Lotus Dialogue: Dex Anniversary Rewards

Every year, in March, the Lotus grants the Tenno a new Dex gear item to commemorate the start of Open Beta in Warframe, as well as giving all prior Dex items. The first three years, the items were delivered via simple inbox message. From the fourth anniversary on, older items were offered as rewards from alert missions.
First year (2014)
On 26 March 2014, all Tenno received an inbox message from the Lotus containing the Dex Furis dual pistols.
Inbox message:
We Have Come So Far[name],
It has been one Earth cycle since I called the first Tenno to wake from cryostasis. Since that day, countless more have joined our fold. In that time, much has changed. As our enemies grew stronger, you mastered new warframes. When they plotted for power, you toppled tyrants. When they hunted us, you showed them what it meant to challenge the Tenno.
To commemorate your accomplishments, I have crafted the Dex Furis. Master this weapon and use it with pride, Tenno.
Your guide,
The Lotus
Second year (2015)
On 25 March 2015, all Tenno received an inbox message with the Dex Dakra dual swords, as well as another Dex Furis.
Inbox message:
We Have Accomplished MuchTenno,
It has been nearly two Earth cycles since I woke you. Since that time, the Tenno have grown in number and once more become a formidable presence in our System. Your perseverance and dedication to our cause has not gone unrecognised.
To salute your service, a special Dex Dakra has been crafted and delivered to your Liset. The first Earth cycle commemorative Dex Furis has also been provided. Your hard work has just been rewarded.
You bring honour to us all through your efforts.
—The Lotus
Third year (2016)
On 22 March 2016, all Tenno received an inbox message containing the Dex Sybaris rifle, along with the Dex Dakra and Dex Furis.
Inbox message:
A New YearTenno,
For three Earth cycles you have been awake, fighting valiantly against all oppressors. Your bravery and unbreakable will has not been taken for granted.
As tribute to you and your achievements, I have forged these Dex Sybaris rifles for you. Additionally, you will also find that the Dex Dakra and Dex Furis have been added to your inventory. This is just a small gesture of my gratitude for all you have done for this system. Thank you, Tenno.
—The Lotus
Fourth year (2017)
For the fourth anniversary celebration, in 2017, the three Dex weapons were given out as rewards in Tactical-Alert-style missions, level 10-15, available from 24 March to 27 March. The missions were described as "Enemy forces have obtained detailed information on some of the Lotus' artefacts. Stop them before they get away!"
Inbox message:
Gift from the Lotus – StolenTenno,
Enemy forces have obtained detailed information on some of my artefacts. Your bravery and unbreakable will are once again needed to recover these precious items so that this year's Cycle Celebration can continue!
—The Lotus
The first mission was a Corpus Exterminate mission on Earth using the Corpus Ship tileset. The mission restricted the Tenno to secondary weapons only. Upon completion, the Tenno were awarded the Dex Furis via inbox message.
Inbox message:
Gift from the Lotus – Stolen: Corpus Ceased!Tenno,
Corpus greed knows no bounds, but your cunning and clever methods were able to prevent them from acquiring the Dex Furis!
Please take a copy of this Awakening artefact as your reward.
—The Lotus
The second mission was an Infested Rescue mission on Earth using the Infested Ship tileset. The mission restricted the Tenno to melee weapons only. Upon completion, the Tenno were awarded the Dex Dakra via inbox message.
Inbox message:
Gift from the Lotus – Stolen: Infested Halted!Tenno,
These Infested snatchers were no match for your resilience and strength! Your efforts have prevented them from destroying the Dex Dakra.
Please take a copy of this Awakening artefact as your reward.
—The Lotus
The third mission was a Grineer Interception mission on Earth using the Grineer Sealab tileset. The mission restricted the Tenno to primary weapons only. Upon completion, the Tenno were awarded the Dex Sybaris via inbox message.
Inbox message:
Gift from the Lotus – Stolen: Grineer Thwarted!Tenno,
You fought with honour and skill! Your efforts have prevented the Grineer Forces from making away with the Dex Sybaris information!
