The mysterious Sentients fought against the Orokin in the Old War, and for the most part have not been seen since
The mysterious Sentients fought against the Orokin in the Old War, and for the most part have not been seen since
The Corpus units encountered in Empyrean gameplay are unique variants, and are listed below
The Grineer units encountered in Empyrean gameplay are unique variants
The retrofitted Corpus fleet is crewed by Juno Corpus troops
The Gray Strain of the Cambion Drift has evolved for centuries in isolation, separated from the rest of the Infested horde
The Plains of Eidolon are home to many native animal species, some of which can be captured through Conservation
The forgotten laboratories of Albrecht Entrati are stalked by strange beings
The mission node of Tyana Pass on Mars features a special variant of Defence called Mirror Defence. Each Defence objective has their own Codex entry.
The corridors and balconies of Jupiter's gas city are home to Alad V's latest creations: Amalgams.
Nef Anyo's terraforming operations on Venus are overseen by his elite Terra forces.