Corpus Captain Dialogue
Empyrean missions against the Corpus revolve around a capital ship that must eventually be boarded, with multiple secondary objectives that must be fulfilled first. Each capital ship is headed by a Corpus Captain whose transmissions to their soldiers can be overheard during these missions. The Corpus Captain appears to have authority over the immediate AO, as they will give orders to surrounding ships and platforms in addition to their capital ship.
When the Tenno approaches the capital ship
"Tenno in the sector. Terminate them. Priority one."
"Railjack interfering. Deal with it."
"If those looters want a fight, we'll give them one. Engage."
"All forces, target the Railjack!"
"All Corpus craft. Engage enemy Railjack!"
"Railjack is within range. Blast it to fragments."
"Launch fighters. Arm torpedoes. Give them hell."
"All Corpus: remind the Tenno whose territory this is."
"This is Granum space. All units, target the freeloaders."
When firing torpedoes
"Torpedoes locked. Target in range. Firing."
"Torpedoes primed. Stand by to salvage their remains."
"Arm the warheads. Fire full salvo. Take them down."
"Let's soften them up. Torpedoes, fire at will!"
"I want torpedoes armed and dispatched now!"
"We need heavy ordnance. Fire torpedoes!"
"Launch torpedoes! [scoffs] Let's see them evade that."
"Arming torpedoes. Locking on to their signature. Firing."
"Gunnery crews! Launch torpedoes!"
When launching Ramsleds
"Marines! Charge personal shields and get to your Ramsleds."
"Ramsleds, launch! Bring me that Railjack!"
"Locating breach points! Launching Ramsleds!"
"Let's take the fight to them. Launch Ramsleds!"
"That ship is nothing without its crew. Launch Ramsleds!"
"Launch Ramsleds. Kill them hand to hand."
"A bonus for whoever captures that ship. Ramsleds away."
"Altering tactics. Launch Ramsleds."
"I want boots on the deck. Clear the tubes and launch Ramsleds."
When calling in a Crewship
"Marines to Crewship hangar bay on the double! Immediate launch!"
"Corpus Marines, board a Crewship and engage them hand to hand."
"I want more firepower out there. Launch one of our Crewships!"1
"Conflict is escalating. I want another Crewship on the field."
"Deploy a Crewship!"
"Unassigned Crewship located. Deploying immediately."
"We need assault teams. Prep Crewship for launch."
"Our forces need support. Launch another Crewship."
"Let's make this personal. Send in a Crewship."
When calling in more fighters
"Intensify bombardment. Launch secondary fighters."
"Launch reserve fighter wing."
"I want every fighter we've got out there. Now."
"Fighters, launch! That Railjack can't hold out forever."
"Clear the ports. Cancel maintenance. All fighters. Go."
"All pilots to your ships! Clear launch tubes!"
"Fighter wing commanders! Mobilise and attack!"
"I want to see fighters from one side of the sky to the other!"
"Launch whatever fighters we've still got."
Priority Target: Anchor
These are the lines the Corpus Captain will say when launching the Aurax Crewship from the Anchor station.
"Aurax Crewship reports ready to engage, and not a moment too soon. Fire at will."
"We need all the guns we've got. Loose the Aurax Crewship."
"Aurax Crewship, issuing first assignment. Destroy Railjack."
"Aurax Crewship entering the field. Excellent."
"One more ship may tip the balance. Fire up the Aurax Crewship."
"Order the Aurax Crewship to launch immediately! Attack!"
"I don't care if it's not ready! Power up that Aurax Crewship and get it into the fight!"
"Anchor beam disengaged. Aurax Crewship systems online. Attack!"
"Time to find out if our Aurax Crewship was worth the investment. Order it to engage."
Priority Target: Autofactory
These are the lines the Corpus Captain will say when launching Ramsleds from the Autofactory.
"Autofactory! I want Aurax robots in Ramsleds, now!"
"I want Aurax robots on that Railjack. Autofactory! Launch Ramsleds!"
"Autofactory! Show the Tenno the Aurax units you've built. Launch Ramsleds!"
"The Autofactory has Aurax Moas and drones to spare. Get them to Ramsleds."
"Time for an Aurax field test. Send a robot boarding party from the Autofactory!"