Please take a copy of this Awakening artefact as your reward!
—The Lotus
On 28 March, all Tenno received the Dex Nouchali syandana in an inbox message, whether they had completed the previous alerts or not.
Inbox message:
Gift from the LotusTenno,
For four Earth cycles you have been awake! This year you proved yourselves even more valiant by protecting our precious Dex items. To commemorate this momentous occasion and celebrate your heroic efforts, I've commissioned this Dex Nouchali syandana.
Wear it with pride, Tenno.
—The Lotus
Fifth year (2018)
For the fifth anniversary celebration, in 2018, the three Dex weapons were again given out as rewards in Tactical-Alert-style missions. These missions were available from 14 March to 28 March and were identical to the last year's.
If the Tenno had not completed the Apostasy Prologue quest, they would receive an inbox message from the Lotus if they logged in between 14 March and 28 March. This message would contain the Dex skin for the Excalibur warframe.
Inbox message:
Our Fifth Cycle[name],
It has been five Earth cycles since I called on the first of you to lift your blades once more. Five cycles of guiding you through fight after endless fight. Of witnessing you persevere against the unending forces of tyranny and corruption. Of watching you grow into warriors more powerful than I could have ever envisioned.
On this occasion, I want you to have this very special item. Use it to show the people of the Origin System that the Tenno remain a beacon of balance and justice. A beacon that will always burn bright, for this anniversary and the many more to come.
—The Lotus
If the Tenno had completed the Apostasy Prologue, they would instead receive an inbox message from Ordis, referencing the Lotus' absence. This message would also contain the Excalibur Dex skin.
Inbox message:
She would want you to have thisOperator,
It has been five Earth cycles since the first Tenno awoke. This should be a joyous occasion, but it is not. Our Lotus is gone.
In her absence, Ordis would like to inspire you as she would have, to tell you of your ever-evolving skill and strength. Of your mighty victories. Of how you have fought tirelessly against the forces of terror and hate that have thrown this system into chaos!
But Ordis is not terribly good at such things. Ordis is just Ordis.
Before she disappeared, she left you something. Something she would have given you herself… were she here.
Ordis still hopes that she might somehow return, for our next anniversary.
Your faithful cephalon,
The inbox messages that awarded the Dex Furis, Dex Dakra, and Dex Sybaris were delivered by the Lotus regardless of quest progress. The following is the message for completing the Corpus alert for the Dex Furis:
Inbox message:
Gift from the Lotus – Recovered: Dex Furis[name],
Corpus greed knows no bounds. On the anniversary of the first Tenno being called to wake, they plotted to take what was ours. But your cunning and skill halted them in their tracks.
Please, take a copy of this Dex Furis. It is my gift to you.
—The Lotus
The Infested alert for the Dex Dakra:
Inbox message:
Gift from the Lotus – Recovered: Dex Dakra[name],
The Infested were no match for your resilience and strength! You fought bravely to prevent them from consuming what is ours.
Please take this Dex Dakra as both gift and reward.
—The Lotus
The Grineer alert for the Dex Sybaris:
Inbox message:
Gift from the Lotus – Recovered: Dex Sybaris[name],
During this anniversary, a sacred time for all Tenno, the Grineer sought to steal from us. You thwarted their plot with honour and skill.
This Dex Sybaris is yours. When you use it, remember that moment when my voice first called you to wake from your cryopod and restore balance in the Origin System.
—The Lotus
There was also a fourth mission, a Survival in the Void against Corrupted enemies. The mission restricted the Tenno to melee weapons only and awarded the Dex Nouchali syandana.
Inbox message:
Gift from the Lotus – Recovered: Dex Nouchali Syandana[name],
Even against the countless hordes of the Void's Corrupted, you have emerged victorious.
Take this Dex Nouchali syandana and wear it with pride.
