work more, more work needs more upgrades, more rebuilds. Means more debt, always more debt. Working me whole life to buy freedom from the debt I bought to buy the freedom to work, to buy me freedom! And we're so proud to be working for it. So stupid proud."
"Me and an old mate traded shifts. I did his, he piked on mine. Repo? Hah! That gib-faced mucker won't have any parts left to repo, I find him."
"The only difference between a friend and an ambidexter is opportunity. There's not a person alive wouldn't sell you out for the right price."
"The Order said I could consolidate me debt by refinancin' me rig, usin' it as… equity? I think? But now they say I owe more 'n ever, so I got myself extra shifts. Gonna dig meself out the old-fashioned way, like me Ma almost did."
"Some legless repo mucker comes crawling up to me. 'Credits, miss? Credits to me debt?' Told him, 'Take a shift like the rest of us. I work for meself, not the likes of you.'"
"Me old man got brain-shelved when I were a lad. Didn't make the payments. His brain-case is still there, locked up by the Taxmen, waitin' for us to pay off his old rig. Never happenin' in me lifetime of course, but me sprogs might get to meet their granddad someday. When they's grandfolk theyselves."
"Timbrake failed. Canal 4 near went gaseous. Imagine that blowin' through the habways. Not everyone's a full conversion. What airborne Orokin coolant does to meat-lungs… oof."
"Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Smoke the brakes there, champ. You telling me there's something under Venus?"
"Quills, you see 'em everywhere these days, you know where to look. Corner of your eye, pullin' strings."
"Solaris United? I don't know what that is. I gotta get back to work. Don't talk to me. Leave me alone."
Solaris Female 3: The Convoy Dispatcher
"Pumps on eastern pads low on go-go juice. Tractors inbound, need a snappy refill. Come back."
"I've got a bundled-out fatboy I need deadheaded and empty by dinnertime. They say you're an agent. You good for this?"
"Holier1 than thou. And enough scratch to treat barons like concubines. That's who we're really working for, mark me words."
"Little Duck says she found something! A Void gate! That mean anything to you?"
"You know him? He's an overly polite man with a gun tattooed on his neck. Someone that cluey may be able to integrate. We can't afford to pass on able hands. Not at the rate we breed."
"Me father went missing in the Grineer invasion of Mars! P'raps you were there, Tenno? P'raps you saw him?"
"Hah, keep telling yourself you're free, and you'll never escape. Workin' as intended, am I right?" [scoffs]
Solaris Female 4: The Cargo Thrower
"Me brother got brain-shelved. Full repo [chuckling]. Left me everything he had… which was debt. Fixed rate, too, son of a bitch."
"What do you reckon it's like, then… being brain-shelved? Just… dark, I reckon."
"Seals failed around his chest-plate. Off-gassed coolant got into his eyes. Down three days, he was. He's blind. Gonna be a long, hard road coming back from the interest on that one."
"I pay me seed each and every five cycles, straight outta me account. I make me good intentions, and know the Order of Profit safeguards me prosperity!"
"The firestorms, the freezing temperatures, the toxic coolant, the wildlife… what do the Taxmen get outta this? Why are we doing this? Everything here wants us dead!"
"Word is we're shipping in some animals now. Some kinda safari park for Nef Anyo. I guess the resurrected native specimens weren't cutting it."
"That visitor, wot talks in riddles, she stopped me the other day. Thanked me, she did, for that which I am yet to do. I asked her wot? She said, rewritin' future history, by pausing a stranger! I suppose that's what I'm doing this moment, innit? [laughs] Oh. Oh, I don't like this. I best get back to work."
"If you want me to work faster… it'd help me if I knew what I was looking for."
"Got done bundlin' out a fatboy bound for some pleasure dome. Mainly fabrics, lots of sealed containers. A few of them, well… a few of them were sobbing."
Solaris Female 5: The Criminal
"Welcome to the habs, kid. Nothing works, but anything can be arranged."
