Hombask Dialogue: Mobile Defence
Hombask guides the Tenno during Mobile Defence missions on the Zariman. These missions operate identically to Mobile Defence missions on other tilesets and in other locations
Hombask guides the Tenno during Mobile Defence missions on the Zariman. These missions operate identically to Mobile Defence missions on other tilesets and in other locations
The Zariman 10-0 colony ship was one of the grandest projects of the Orokin, and one of the most ambitious ventures humanity has ever undertaken
Void Cascade is an endless game mode on the Zariman tileset that sees the Tenno purge and defend Exoliser devices that counteract the growing Void corruption.
Void Armageddon is an endless game mode on the Zariman tileset that sees the Tenno defend the Zariman's critical Reliquary Drive from attack by hostile forces.
Cavalero guides the Tenno during Exterminate missions on the Zariman. These missions operate identically to Exterminate missions on other tilesets and in other locations
Inventory descriptions of resources found on the Zariman.
Melica was one of the cephalons assigned to teach young students aboard the Zariman 10-0 colony ship.
Hombask is one of the Holdfasts aboard the Zariman 10-0. She sells Zariman-themed decorations that can be placed in the Tenno's Orbiter, Drifter Camp, Dormizone, or Dojo.
Cavalero is one of the Holdfasts on the Zariman 10-0 colony ship. During the Zariman Project, he was in charge of weapons and security – a role he continues to serve after death.
Yonta was the Archimedian assigned to the Zariman 10-0 colony ship, responsible for the care and operation of the Reliquary Drive.