—The Lotus
Sixth year (2019)
The sixth anniversary celebration, in 2019, was preceded by three "Weekend Wars". During the third and fourth weekends of February and the first weekend of March, there were community goals to kill as many of a specified unit as possible. All variants of the unit counted, so Elite Arid Lancers could be killed to fulfil the Lancer quota. Each Weekend War was accompanied by a Gift of the Lotus alert that lasted for the weekend, giving an opportunity to kill the target units (though the targets could also be killed in any other mission in which they appeared). The Gift of the Lotus alerts rewarded relics for Saryn Prime, Spira Prime, and Nikana Prime, which had been in the Prime Vault for over a year. If the community goals were reached, special bonus weekends would be unlocked in the weeks following (in March).
Target Unit | Date of Weekend War | Gift of the Lotus | Community bonus goal reward |
Lancers | 15 – 18 February | Titan, Saturn: 30-minute Grineer Galleon Survival. Reward: 10 Meso S9 relics and 30.000 credits | Double Affinity weekend 09 – 10 March |
Crewmen | 22 – 25 February | Palus, Pluto: 30-minute Corpus Ship Survival. Reward: 10 Axi N6 relics and 30.000 credits | Double Credit weekend 16 – 17 March |
Chargers | 01 – 04 March | Nimus, Eris: 30-minute Infested Ship Survival. Reward: 10 Neo S10 relics and 30.000 credits | Double Resource weekend 23 – 24 March |
During the Weekend Wars, the community goals were displayed as meters counting up to 100%. All three community goals reached 100%, so all three bonus weekends were unlocked.
After the final bonus weekend, the Tenno received an inbox message from Ordis on 27 March (Wednesday) containing an Excalibur Dex noggle and the Liset Dex skin.
Inbox message:
6th Anniversary!Operator!
We have now adventured for six Earth cycles together. Remarkable!
Look what Ordis has got for the Orbiter! Something to help spruce the place up a bit and remind you of the happy times we have spent together.
Joyful Anniversary, Operator!
Your Loyal Cephalon,
They also received a separate inbox message from Ordis informing them of the Anniversary alerts.
Inbox message:
Gifts of the Lotus – Stolen!Operator,
Enemies from all factions are targeting supply shipments meant for our 6th Cycle Celebration. We cannot allow them to take these from us. The Lotus would want you to have them.
As in previous years, there was a set of Tactical-Alert-style missions to obtain the older Anniversary items. Each was described as "Enemy forces have obtained detailed information on some of the Lotus' artefacts. Stop them before they get away!" with the exception of the Excalibur Dex skin alert, which was described as "A Grineer defector is offering information on some of the Lotus' artefacts in exchange for protection. The Grineer have dispatched a Nightwatch squad to silence him. Protect him at all costs!"
The Dex Furis alert was a Corpus Exterminate on Earth. The Tenno were restricted to secondary weapons only.
Inbox message:
Gift of the Lotus – Recovered: Dex Furis[name],
Corpus greed was true to form, but you showed them! And on the anniversary of the first Tenno being called to wake, no less.
Please, take a copy of this Dex Furis. It is the Lotus' gift to you.
The Dex Dakra alert was an Infested Rescue mission on Earth. The Tenno were restricted to melee weapons only.
Inbox message:
Gift of the Lotus – Recovered: Dex Dakra[name],
The Infested were no match for your resilience and strength! They wanted to consume the Lotus' gift to you, and you made them choke on it.
Please enjoy this Dex Dakra.
The Dex Sybaris alert was an Infested Rescue mission on Earth. The Tenno were restricted to primary weapons only.
Inbox message:
Gift of the Lotus – Recovered: Dex Sybaris[name],
Ordis is so angry. This is a sacred time for all Tenno, and the Grineer sought to steal from us. But you made them regret it. So Ordis is happy!
This Dex Sybaris is yours. Ordis hopes you use it, and remember when the Lotus first called to you.
The Dex Nouchali syandana alert was a Corrupted Survival mission in the Void. The Tenno were restricted to melee weapons only.
Inbox message:
Gift of the Lotus – Recovered: Dex Nouchali syandana[name],
On this, the anniversary of your awakening, the countless horde of the Void's Corrupted could not stand against you.
