Proxy Retribution Bonus Weekend
27 May 2016 – 31 May 2016
The Proxy Retribution Bonus Weekend was a series of Alerts in late May 2016. It was a follow-up event to the Proxy Rebellion one year prior.
The Proxy Retribution weekend event took place on the last weekend of May 2016, starting on Thursday. For the entire weekend, a Double Affinity booster was in effect, and the following items were 50% off in the Market: Rubico, Talons, Lacera, and Salix syandana.
During the weekend, four special Alert missions were available for 24 hours each, one per day.
- 27 May (Thursday): Tessera, Venus. Corpus Outpost Defence, 20 waves. Reward: Orokin Catalyst and 10.000 credits.
- 28 May (Friday): Martialis, Mars. Corpus Outpost Mobile Defence. Reward: Orokin Reactor and 10.000 credits.
- 29 May (Saturday): Palus, Pluto. Corpus Ship Survival, 20 minutes. Reward: Twin Vipers Wraith (with weapon slot and pre-installed Orokin Catalyst) and 50.000 credits.
- 30 May (Sunday): Io, Jupiter. Corpus Gas City Defence, 20 waves. Reward: 25 Rare rank 5 Fusion Cores (roughly equivalent to 2000 Endo) and 10.000 credits.
Each of the Alert missions featured only Corpus robotic proxies – no Crewmen. In addition, Hyena NG and Isolator Bursa units were present in high numbers. Despite being advertised as a Tactical Alert, these missions did not award Stratos emblems.
[Navigation: Hub → Events → Special Alerts → Proxy Retribution]
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