"Situation justifies use of Aurax robots. Autofactory? Send boarders."
"Send them some Aurax robots from the Autofactory."
"I think they need to sample our wares. Autofactory! Deploy Aurax robots! Launch Ramsleds!"
"Send the Railjack some Aurax units from the Autofactory."
Priority Target: Carrier Platform
These are the lines the Corpus Captain will say when launching Aurax fighters from the Carrier Platform.
"Aurax fighters will rip that Railjack apart. Carrier, send them in."
"This has gone on long enough. Carrier, launch Aurax fighters."
"Carrier Platform! Clear launch bays! Launch Aurax fighters!"2
"Command to Carrier Platform! Aurax fighter wing, eliminate Railjack!"
"That Orokin relic won't last long against Aurax fighters. Carrier, you are clear to launch."
"The Tenno are not equipped to deal with elite Aurax fighters. Carrier Platform, launch!"
"Carrier Platform! Order all Aurax pilots to their ships! Immediate launch!"
"Carrier Platform. Your Aurax fighters have a special assignment. Eliminate Railjack."
"I want those Aurax fighters in the air yesterday!"
Priority Target: Cyclops Array
These are the lines the Corpus Captain will say when firing torpedos from the Cyclops Array.
"A few hits from the Cyclops Array should finish them off. Fire."
"Railjack is nearing Cyclops Array. Order them to fire."
"Cyclops Array, obliterate them!"
"Cyclops Array, lock weapons on Railjack! Destroy it!"3
"Cyclops Array? Blow that Railjack out of the sky!"
"Cyclops Array, open fire. Give them hell."
"Cyclops Array, you have them. Fire at will."
"They're still active. Cyclops Array! Open fire!"
"Those fools are still within the range of the Cyclops Array! Open fire!"
Priority Target: Freightlinker
These are the lines the Corpus Captain will say when launching Ramsleds from the Freightlinker.
"Freightlinker? Launch Ramsleds. Show them what Aurax troops can do."
"They want our shipment? Very well. Freightlinker! Send Aurax troops to board them!"
"Aurax troop consignments are in their Ramsleds and itching for a fight. Freightlinker! Send them in!"
"Get our Aurax forces off the Freightlinker transport and into their Ramsleds! Now!"
"I'm commandeering those Aurax troops. Freightlinker, send Ramsleds at the Railjack!"
"Freightlinker. Launch Ramsleds. Put the Aurax to work."
"Troop transport Freightlinker, you are clear to deploy your Aurax units. Ramsleds, go."4
"Freightlinker is carrying specially trained Aurax troops. Clear them for Ramsled launch."
"Corpus Aurax troops, this is what you trained for. Freightlinker, send the Ramsleds in."
Priority Target: Icedriver
These are the lines the Corpus Captain will say when launching comet shards from the Icedriver.
"Icedriver, blast that Railjack with a comet shard!"
"Icedriver, prepare to loose payload. Target Railjack!"
"Icedriver, target that Railjack!"
"Icedriver! Target Railjack. Stop them in their tracks!"
"Command to Icedriver. Hit the Railjack. Full charge!"
"Icedriver loaded with comet shard. Blast them."
"Icedriver ready? Fire comet shard!"
"Icedriver, commence bombardment!"
"Hit that Railjack with a comet shard. Ice them up."
Priority Target: Tether Power Plant
These are the lines the Corpus Captain will say when summoning overshields from the Tether Power Plant.
"Push all shields to the limit! Tether Power Plant to full output!"
"Tether Power Plant, give us full shield enhancement!"
"Give all shields as much charge as they will bear. I want that Tether Power Plant working overtime."
"Tether Power Plant. Amplify field resonance. Boost all shields."
"Instruct the Tether Power Plant to fortify all shields."
"Tether Power Plant has supercharge ready. All units, stand by to overload shields."
"All units, prepare for shield supercharge. Ensure the Tether Power Plant is protected!"
"Push all shields to max. Keep going! Defend the Tether Power Plant!"
"All units prepare for shield resonance amplification! Tether Power Plant, deliver charge boost!"
Priority Target Type 1 (Jamming Drones)
These are the lines the Corpus Captain will say when the Tenno is sabotaging an Anchor station, Autofactory, Carrier Platform, Cyclops Array, or Icedriver.