Ordis hopes his Operator wears this Dex Nouchali syandana with pride.
The Dex Excalibur skin alert was a Grineer Defence on Mars. The target was a Bailiff Defector. There was no weapon restriction.
Inbox message:
Gift of the Lotus – Recovered: Excalibur Dex skin and helmet[name],
The Grineer defector owes their life to you. In gratitude, they shared the location of the Lotus' hidden cache.
Take this Excalibur Dex skin and Excalibur Dex helmet. It is yours.
These missions were available from 27 March to 10 April.
Seventh year (2020)
For the seventh anniversary celebration, in 2020, the Tenno received an inbox message from Ordis on 06 March containing the Dex Raksaka armour set.
Inbox message:
Our Special MonthYou did not think Ordis had forgotten the date, did you? Ordis would do no such thing! This is the month of our seventh anniversary together!
Every week the Rails are alive with chatter of strange new items appearing. Ordis expects exciting (and profitable) things to happen this month!
Happy 7th anniversary, Operator. Ordis chose this for you, just for the occasion, and cannot wait to see you in it.
Your Loyal Cephalon,
As in previous years, there was a set of Tactical-Alert-style missions to obtain the older Anniversary items. However, these alerts were split up across all four weekends in March. Each weekend saw two alert missions present for the entire weekend that would award the items:
- 06 – 09 March: Dex Furis and Dex Nouchali syandana
- 13 – 16 March: Dex Sybaris and Excalibur Dex skin
- 20 – 23 March: Dex Dakra and Excalibur Dex noggle
- 27 – 30 March: Liset Dex skin and Excalibur Dex in Action glyph
Each was described as "Enemy forces have obtained detailed information on some of the Lotus' artefacts. Stop them before they get away!" with the exception of the Excalibur Dex skin alert, which was described as "A Grineer defector is offering information on some of the Lotus' artefacts in exchange for protection. The Grineer have dispatched a Nightwatch squad to silence him. Protect him at all costs!"
The rewards were delivered via inbox messages identical to the previous year's.
Eighth year (2021)
For the eighth anniversary celebration, in 2021, the Tenno received an inbox message from Ordis on 19 April containing the Rhino Dex skin.
Inbox message:
Gifts of the Lotus – Your 8th Anniversary[name],
It has been eight cycles since the Lotus called the first of you to wake. To mark the occasion Ordis commissioned gifts for you. Items the Lotus would want you to have. Each gift exudes nostalgia for battles past and for those we have lost along the way.
Ordis only has one slight problem… the gifts have been stolen!
You can recover your gifts? Can you not? Operator?
Perhaps this Rhino Dex skin will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies.
Your terribly embarrassed cephalon,
As in previous years, there was a set of Tactical-Alert-style missions to obtain the older Anniversary items. However, these alerts were split up across four weeks in April and May. Each week saw two or three alert missions present for seven days that would award the items:
- 19 April – 26 April: Dex Sybaris and Excalibur Dex skin
- 26 April – 03 May: Dex Dakra and Dex Nouchali syandana
- 03 May – 10 May: Dex Furis and Liset Dex skin
- 10 May – 17 May: Dex Raksaka armour set, Excalibur Dex noggle, and Excalibur Dex in Action glyph
Each was described as "Enemy forces have obtained detailed information on some of the Lotus' artefacts. Stop them before they get away!" with the exception of the Excalibur Dex skin alert, which was described as "A Grineer defector is offering information on some of the Lotus' artefacts in exchange for protection. The Grineer have dispatched a Nightwatch squad to silence him. Protect him at all costs!"
The rewards were delivered via inbox messages identical to the previous year's. The Dex Raksaka armour (the previous year's reward) was delivered with a new inbox message:
Inbox message:
Gift of the Lotus – Recovered: Dex Raksaka Armour[name],
Those wily Grineer tried to hide this armour by burying it, but they were no match for you, Operator.
Think of this armour as the Lotus' gift to you.