"There's an agent down by the Spillway 19, get ya what ya want. Gib-faced mucker is a side-mouth ambidexter though ever there was one. Don't tell her nothin' you don't mind gettin' back to the Taxmen."
"I know an action doc, gots a connection with a repo out front of Hab 12. Faulty parts, half-price! Bargain if you're handy with a solder and don't mind being a little twitchy."
"Oh, my family don't worry about me. I was never gonna make it."
"This cove's wooing me, he is. Unexpected visits, gifts of sealant, parts for that extra manipulator I wants installed. A romantic he is, a real fancy-monger."
"Hey, he's not too smart, but he can lift things."
"What role this site played in Orokin history is uncertain, but the ties are clear."
Solaris Female 6: The Traveller
"I've been a rig jockey, tractor jockey, Rail agent, worked abigail for a slum executive more than once. Worked all kinds of jobs in all kinds of places. Never met a good person, or a bad one. It's just folks, friend, everyone's just folks."
"Transported this Corpus2 once, got talkin'. Told me about the… this… what-whatsit? 'Nominative determinism'. What you get named steers how you turn out. Maybe that's why the Corpus name some of us, not our kin. Is that loopy?"
"Hey! Smoke the brakes. I've avoided being picked up for repo for a fortnight now. I've learned the rules."
"Piece of advice? Don't make no waves, don't bet no losers, and get off this backwater planet as soon as you can!"
"There is another way! What they don't know is the only thing keeping me alive! Something's gonna fall like rain, and it won't be flowers."
"Dictators, profiteers, sadists. These are souls that do not survive death."
"Hey! Friend! Spare a few credits?"
Solaris Male 1: The Labourer
"I'm Solaris n' proud, as are all me clan. The repos, the wasters, those adrift in the byways – digustin'. No pride to any of 'em. I work 'ard. Me old man worked 'ard, and his old man afore 'im. No time for those'd rather muck in the streets. Me? None."
"Ach, we work hard now, and for sure we suffer, but all will be forgotten in the coming prosperity. Nef Anyo watches over us. The Order of the Profit, too. Life is profit, ain't it what they say?"
"Checked into the machine shop to get me mic serviced. Can't bloody sleep, cause I can't turn the bloody things off."
"Self-employed, me rear end. Only thing I own is second-stage toxic shock, the water I'm treadin', and a head full of bad dreams."
"Gonna find me a recess and close me shutters for five. I'd mainline caff to get through this shift, but they upgraded the canisters and me gastro-compatibility upgrade ain't due til next week."
"Bunch of kids makin' a clubhouse in the ducts. Gotta call security. That racket they call music is a needle in my receptors."
"So, the Corpus get here, right? Place is a firestorm. They turn the old Orokin terraforming back on, and presto. Within a week we got plants and animals ain't nobody ever seen. I'm tellin' ya, either the tech is hiding something, or the planet is."
Solaris Male 2: The Rig Jockey
"For sure I upgraded me new toxin seals. Haven't yet paid off the old ones, mind. As me old man used to say, 'In a good cause, there are no failures, only delays.' Me lucky day's just around the corner."
"Granddad's been dead for years. But we're still working to pay off his rebreathers, the kind with three-stage hexo-filtration. Pricey, but not much on resale. Some day we'll get clear. Not in me lifetime, but maybe me kids'. That's why I got me parts cheap, keep the overheads low, give 'em a shot at getting clear."
"Guts! Ain't never gonna pay off me refit like this. The rates just keep going up!"
"That there rig jockey's abigail for Fastboy, runs Hab 12. Fastboy gives the say-so, the abigail… he might not kill you, but you'll spend a cycle or two wishin' he had. Know how to use those upgrades in ways the manufacturer never intended."
"Some of them Ostrons around? Why they'd leave a place like Cetus to come to the System's armpit I gots no idea. Must like the smell of coolant. Nice enough folk though."
