The mysterious Sentients fought against the Orokin in the Old War, and for the most part have not been seen since
The mysterious Sentients fought against the Orokin in the Old War, and for the most part have not been seen since
Ordis acts as mission control for Disruption missions on the Gas City of Jupiter, following their introduction in Operation: Hostile Mergers. These missions take place during Alad V's Sentient partnership, when the Lotus was unavailable to issue missions to the Tenno. This mission only takes place on Ganymede, Jupiter, though it can also appear in...
Ordis acts as mission control for Sabotage missions on the Gas City of Jupiter.
After his defeat at Themisto, Alad V fell off the radar and was presumed dead. However, in the Suspicious Shipments special alert, it was revealed that he had survived the Tenno's assassination attempt and was now working with Infested biotechnology
The Zanuka Hunter is a state-of-the-art robotic proxy used by Alad V to punish Tenno
Alad V is a Corpus businessman and scientist who has been at the heart of many consequential events in the Tenno's journey.
25 January 2016 – 03 February 2016
12 May 2015 – 20 May 2015
Find Alad V's laboratory and put a stop to his madness.
27 November 2014 – 03 December 2014