The Limbo Theorem
Piece together the Limbo Theorem to uncover its source.
Starting the quest
This quest is awarded by completing the Europa Junction on Jupiter. After it is unlocked, it can be started at any time from the Codex. Once it is started, the Tenno will receive an inbox message from Ordis.
Inbox message:
THE LIMBO THEOREMTransmission from Ordis.
Ordis (video message): "So, this 'Limbo Theorem' you picked up, it's supposed to lead to a new warframe? Well, it's woefully incomplete! Half-written proofs, unfinished equations—WHAT IDIOT WROTE THIS MESS?? Okay, okay. There is one thing here: a constant. A tuning frequency. But it's so minute; the Orbiter's antenna would never be able to— unless…. Go to your Nav console! I have an idea."
The Tenno will also receive a Limbo Neuroptics Theorem blueprint, which requires 6.500 credits and 3 Proof Fragments, and takes 1 minute to build.
(variant) Ordis: "If you want to have any chance of recovering Limbo, you have to find those proof fragments to complete the Theorem."
(variant) Ordis: "These equations will continue to be a jumble of nothing until we recover all the missing Proof Fragments and reforge this Theorem."
First mission: Gathering Proof Fragments (Syrtis, Mars)
The mission is an Archwing Interception in Grineer Free Space, with Grineer Archwing enemies. The Tenno must complete at least one round, and may stay as long as they wish. The mission gives no reward for any of the rounds. However, the enemies will occasionally drop a special resource called Proof Fragments on death. The real goal of the mission is to collect as many Proof Fragments as possible. Unlike normal Interception missions, Ordis serves as mission control.
(on mission start) Ordis: "If there are any proof fragments bouncing around this 'Limbo frequency', these radio towers will pick them up."
(upon capturing a tower, variant) Ordis: "A tower has been captured. Scanning the Limbo frequency now."
(upon capturing a tower, variant) Ordis: "A tower is online."
(upon capturing a tower, variant) Ordis: "We are now in control of this tower."
(upon capturing all towers, variant) Ordis: "We have established complete control."
(upon capturing all towers, variant) Ordis: "Operator, I'm pleased to report that we are in full control."
(upon losing a tower, variant) Ordis: "We're losing control!"
(upon losing a tower, variant) Ordis: "No! They've captured our tower."
(upon losing a tower, variant) Ordis: "They took control of our tower— make them pay!"
(upon losing all towers, variant) Ordis: "They're winning! May I suggest you capture a tower?"
(upon losing all towers, variant) Ordis: "Operator, they have all four towers! Stop them!"
(upon decoding the message, variant) Ordis: "Excellent, we have completed the scan. May I suggest— turning every last enemy into scrap?"
(upon decoding the message, variant) Ordis: "Scan complete; now we must clean up. Kill them all!"
(upon completing a round) Ordis: "They're onto us now, but if you would like, we can attempt another scan."
(if the Tenno chooses to run another round) Ordis: "We will attempt another scan of the frequency. I do hope you manage to pick something up."
[on board Orbiter]
If the Tenno collected at least 3 Proof Fragments during the mission, they can build the Limbo Neuroptics Theorem in the Foundry. This is a mission key, not a warframe component. If not, then the Interception will still be marked as the mission to complete, and the Tenno must run it again.
(upon starting construction of the Limbo Neuroptics Theorem) Ordis: "Good, now we get to find out what all this Limbo nonsense is all about. I await the Theorem's completion."
(upon claiming the Limbo Neuroptics Theorem from the Foundry) Ordis: "Okay, good, you've… wait… the horizon mass cannot be inverted to— this is preposterous! Operator, I'm sorry. You did all this work and this so-called Theorem is still completely invalid. It's as if all these proofs point to nothingness. It's just… utterly irrational! There's only one valid coordinate in the entire proof. I've marked it on your Navigation console, but I'm sure it's a waste of time."
Second mission: Limbo Neuroptics Theorem (Cambria, Earth)
The mission is an Excavation on the Grineer Forest tileset, with Frontier Grineer enemies. The Tenno must gather 300 cryotic (3 completed excavations), upon which extraction will be available. The Lotus serves as mission control, as usual.
