Proxy Rebellion

17 September 2015 – 21 September 2015
27 July 2018 – 30 July 2018
19 July 2019 – 22 July 2019
The Proxy Rebellion is a rarely occurring event that usually takes place over a weekend, consisting of special Alert missions against Corpus robotics.
First Proxy Rebellion
The first Proxy Rebellion took place on the second weekend of September 2015, starting on Thursday. For the entire weekend, a Double Credit booster was in effect, and certain Corpus-made weapons were 50% off in the Market, such as the Amprex, Angstrum, Cestra, Dual Cestras, Lecta, Obex, Opticor, and Quanta.
During the weekend, four special Alert missions were available for 24 hours each, one per day.
- 17 September (Thursday): Tessera, Venus. Corpus Outpost Defence, 20 waves. Reward: Orokin Catalyst and 10.000 credits.
- 18 September (Friday): Martialis, Mars. Corpus Outpost Mobile Defence. Reward: Orokin Reactor and 10.000 credits.
- 19 September (Saturday): Palus, Pluto. Corpus Ship Survival, 20 minutes. Reward: Twin Vipers Wraith (with weapon slot and pre-installed Orokin Catalyst) and 50.000 credits.
- 20 September (Sunday): Io, Jupiter. Corpus Gas City Defence, 20 waves. Reward: 25 Rare rank 5 Fusion Cores (roughly equivalent to 2000 Endo) and 10.000 credits.
Each of the Alert missions featured only Corpus robotic proxies – no Crewmen. In addition, Hyena NG and Isolator Bursa units were present in high numbers.
Second Proxy Rebellion
The second Proxy Rebellion took place three years later on the last weekend of July 2018, starting on Friday. This time, it took the form of a Tactical Alert, with four missions available on the Navigation console. The missions took place on special nodes apart from the main planet, and each mission was locked until the previous one was completed.
- Mission 1: Corpus Ship Defence (Mars), 20 waves. Reward: 1500 Endo and 50.000 credits.
- Mission 2: Corpus Outpost Interception (Neptune), 3 waves. Reward: Exilus Adaptor and 50.000 credits.
- Mission 3: Corpus Gas City Survival (Jupiter), 20 minutes. Reward: Orokin Reactor blueprint, Orokin Catalyst blueprint, and 50.000 credits.
- Mission 4: Corpus Ice Planet Defence (Europa), 20 waves. Reward: Rift Sigil and Stratos emblem.
Each of the Alert missions featured only Corpus robotic proxies – no Crewmen. In addition, Hyena units (all four variants) were present in high numbers. Unlike the previous Proxy Rebellion, there was no active Credit Booster or Market discount. After each mission was completed, the Tenno received an inbox message from the Lotus containing the designated reward.
Inbox message:
Good Work!Tenno,
You have proven your valour in battle today, but the machines are countless and do not rest. Take this reward and use it to continue the fight!
—The Lotus
After the final mission, the Tenno received an inbox message containing a Stratos emblem, which was not advertised as a mission reward.
Inbox message:
Mission AccomplishedYou went above the call of duty today, Tenno. The skill you displayed will inspire your fellow warriors. Wear this, so that they will know what has been achieved here today.
—The Lotus
Third Proxy Rebellion
The third Proxy Rebellion took place one year later, on the third weekend of July 2019, starting on Friday. Similar to the one previous, it consisted of a Tactical-Alert-style set of four missions.
- Mission 1: Corpus Ship Defence (Mars), 10 waves. Reward: Exilus Adaptor and 50.000 credits.
- Mission 2: Corpus Outpost Interception (Neptune), 3 waves. Reward: Veiled pistol Riven mod and 50.000 credits.
- Mission 3: Corpus Gas City Survival (Jupiter), 10 minutes. Reward: Orokin Reactor blueprint, Orokin Catalyst blueprint, and 50.000 credits.
- Mission 4: Corpus Ice Planet Defence (Europa), 20 waves. Reward: Rakta syandana and Stratos emblem.
Each of the Alert missions featured only Corpus robotic proxies – no Crewmen. In addition, Hyena units (all four variants) were present in high numbers. After each mission was completed, the Tenno received an inbox message from the Lotus containing the designated reward.
Inbox message:
Good Work!Tenno,
You have proven your valour in battle today, but the machines are countless and do not rest. Take this reward and use it to continue the fight!
—The Lotus
After the final mission, the Tenno received an inbox message containing the Rakta syandana and a Stratos emblem.
Inbox message:
Mission AccomplishedYou went above the call of duty today, Tenno. The skill you displayed will inspire your fellow warriors. Wear this, so that they will know what has been achieved here today.
—The Lotus
There was also a similar event titled Proxy Retribution that took place in 2016, in between the first and second Proxy Rebellions.
[Navigation: Hub → Events → Special Alerts → Proxy Rebellion]
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