"I don't care about a badge. It's not right and they're not getting away with it. Listen to your enemies, for the Void is beckonin'."
"Ah no, she rejected him like a bad kidney! Ahh, there's nothing I wouldn't do for that woman."
"Here's how you land where I'm at: get to two bad days, drop off all your hope, and keep on driving."
"You don't mess with that group. It'd be like going up against your nightmares, and their lawyer. Can't wait to meet 'em. Check the guns."
"Tenno? They here because of that oxium scam we pulled on Eris?"
Solaris Male 3: The Traffic Controller
"I could join the Order of Profit, sure. Donate half of what I earn and trust it'd come back to me ten-fold. Or, I could just grab a gun. Right?"
"I got hazmat upgrades to take the risky work, sleep upgrades so I can work more to pay off the upgrades – I make a payment, they say I ain't even covered the principal!"
"Oh, we've got plans, see? Our youngest – we're not gettin' him modded. No rig, see? Gonna use the money to get him educated, get him placed in the establishment. Twenty, maybe thirty years from now, we'll have family on the inside, doin' us favours! That's how we're gettin' debt-clear!"
"Yeah, Rail agents. They're tractor jockeys. Solo contractors specialising in speed runs, rapid deliveries, smuggling, stiletto jobs. They've cut more deals with more bureaucrats than you've had hot dinners. You'll know a Rail agent tractor when you see it: overclocked reactors, wide-bore engines, zero acceleration governors – every design choice screams 'death wish'."
"Oh, I know the Rails, better than any of these muckers! Routes only I know, contacts only I have. I'm outta here. I've got me old man's tractor. I'll make me own way, as a Rail agent!"
"I… have heard of places where offworlders go to indulge their vices. You're a gambler? There are… tests of combat, held in… certain… outer dome worlds. They say the fighters bet all they have on themselves. If they win, they win great sums and… if they lose… well… it doesn't matter."
"Warframes? We saw one once. Cost me a leg and me friends their lives. Fear… it is a sad life that is lived with its invisible curriculum."
"Me optics are gone, but I can't let on. I needs the work, can't take the time off and I sure as hell can't afford replacements. I'll just muddle through. Traffic control's easy enough work."
"Worked seventy years to get this far, and proud to say my body debt's half paid. Praise the Order! Life is profit."
Solaris Male 4: The Rail Agent
"No, I'm not muckin' local. Tractor jockey, mate. Silver-plated Corpus contract. I'm up there. Hear this: I've got stars mate, I've got stars."
"Ran a load of organics out to Cetus. They got a heavyweight Grineer problem. Copycats got the city pinned, and you don't even want to know what comes out of the lakes at night."
"You live as a Rail agent long enough, you see things that change you. I know a place. A hidden place. Home to creatures that never were. Species prevented from evolving by the rise of our own."
"Made a delivery to a pleasure lake3, once upon a time. Airships positioned to blow spore4 from fragrant forests towards the Magnate's dining barge at suppertime. Me? I got a boot in the left quarter actuator for staring at his wife too long."
"Affirmative. Triple-digit Rail agent needs action doc on the backstroke. Inbound with acceleration trauma. Come back."
"Tool cart to Bay 12. Jockey blew out posterior hydraulics. Yeah… hero tried lifting above his grade."
"Ah, guts! Tractor overhaul, Epsilon Pad. Stripped the bow, right, Priority One. Rail agent needs get it done yesterday!"
"Copy that, Tractor. Sigma Pad. Mercury outbound. Need a mounting shackle for version twelve on nubelist to meet noon-time launch window."
"Chek-chek. I've got a long-haul tractor, bundled out. Needs a gimbal for a rotating gunnery hatch. Anyone got their ears on?"
Solaris Male 5: The Repo
"Help a cove out, guv'ner. Buy bonds? I was a thrower, best in the biz. But I've been adrift for cycles. Buy bonds? 0.13% goes toward paying off what little is left of me decrepit rig. Buy bonds? I don't clear the interest, I don't buy back me organs, it's brain-shelving for me for sure. Buy bonds, eh? Buy bonds?"
