Ties That Bind

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06 February 2014 – 11 February 2014

Ties That Bind was a special alert that was available during February 2014.


In December of 2013, Darvo issued a series of day-long Darvo Deals for the holiday season. At the time, Darvo was not a constant fixture to the Tenno, as the Relays where he sets up shop had not been built yet. Accordingly, Darvo Deals tended to be notable and rare.

24 December:


I'm not sure what it is… but something about the alignment of the planets just has me humming right now. I'm in a giving mood. Specifically, I'm in a mood to give all of you deals on my best merchandise.

How about the Grineer Assault Pack at half the usual price? You get the Grakata machine gun, the Kraken pistol and an Amphis staff. You know what? I'll even throw in an Affinity Booster, no extra charge. That's just the sort of mood I'm in.


25 December:


At times like these, it's nice to be around the ones you love. Sometimes though, the ones who love you are homicidal, power-hungry maniacs who won't take no for an answer. Do you have this problem in your family? Do Tenno even have family? It doesn't matter; all I'm saying is that certain people need to learn to take a hint.

Enough about me. Let's get to the deals. I've got four words for you – Half Price Berserker Bundle. That's right! You get the amazing rage-infused Valkyr warframe, a Lecta whip, the Tigris double-barrelled shotgun, a Cestra pistol, plus Affinity and Credit Boosters. As a bonus, you'll get the Valkyr's Bonds accessory… you know, for when you need to spice things up a bit.

Stay sane, Tenno; it's crazy out there.


26 December:


Running out on family doesn't seem like a nice thing to do, but you haven't met my Father. Come to think of it, maybe you have. Either way, I have to be quick with this one.

Today's deal is on the Immortal Skin Bundle. Take your warframe to the next level with skins for Ash, Banshee, Excalibur, Frost, Loki, Mag, Nyx and Rhino. At my usual half-price discount, of course.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm catching the next Solar Rail out of this sector! You may not hear from me for a bit, but don't worry, I'll be back. Meanwhile, spend some time with your family and be grateful you are not related to mine.


Starting the mission

On Thursday (06 February 2014), the alert became available and was present for a week. The Tenno received an inbox message from Darvo.

Inbox message:
Ties That Bind


It seems I am again in a bit of trouble. Wait, before you go jumping to conclusions, I swear, this time it is not my fault. I used to belong to this organisation. The problem is this organisation has refused to accept my resignation. I guess certain people cannot live without my skills. This is understandable, as I am very good at what I do. I just prefer to work without a plasma turret pointed at my head. I am sure you understand.

Now, I know what you are thinking. The last time you helped me, you got a little more than you bargained for. Things worked out in the end, though, right? Help me again and I will make it worth your while. Trust me.



The alert was a Rescue mission on Rhea, Saturn, using the Corpus Ship tileset, with normal Corpus enemies. Unlike most missions, Darvo himself serves as the mission control, instead of Ordis or the Lotus.

Darvo: "Tenno, you made it! I'm on the other side of the complex. They have these new prototypes, but don't you worry. I shut them down remotely. You'll just have to deal with the regular security."

Darvo: "You know, some people just can't take no for an answer. I just want to do my own thing. The family business is well and good, but not for me. You know?"

Frohd Bek: "You belong here, Darvo. There is no other option."

Darvo: "Nothing personal, father, it never has been. I only work for myself. I make my own profits. You of all people should understand this."

Frohd Bek: "You! You have no place here, Tenno! Darvo, is this your doing?"

Darvo: "Let me tell you, Tenno, it's a good thing I was able to shut down the new Hyena models. This year's version is really nasty business. Faster, meaner, deadlier than before. An excellent product, really."

Darvo: "Oh… wait, wait… my codes, my codes! They have been overridden."

Frohd Bek: "This is a family matter, Tenno. You will not interfere."

Darvo: "So Tenno, looks like those new Hyena models are back online."

Darvo: "Forget everything I said before, this is nothing you can't handle, right? Right…?"

The Tenno came across the Hyena NG and Hyena Th and had to kill both before continuing.

Darvo: "You did it. I knew you could handle those Hyenas. Now, come get me."

Soon afterwards the cell block was found, with Darvo in one of the cells.

Darvo: "I'm in one of these cells. Hurry up; I can't wait to get out of here."

(upon being rescued) Darvo: "Let's get to extraction, and fast, before he sends in reinforcements. My father is scary when he gets angry."

Frohd Bek: "Darvo, you disappoint me yet again."

