Long Shadow

29 September 2016 – 03 October 2016

Long Shadow was a Tactical Alert in late 2016 that saw the return of the Nightwatch Corps, last seen in Project Undermine.


On Thursday (29 September), the alert became available and was present for the weekend. The Tenno received an inbox message from the Lotus.

Inbox message:
Tactical Alert: Long Shadow


The Nightwatch Corps are back. A lone survivor from a massacre near Ceres has revealed that they have set up base there. We need to know what they’re up to.

Travel to Ceres and intercept their communications.

—The Lotus

The first mission was an Interception mission on Ceres, on the Shipyards map. The enemies consisted of the elite Nightwatch Corps. The Tenno had to hold out for two waves. Upon completion of the mission, the Tenno received an inbox message with 50.000 credits and 800 endo.

Inbox message:
Tactical Alert: Long Shadow – Mission 1 Success


We have recovered vital information from the messages you intercepted. Take this with my thanks.

—The Lotus

The next mission was described in the World State Window as follows: "The information you intercepted from Nightwatch communications shows they have acquired a warframe cryopod. Head to the target location and defend the cryopod until it can be safely extracted." It was a 10-wave Defence mission on Ceres, still against the Nightwatch Grineer. The ambient lightning strike hazards are greatly increased in this mission. Completing this mission rewarded the Tenno with an Exilus Adapter. 

Inbox message:
Tactical Alert: Long Shadow – Mission 2 Success

Well done, Tenno. You sent the Nightwatch Corps a message they won't soon forget.

—The Lotus

The third mission had the description: "A Nightwatch-controlled Galleon has been spotted orbiting Mars. Provide cover while a lone Tenno operative raids the ship for intel and supplies." This was a 20-minute Survival mission on the Grineer Galleon tileset, with fire hazards active all over the map. This mission rewarded the Tenno with an Orokin Catalyst and Orokin Reactor.

Inbox message:
Tactical Alert: Long Shadow – Mission 3 Success

Well done, Tenno. You sent the Nightwatch Corps a message they won't soon forget.

—The Lotus

The last mission was described as follows: "Our last raid on the Nightwatch's Galleon revealed a vast storehouse of supplies. Proceed to the coordinates and weaken the Nightwatch by stealing as many of their supplies as possible." This was another 20-minute Survival mission on the Grineer Asteroid tileset, with cryogenic leakage hazards present. The reward was a Stratos emblem.

Inbox message:
Tactical Alert: Long Shadow – Mission 4 Success

Well done, Tenno. You sent the Nightwatch Corps a message they won't soon forget.

—The Lotus

This last mission was repeatable and had a 0.25% chance of rewarding a Rift sigil as well.

[Navigation: HubEventsTactical Alerts → Long Shadow]

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