"I'm adrift, outta work, washed up. They can't take me coin, so they're coming for me parts."
"Repos. Work hard, or that's how you'll wind up. Arms repossessed, legs repossessed, eyes… repossessed. Work hard, earn your rig, and… you'll be fine."
"You hail from Acheron? I have a brother there! Here, a gift for you! [pause] I'm not selling it, it is a gift! Thank you, friend. You are most welcome. Say, might you loan me a couple of hundred credits? [pause] But, I have given you a gift! You would take that from me, and offer nothing in return? Criminal! Brigand! Thief!"
"Hahaha! Not to worry, plenty more vertebrae where that came from!"
"Me contact says they found a stash of Orokin-era nav charts. He tells me they mark sites that do not exist on current maps. Most intriguing. I'll pay you well, but you must submit to a memory wipe."
"Seen that character floatin' around, talking in riddles, or not at all? They say she's one of them Quills. Where they go, things change, so they say. And when the things change, me mucker, it's folk like you and I get caught in the cogs."
Solaris Male 6: The Tractor Jockey
"Signed me tractor to a triple-digit convoy gone wide-bore for one of the Mercury asteroids. Emergency resupply. Got there way too late. Whole installation had gone crater-faced, zits everywhere. Never seen so many heat sigs. Flagged it as a no-go and left it to the mercs. Infested. Damn, give me nightmares."
"I pilot a fatboy outta Mars bundled up with some off-planet fauna. Something about a safari park."
"Deadheaded me tractor two hours ago. Empty. Sold the full manifest. Now it's just me and a bottle for the next cycle and a half. Cheers!"
"I can get ya half price on a full tank of go-go juice. Interested?"
"Merc-mercs. Mercantile mercenaries. Corpus! Slick and shiny and a pain in me rear."
"Rail agent? Ha! Jockeying meat wagons is where the money's at. Drop in, grab the breathers, and leg it. Easy."
"I made quite a mistake with that captain. Not the kinda thing you can easily undo. When you've made peace with the world, then everything becomes a game, friend. Cetus taught me that."
"Lifting your eyes is bad business, friend. No percentage in shamming revolution, riling the establishment, not if you want to stay on the right side of the grass. You'd best expect nothing from this life, save the placing of one foot before the other."
"Get on the winning team! This place? It's isolated. The other Corpus? They want Nef Anyo to fail. That means ain't nobody gonna stop Solaris United takin' this whole place from him. Savvy?"
Ostron Female
"If you want to change, accept who you are. Now will you reconsider what you are about to do?"
"I hear your words, but I see you in your silences."
"The quieter I am, the more I hear. The more I hear, the wiser I become. The wiser I become, the quieter I am."
"Offworlders commonly think of themselves as one person. This is an error in thinking, surah. You are many people! This is why it is important to remain simple – so as not to confuse the many people you consist of."
"Social pressure drives modification, modification drives profit, profit drives debt, debt drives control! These Solaris, they are all working to pay off their bodies, which they sold to the Corpus, to work for the Corpus, to pay off their bodies, which they have never owned! Oh, I weep for them."
Robotic Corpus Announcer
"Repo index: Dorm 4, eleven limbs (miscellaneous), three lungs, three sets optics, one loader."
"Inbound tractors on re-entry. Thrower work available. Squat-rigs and reinforced manipulators is in preference."
"Rail agent, report to dispatch."
"Cleanup crews to Spillway Zeta-4. Yellow alert."
"New arrivals: due to high baseline atmospheric contaminants, all nourishment is still by valve."
"Proprietary nutrient canisters compatible with all torso gastrostomy seals version 9 or later."
"Ventilator installation above Spillway Gamma-9. Foot traffic, reroute via Habway 7-7-beta."
"Canals 1 through 4 at 72%. Canal locks operational. Coolant throughput nominal. Carry on."