Each week of the anniversary event also featured either a credit booster or affinity booster during the weekend, from Friday to Monday.
- 23 April – 26 April: Credit booster weekend
- 30 April – 03 May: Affinity booster weekend
- 07 May – 10 May: Credit booster weekend
- 14 May – 17 May: Affinity booster weekend
Ninth year (2022)
Tenth year (2023)
For the tenth anniversary celebration, in 2023, the festivities started with a set of Tactical-Alert-style missions to obtain the older Anniversary items. These alerts were split up across five fortnights from March to June, starting on Friday. Each fortnight also featured a booster during the first weekend, from Friday to Monday. The week structure is shown below:
- 24 March – 07 April: Week 1 & 2. Affinity booster weekend from 24 – 27 March.
- 07 April – 21 April: Week 3 & 4. Credit booster weekend from 07 – 10 April.
- 21 April – 05 May: Week 5 & 6. Credit booster weekend from 21 – 24 April.
- 05 May – 19 May: Week 7 & 8. Credit booster weekend from 05 – 08 May.
- 19 May – 02 June: Week 9 & 10. Resource booster weekend from 19 – 22 May.
Each "Gift of the Lotus" Alert mission was described as "Enemy forces have obtained detailed information on some of the Lotus' artefacts. Stop them before they get away!" with the exception of Mission 2. The rewards were delivered via inbox message, specific to each mission.
Mission 1 was available during Weeks 1 & 2. It was a Gas City Disruption mission on Jupiter, and rewarded an Excalibur Dex noggle and Smoking Body ephemera.
Inbox message:
Gifts of the Lotus – Excalibur Dex noggle and Smoking Body ephemera[name],
Your resilience knows no bounds. Please, take this Excalibur Dex noggle and this Smoking Body ephemera, as my gifts to you.
—The Lotus
Mission 2 was available during Weeks 1 & 2. It was a Grineer Galleon Defence mission on Earth. Unlike the other missions, it was described as "A Grineer defector is offering information on some of the Lotus' artefacts in exchange for protection. The Grineer have dispatched a Nightwatch squad to silence him. Protect him at all costs!" The Defence target was a Bailiff Defector, and blackout conditions were present on the ship. The enemies were Nightwatch Grineer, rather than standard Grineer troops. The mission rewarded the Excalibur Dex skin and an Aura Forma.
Inbox message:
Gifts of the Lotus – Excalibur Dex skin and Aura Forma[name],
Another Grineer Defector has been brought to safety.
Take this Excalibur Dex skin and Aura Forma. They are yours.
—The Lotus
Mission 3 was available during Weeks 3 & 4. It was a Grineer Sealab Interception mission on Earth, and the Tenno were restricted to Primary weapons only. The mission rewarded the Dex Sybaris.
Inbox message:
Gift of the Lotus – Dex Sybaris[name],
As long as the Grineer stand for tyranny, you will fight for justice.
Use this Dex Sybaris to bring justice to the entire System.
—The Lotus
Mission 4 was available during Weeks 3 & 4. It was a Grineer Forest Mobile Defence mission on Earth, and rewarded the Liset Dex skin.
Inbox message:
Gifts of the Lotus – Liset Dex skin[name],
This Liset Dex skin is yours. Display it proudly as you swoop into the next battle.
—The Lotus
Mission 5 was available during Weeks 5 & 6. It was a Corpus Ship Exterminate mission on Earth, and the Tenno were restricted to Secondary weapons only. The mission rewarded the Dex Furis.
Inbox message:
Gifts of the Lotus – Recovered: Dex Furis[name],
Corpus greed was true to form, but you continue to fight for truth and honour.
Please, take a copy of this Dex Furis, as my gift to you.
—The Lotus
Mission 6 was available during Weeks 5 & 6. It was a Grineer Settlement Excavation mission on Mars, and rewarded the Dex Raksaka armour set.
Inbox message:
Gifts of the Lotus – Dex Raksaka Armour[name],
The Grineer think their might entitles them to take anything they want, but not today. Not while you continue to stand against them.