Darvo: "Damn it, father, I am almost 105 years old. I make my own choices."

Frohd Bek: "Nobody chooses to turn down a seat on the Board. You were groomed from a young age. Sacrifices were made in your name, and this is how you repay your debt?"

Darvo: "Ugh… I am really sorry you had to witness this, Tenno."

Frohd Bek: "Darvo, we are backed into a corner. Project Tethra will be the death blow! You are needed here. What have these Betrayers ever done for you?"

Darvo: "They're not Betrayers… Tenno, this is really embarrassing."

Frohd Bek: "I will not forget your transgressions here today, Tenno."

After that the mission proceeded as usual towards extraction, and the Tenno was rewarded with a built Forma. Once the mission was completed, it could not be run again.


On Friday (07 February), after the Alert expired, the Tenno received an inbox message from Darvo informing them of a new Darvo Deal.

Inbox message:
Returning the Favour


Friends do things for each other, and Tenno, you have done so much for me. What kind of friend would I be if I did not extend my best deals to you? Things are a little bit hairy for me right now, but that does not mean you are out of luck. I have had some of my closest associates set up these deals on my behalf.

Now, I know you have a sword… but do you have a greatsword? If not, then check out the Galatine, a true greatsword. Nobody is going to mess with you if you have this thing, I swear. For today only, half off the usual Market price.

Stick around. There are more deals where that came from.


The next day, 08 February, Darvo had another deal in the Market.

Inbox message:
Last Minute Deal


Things have been so crazy for me that I almost forgot to tell you about today's deal. Lately, it would seem that you are my knight in shining armour, so I am going to offer you the Paladin Bundle. You get the Oberon warframe, Magistar mace, Stug gel gun and Karak automatic rifle, all at half off the usual Market price. Pretty good, no?


After that, there was a final deal in the Market.

Inbox message:
One More Deal


All this time I have spent in incarceration recently really had me thinking about Earth. The lush, sprawling, overgrown, genetically mutated super-forests can be really scenic this time of year. I am not the only one thinking this way; forest-inspired gear is very fashionable right now and guess what? I have the market cornered. So let's talk deals.

Here we go, today's deal is the Forest-Camo Skin Pack. Stylish skins for 13 of your favourite weapons all at half price. This is the real deal, too; there will be no cheap knock-offs for Darvo's friends. What do you say?


A couple months later, Darvo was back with another round of deals. On Friday, 18 April, the Tenno received an inbox message from Darvo informing them of a new Darvo Deal.

Inbox message:
A Message from Darvo


It has been too long, but I must say, you are looking well. You know, it seems like forever since you guys busted me out of that little predicament with my Father. You can be sure Darvo doesn't forget a thing like that. Come to think of it, neither does my Father, but don't let that get you down. We have deals to discuss.

I know you, Tenno – always tweaking your gear. That means you are going through Fusion Cores faster than the Grineer go through grunts. This is why you need the Gold Fusion Pack. You get three Cores; two have the chance to be rare but one is guaranteed rare. Either way, you will have enough fusion power to take your mods to the next level. Half price, today only.

Stay tuned, Tenno; there's more deals where that came from.

Your Friend,

The next day, 19 April, Darvo had another deal in the Market.

Inbox message:
A Message from Darvo


You know what they say about business – if you're not growing, you're dying. Good thing for me, business is growing and I have got some big plans on the horizon. Good thing for you, I need to liquidate in order to make my dreams a reality.

Today I offer you one heck of a bundle. Get this – a Zephyr warframe, Phage Infested shotgun, Akstiletto dual machine pistols, and last but not least, the Jat Kittag, a jet-assisted death bringer. On top of that, the usual Credit and Affinity Boosters are included to get your weapons in peak fighting shape as fast as possible.

Not too shabby at half off the usual bundle price. Act now, Tenno.


After that, there was a final deal in the Market.

Inbox message:
A Message from Darvo


I have one more deal for you today, and then I need to get to work on my newest business plan. Things are going to get really busy for old Darvo. Call me superstitious, but I am not saying anything until things are ready. In the meantime, let's talk deals. I need to free up some capital.

So, you got your weapons tweaked and your warframe all modded up, but that isn't enough. You have to look good, too. If that sounds familiar then check out this bundle. Not only do you get the Cierzo Zephyr and Oryx Oberon helmets, you also get Immortal skins for Vauban, Saryn, Volt and Nova warframes. All at my usual half-price discount. Act now; this deal will only last for one day.

Until we meet again,

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