Cephalon Suda Crewmember Dialogue

screenshot by GrayArchon

Cephalon Suda members can be hired from Ticker to serve on the Tenno's Railjack.


All Cephalon Suda crewmembers available from Ticker are female, and have interesting naming conventions consisting of an enigmatic prefix and a short name with exotic syllables. Each crewmember has a short, three-sentence bio. The possible combinations are listed below.


  • Arch-Mem
  • Cura-Phano
  • Disp-Arch
  • Expi-Dyna
  • Inves-Resp
  • Log-Rec
  • Pion-Rec
  • Res-Arc
  • Seek-Loc
  • Surv-Tel
  • Ult-Pho

Example names:

  • Expi-Dyna Oblaris
  • Res-Arc Kalun
  • Seek-Loc Savar

First sentence:

  • Always related more to machines than to people.
  • Discovered dormant in cryopod by salvage team.
  • Fascinated from childhood with how things work.
  • Found wandering the Orb Vallis with apparent total memory loss.
  • Raised in archive environment.
  • Anthropologist forced to retire after unknown virus infection.
  • Former archaeologist; critically injured by Orokin Tower defence system.
  • Former Corpus technician; sustained brain injury during Tenno assault.
  • Former data entry operative.
  • Former liaison officer.
  • Former Phazene energy lab assistant.
  • Independent scientist.
  • Mathematical genius.
  • Relay worker, critically injured during Fomorian attack.
  • Runaway.
  • Solitary musician.
  • Attacked and left for dead by Grineer troops during raid.
  • Attempted to cephalise herself with disastrous results.
  • Injured in docking accident.
  • Suffered synaptic damage attempting to access the Weave unshielded.

Second sentence:

  • Contacted by Cephalon Suda and offered researcher role.
  • Impressed Cephalon Suda by making contact with her remotely through the Weave, and was recruited.
  • Invited to Cephalon Suda's knowledge-sharing seminars, and soon affiliated.
  • Offered services to Cephalon Suda in exchange for augmentation.
  • Recruited by Cephalon Suda as an 'ordinary Operative'; true rank and capabilities classified.
  • Recruited by Cephalon Suda due to 'intriguing, possibly unique cerebral qualities'.
  • Selected for recruitment by Cephalon Suda, seemingly at random, as a 'control exercise'.
  • Solved complex puzzles planted by Cephalon Suda as a recruitment tool; was duly contacted, recruited, and augmented.
  • Accepted near-total physical reconstruction as a benefit of affiliation to Cephalon Suda.
  • Bequeathed own remains to Cephalon Suda for study, in exchange for Syndicate membership privileges.
  • Enrolled in Cephalon Suda's field operative program.
  • Fitted with brainstem datalink in the Suda hub.
  • Rapidly promoted from Cephalon Suda Junior Info Scout to full Operative and duly augmented.
  • Received bodily and mental augmentation from Cephalon Suda.
  • Selected for Cephalon Suda operative duty and offered augmentation package; accepted.
  • Volunteered for Cephalon Suda's brain augmentation program.

Third sentence:

  • Acclaimed entomologist.
  • Specialist in astrophysics.
  • Specialist in semiotics.
  • Aspires to explore abandoned structures.
  • Curious about recursive systems.
  • Exponent of the Foxx-Webb theory of synthetic positivism.
  • Fascinated by Entrati Void theory.
  • Fervently interested in Orokin history.
  • Hopes to broaden experience of other cultures.
  • Hopes to deepen understanding of xenobiology.
  • Keenly interested in human death rituals.
  • Likes to dismantle items recreationally.
  • Meditates upon higher mathematics.
  • Passionate about cephalon psychology.
  • Studies crystal harmonics.
  • Wishes to research machine learning.
  • Enjoys collecting floofs.
  • Experiences occasional flashbacks.

When being assigned to the Railjack

"You are the Captain? Fascinating."

"Ready to come aboard, Captain."

"Captain. I am fully trained in both manual and administrative labour. You have made a wise choice."


These are quotes said by the crewmember as she wanders the ship in between tasks.

"Ah. Tenno."

"All is well, I trust? Excellent."

"I observe some of your kind develop neck cysts. Why is this? Do you ever need help to pop them? Is it possible to catch the Infestation from a warframe?"

"I have taken the liberty of drilling samples from the hull for analysis. [short stammer] I assure you, there is no cause for alarm. Cephalon Suda gave her full authorisation."

"We have too many weapons. I propose replacing a turret with a tachyon wave analyser. Significant data returns may be anticipated."

"Observation. This vessel is golden age Orokin tech, restored to full functionality. Secondary power systems appear to be orgone-based! Fascinating."

"Voicelog. To ease the absence of Cephalon Suda, I have begun a friendly discourse with our shipboard Cephalon. I genuinely think he likes me."

"Field research is far more stimulating than data aggregation. My compatriots at the Suda hub would give their internal organs to be here."

When being assigned to a role

"I can."


"Shall do."


(if unable) "I cannot fulfil that order."

(if unable) "I cannot do that."

(if unable) "That is not possible."

(if unable) "Unworkable. Apologies."

When killing a fighter

"One less fighter."

"Fighter destroyed." 


"Logging a kill."

When boarded

"Shipboard sovereignty violated. Trespassers!"

"Ship has trespassers! Impolite."

"Unauthorised visitors!"

When killing a boarder

"Intruder terminated."

"One less boarder."

"Oh. I killed someone."

When a task is complete

"Logging task complete."

"Attention. Assignment done."

"Instructions carried out!"

When the Railjack has suffered severe damage

"This vessel's hull cannot withstand much more damage of this kind."

"Our hull is becoming excitingly sparse."

"I suggest greater caution. We do not have a spare hull."

"If the hull damage gets any worse, we shall have an amazing view of the cosmos."

Hazard on board

(fire) "There probably should not be a fire here."

(fire) "This vessel is on fire!"

(hull breach) "Breach! Losing atmosphere!"

(hull breach) "It is freezing, and windy, and— there is a hull breach!"

After repairing hazard

(fire) "Fire is gone! Fumes… are not. Whooo."

(fire) "Fire is out!"

(hull breach) "This breach… is closed!"

(hull breach) "Breach closed."

When health is low

"Not doing well here!"

"I am in need of backup!"

When healing

"Just a moment. I will self-repair."

"Plasma, cartilage proliferators, silicone, double dose… ahhh. Sealing wounds."

When downed

"I have suffered a serious injury. Please help."

"I am in need of medical assistance."

When revived

"That is another one I owe you. Log it."

"Just in time. Thanks."

When another crewmember dies

"Crewmate down. Genetic signature logged for posterity."

"Our crewmate's lifesigns have ceased but their data shall live on."

[Navigation: Hub → Dialogue → Cephalon Suda Crewmember]

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