Take this Dex Raksaka armour, and wear it as a symbol of your resolve.
—The Lotus
Mission 7 was available during Weeks 5 & 6. It was an Infested Ship Hive Sabotage mission on Earth, and rewarded the Excalibur Dex In Action glyph.
Inbox message:
Gifts of the Lotus – Dex Glyph[name],
The Infested were no match for your fierce tenacity. Please enjoy this Dex Glyph.
—The Lotus
Mission 8 was available during Weeks 7 & 8. It was an Infested Ship Infested Salvage mission on Earth, and rewarded the Rhino Dex skin.
Inbox message:
Gifts of the Lotus – Rhino Dex skin[name],
You have proven yourself relentless in the face of the unceasing Infested horde.
Wear this Dex Rhino skin to show our enemies you will never give up.
—The Lotus
Mission 9 was available during Weeks 7 & 8. It was an Infested Ship Defence mission on Earth, and the Tenno were restricted to Melee weapons only. The mission rewarded the Dex Dakra.
Inbox message:
Gifts of the Lotus – Dex Dakra[name],
The Infested were no match for your resilience and strength. You have learned much.
Please enjoy this Dex Dakra.
—The Lotus
Mission 10 was available during Weeks 9 & 10. It was a Corpus Ship Assassination mission on Earth, and the Assassination target was John Prodman. The mission rewarded the Wisp Dex skin and 2 Companion slots.
Inbox message:
Gifts of the Lotus – Wisp Dex skin and Companion Slots[name],
Your recent actions have caused uproar in AnyoCorp. The Index is in chaos.
There has been talk of a 'clash of giants' and 'legends colliding'.
What this means I am unsure. But any blow struck against the Corpus is a step forward for us.
This Wisp Dex skin seems an appropriate reward, along with some additional Companion capacity.
—The Lotus
Mission 11 was available during Weeks 9 & 10. It was an Orokin Void Survival in the Void, and the Tenno were restricted to Melee weapons only. The mission rewarded the Dex Nouchali syandana and 10 kavat genetic codes.
Inbox message:
Gifts of the Lotus – Dex Nouchali syandana and Kavat Genetic Code[name],
On this, the anniversary of your awakening, the countless hordes of the Void's Corrupted could not stand against you.
Wear this Dex Nouchali syandana with pride and also take this Kavat Genetic Code.
—The Lotus
During these 10 weeks, there were numerous merch sales and contests. Afterward, the month of June was mostly dedicated to Pride Month celebrations, but the Anniversary event resumed in July, with a directory-wide Twitch drops campaign for three weeks. During this campaign, watching any Twitch stream playing Warframe would give three rewards per week, with each reward being earned after one hour of watch time and unlocking the next reward in sequence.
- 01 July – 08 July (Week 1): Chatty Ordis Community glyph, Ordis Reified Statue Orbiter decoration, and Forma.
- 08 July – 15 July (Week 2): The First Five Community display, First Five noggle grab bag (Lotus, Tyl Regor, Vor, Alad V, or Konzu), and Riven Cipher.
- 15 July – 22 July (Week 3): The Last Five Community display, Wyrm floof grab bag (Fass or Vome), and Amp Arcane Adaptor.
The Anniversary event continued with more Alert missions starting 19 July, with the Recall: Ten-Zero phase of the event.
- 19 July – 27 July: Week 11 – Vor's Prize
- 27 July – 03 August: Week 12 – Enemy Factions
- 03 August – 10 August: Week 13 – Nightwave
- 10 August – 17 August: Week 14 – Historic Tactical Alerts
- 17 August – 26 August: Week 15 – Iconic Bosses
Each week, three missions would be available. They were played in sequence, with each mission becoming available as the previous mission was completed. The first mission of the week was labelled "Recall: Ten-Zero", the second "Recall: Ten-Zero – Advanced", and the third "Recall: Ten-Zero – Rigorous". They could be replayed as many times as desired, though the main mission reward was only awarded once. However, the third "Rigorous" mission each week had an additional drop table, consisting of the following:
- 5.000 credits cache
- 300x Endo
- Ayatan amber star
- Ayatan cyan star
- 500 kuva
- Primary Arcane adapter
- Secondary Arcane adapter
- Forma blueprint
Each week also had additional items that were added to the Rigorous drop table for that week only. These rewards were given every time, and so the Rigorous mission could be repeated as many times as desired to obtain these items.