[on board Orbiter]
The Tenno will receive the Limbo neuroptics blueprint as a mission reward.
Ordis: "A Limbo part blueprint! The Theorem wasn't complete malarkey after all. Perhaps there's more to these equations than I previously thought—what am I missing?"
The Tenno will have to construct the Limbo neuroptics in their Foundry to progress.
(after claiming the Limbo neuroptics from the Foundry) Ordis: "Operator, I found a new Theorem, hidden deep in that warframe part. These are actually starting to make sense! I mean, they're nonsense, but there's logic in the nonsense. It's almost as if someone is trying to speak to me in my own language."
Ordis: "This new Theorem is equally full of gaps. Please, find more Proof Fragments. What is he trying to say? My apologies, Operator. I get a little worked up when it comes to physics."
The Tenno will receive a Limbo Systems Theorem blueprint. Like the previous Theorem, it must be constructed in the Foundry using Proof Fragments. If the Tenno still has 3 left over from the Interception mission earlier, they may proceed immediately; if not, the Interception mission will have to be run again.
(if more Proof Fragments are needed) Ordis: "Please, do find the rest of those Proofs. I must solve these equations. The suspense is killing me!"
(upon claiming the Limbo Systems Theorem from the Foundry) Ordis: "Now it's becoming clear. Could it be that there's a plane between our normal plane and the Void? A space between space, a Rift? A Rift that this Limbo could control? Oh, and I've marked your Navigation console. I think you'll be quite pleased with what you find there."
Third mission: Limbo Systems Theorem (Martialis, Mars)
The mission is an Excavation on the Grineer Settlement tileset, with Arid Grineer enemies. The Tenno must gather 300 cryotic (3 completed excavations), upon which extraction will be available. The Lotus serves as mission control, as usual.
[on board Orbiter]
The Tenno will receive the Limbo systems blueprint as a mission reward.
Ordis: "Operator, do you understand? This Limbo is telling us his story in pure math, and, I must say, he's quite witty. You have to forge that blueprint as soon as possible. I must know what comes next."
(upon claiming the Limbo systems from the Foundry) Ordis: "Just as I suspected, another Theorem. Limbo's formula for inverting the entropic mass of Void quanta is… downright naughty!"
(variant) Ordis: "I want more. Operator, please hurry. This story is getting quite good!"
(variant) Ordis: "This Limbo is quite mysterious! Zipping in and out of the Rift, sending whole armies into a purgatory of his own making! Physics is wonderful."
The Tenno will receive a Limbo Chassis Theorem blueprint. Like the previous Theorems, it must be constructed in the Foundry using Proof Fragments.
(upon claiming the Limbo Chassis Theorem from the Foundry) Ordis: "More parts to the story. My word, he is a magician of logic. Just when I think his diffraction principle is full of dangling ratios, he expresses his dynamic constant in pure numbers! Ha, I never saw it coming."
Fourth mission: Limbo Chassis Theorem (Ose, Europa)
The mission is an Excavation on the Corpus Ice Planet tileset, with standard Corpus enemies. The Tenno must gather 300 cryotic (3 completed excavations), upon which extraction will be available. The Lotus serves as mission control, as usual.
[on board Orbiter]
The Tenno will receive the Limbo chassis blueprint as a mission reward.
Ordis: "The final part. I cannot wait! What harrowing leaps of cross-dimensional gymnastics will he attempt next?"
(upon claiming the Limbo chassis from the Foundry) Ordis: "Excellent, the final Theorem, and it's unfragmented. Processing!"
Ordis: "Oh, wait, Limbo, no, that's a mistake. You don't want to go there. It's too big a jump. You can't Riftwalk… ohh. Oh no…. Operator, I think I know why we're finding Limbo parts scattered throughout the System. His final Riftwalk was a miscalc—disaster. Well, perhaps when you occupy this frame, you will use more… caution."
After crafting the chassis, the quest will be completed. The blueprint for Limbo can be bought from the Market. Any extra Proof Fragments can be sold from the inventory for 750 credits each.
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