"Shift change. Time to change shifts. Shift change."
Female Corpus Broadcaster
"Charity encourages laziness. Do not donate to charity. Direct your financial compassion to the Order of Profit."
"It's cold outside. Warm yourself with the teaching of the Order of Profit. Rates apply."
"A few days off? Interest accrues. Now you're in a fight you cannot win. Who can you turn to? The Corpus-Solaris Order of Profit. Plant a seed today! Life is profit, profit is life."
"Each cycle, ask yourself: 'Can I work just one percent harder?' The answer is always: yes!"
"Success: it's not for losers."
"Life is profit, profit is life."
"Corpus: looking out for you, as we have always done."
"Use downtime effectively. Rest, and put in a solid shift's work tomorrow."
"Had some bad luck? Need a financial boost to cover the interest? With over 300 repayment models, we're sure to assign one that's right for you."
"The street corner wretch, lacking sensors, limbs, dignity. Weeks away from brain-shelving. The wages of indolence. Fight proudly for your body, Solaris, and work."
"Be on the lookout for non-conformists. Accurate reports earn substantial rewards!"
"Increase your usual donation to Corpus-Solaris Order of Profit. A larger seed makes for a larger harvest. It just makes sense!"
"You work hard, and deserve better. Our instalment plan options provide peace of mind while keeping you happy and housed in the rig of your dreams."
"Need quick credits to cover that sudden emergency? The Order of Profit provides fast loans to the faithful! (extremely rapid speech) Minimum net pay requirements apply (may vary by applicant). Other conditions may also apply. The Order of Profit may alter agreement at any time to include but is not restricted to: servitude, manual labour, generational indenture, organ donation, mind-wipe, brain-shelving, genetic experimentation and death. Ask an Order representative for more information."
Male Corpus Broadcaster
"A friendly reminder that consorting with anti-Temple dissidents carries a non-negotiable penalty of full-body repossession and mandatory brain-shelving. Report any suspicious personnel for a 0.63% remuneration bonus! Keep Fortuna clean."
"You may qualify for pay-cycle advances at newly reduced rates. Inquire today!"
"Good news! You still have jobs. Carry on."
"Tired hands are honest hands."
"There is no failure, only indolence. There is no futility, only parasitism. There is no defeat, only sloth."
"Fortuna, a message from the teachings of the Temple of Profit. With an open heart: give. With a tranquil mind: give. With conscience clear and unburdened: give. Give, that Nef Anyo might smile upon you, and all the work you put your manipulators to. Give. Give. Give."
"Nef Anyo would like to congratulate those who accepted mandatory cleanup duty in the toxin sumps. Enjoy your 2% rebate on lung replacement."
"Long day in Fortuna, huh? Need to down-cycle and feel good? Reward yourself with a donation to the Temple of Profit. Feel the prosperity."
"What is interest, if not a measure of Nef's trust in you? What is bodily repossession, if not the mark of one who cannot be trusted? What is it to betray the trust of he who has made a place for you by his side? It is to be unworthy of the name 'Solaris'. Head high, workers of Fortuna, and be worthy."
"Nef's table is set, and your chair awaits high above. How long will you keep him waiting?"
"Limb and organ repossession happens. Safeguard your most valuable asset: you! Purchase repo insurance today."
"Heads up, workers! You're one payday closer to financial freedom."
[Navigation: Hub → Dialogue → Solaris civilians]
- This line used to start with "Duviri? Holier than thou…". The reference to Duviri has been removed in an undocumented change as of 2020.
- This word used to be "Duviri", not "Corpus". The reference to Duviri has been removed in an undocumented change as of 2020. The subsequent reference to the Corpus ("…that's why the Corpus name some of us…") is part of the original line and remains unchanged.
- This line used to say "…Duviri pleasure lake…". The reference to Duviri has been removed in an undocumented change as of 2020.
- Possibly "spoor"?