(when Jamming Drones are killed, variant) "Jamming drones, report in. Jamming drones?"
(when Jamming Drones are killed, variant) "What. Happened. To. My. Drones?"
(when Jamming Drones are killed, variant) "Why is their signal no longer blocked?"
(when Jamming Drones are killed, variant) "My drones are down and the Tenno signal is back up!"
(when Jamming Drones are killed, variant) "How am I meant to block their signal without my drones?"
(when Jamming Drones are killed, variant) "You were supposed to keep those jamming drones operational!"
(when Jamming Drones are killed, variant) "Those drones were our datagrid's best defence!"
(when Jamming Drones are killed, variant) "Our datagrid is exposed!"
(when Jamming Drones are killed, variant) "The Tenno have unjammed their damn signal."
(when a disruption pulse connects, variant) "Intruder signal impeded."
(when a disruption pulse connects, variant) "Disruption pulse successful."
(when a disruption pulse connects, variant) "Interrupted their signal."
(when a disruption pulse connects, variant) "Ah! Got them."
(when a disruption pulse connects, variant) "Hm. That'll slow them down."
(when a disruption pulse connects, variant) "Did we break your concentration?"
(when a disruption pulse connects, variant) "Fry them to a crisp."
(when a disruption pulse connects, variant) "Pulse connected."
(when a disruption pulse connects, variant) "Yes. Burn their neurons!"
(when hack is complete and commander appears, variant) "Countermeasures specialist on the field. Signal choked."
(when hack is complete and commander appears, variant) "Signal jammed. Excellent work, agent. Now kill them."
(when hack is complete and commander appears, variant) "Block the signal, agent. Destroy the boarders."
(when hack is complete and commander appears, variant) "Specialist jamming agent deployed. Our datagrid is safe."
(when hack is complete and commander appears, variant) "Out of options. Deploying special operative. Throttle that signal."
(when hack is complete and commander appears, variant) "Agent underway. Datagrid locked. [huffs] Finally."
(when hack is complete and commander appears, variant) "Agent in the zone. Intruder signal blocked!"
(when hack is complete and commander appears, variant) "Sending an agent to block that signal manually."
(when hack is complete and commander appears, variant) "Agent! Keep that signal blocked at all costs!"
When the Tenno boards the capital ship
"Tenno have somehow been allowed to board us. Unacceptable. Wipe them out."
"Your orders are extremely simple! Locate the intruders and kill them!"
"You failed to prevent the Tenno from boarding. Intercept them at once."
"Oh for Void's sake. Troops! Find them, kill them, and do not speak to me until it is done."
"If those Tenno are not eliminated, there will be no bonuses for anyone."
"I wanted them dead. They are not only alive, they are on my ship. Fix that."
"You let them get on board. Do not compound your failure by leaving them alive!"
"Intercept those Tenno! Any damage they cause will be deducted from your salaries!"
"Helmets on, shields up, and exterminate those Tenno rats! MOVE!"
When the Tenno are exfiltrating from the the capital ship
These lines only appear during Volatile missions, after the reactor has been recalibrated and the Tenno is heading towards the Corpus airlock.
"All crew, engage the Tenno. Do not let them escape!"
"Massacre those Tenno before they leave the ship!"
"What I will do if you fail to stop those Tenno is nothing compared to what Parvos will do."
"If those Tenno are not stopped there is a very real chance that we will all soon be dead!"
"If they get back to that Railjack, the unthinkable may happen! Stop them!"
"Tenno attempting to escape. This is your final chance to stop them!"
"I am offering total debt erasure to anyone who stops those Tenno from escaping!"
"You have failed again, and now they are leaving! Stop them! This is your last chance."
"Your incompetence has left us vulnerable! Get after the Tenno."
[Navigation: Hub → Dialogue → Corpus Captain]
- When voiced by the female Captain, this actually says "Launch one of the Crewships!"
- When voiced by the female Captain, this actually says "Clear launch tubes!"
- When voiced by the female Captain, this actually says "lock on Railjack!"
- When voiced by the male Captain, this line omits "Troop transport" and begins with "Freightlinker".