The main reward from each mission in Recall: Ten-Zero were delivered via an inbox message that was the same for all missions.
Inbox message:
Recall Ten-Zero: Gratitude[name],
I have watched as you rose from the ashes of The Old War to bring an end to the New. You have made an incalculable contribution to the safety and security of the Origin System these past ten Earth cycles.
With gratitude, I offer this gift. May it serve as a reminder to take pride in all you've achieved.
With gratitude,
The Lotus
If the Tenno completed any three weeks of the Recall: Ten-Zero campaign, they would receive a 10 Year Anniversary Emblem. If the Tenno completed all five weeks of the campaign, they received the Kyndryn gunblade skin. These two rewards were distributed on 29 August in an inbox message identical to the other Recall: Ten-Zero rewards (see above).
Week 11: Vor's Prize featured missions taken from the quest of the same name. It was described as "Wake up, Tenno! You're not dreaming… Vor is back. Take him down and make him wish he never disturbed your cryo-sleep."
Mission: Save Darvo was a copy of Mission 2 of Vor's Prize – a Rescue mission on the Grineer Shipyards tileset with Darvo as the Rescue target – and awarded a noggle of Darvo.
Mission: Raid the Corpus Resource Caches (Advanced) was a copy of Mission 4 of Vor's Prize – a Raid mission on the Corpus Outpost tileset – and awarded an Orokin Catalyst.
Mission: Assassinate Vor (Rigorous) was an Assassination mission on the Grineer Asteroid tileset with Captain Vor as the target, and awarded the Vor Recall glyph. Unlike the previous two missions, it did not have transmission dialogue from Vor's Prize, and played out exactly the same as a standard Assassination mission. The Rigorous drop table for Week 11 included a Melee Riven mod and an Ayatan Ayr statue, in addition to the other items in the drop table listed above.
Week 12: Enemy Factions featured missions revolving around the main enemy factions in the Origin System. It was described as "Take down the iconic Enemy factions besieging the Origin System in their signature mission types to complete this Alert, Tenno! Grineer, Corpus, and Infested: none are safe from your warframe and weapons."
Mission: Exterminate the Nightwatch Corps was an Exterminate mission on Ceres, against Nightwatch Grineer enemies on the Grineer Shipyards tileset. It awarded a noggle of a Nightwatch Lancer.
Mission: Infested Mobile Defence (Advanced) was a Mobile Defence mission on Earth, against Infested enemies on the Infested Ship tileset. It awarded an Orokin Reactor.
Mission: Corpus Excavation (Rigorous) was an Excavation mission on Venus, against Corpus enemies on the Corpus Outpost tileset. It awarded the Factions Recall glyph. The Rigorous drop table for Week 12 included a Pistol Riven mod and an Ayatan Sah statue, in addition to the other items in the drop table listed above.
Week 13: Nightwave featured missions from the first three Series of Nightwave stories. It was described as "Get ready to hit rewind, Dreamers. Take a walk down memory lane with some of the greatest foes to come out of Nightwave."
Mission: Glassmaker was a copy of the Nihil Assassination mission from Nightwave: Glassmaker, located in the Void. It awarded a noggle of Nihil.
Mission: Zealoid Prelate (Advanced) was a copy of the Zealoid Prelate Assassination mission from Nightwave: The Emissary, located on Earth. It awarded a built Forma.
Mission: Wolf of Saturn Six (Rigorous) was a copy of the Tactical Alert mission from the end of Nightwave: The Wolf of Saturn Six, located on Saturn. It awarded the Nihil Recall glyph. The Rigorous drop table for Week 13 included a Rifle Riven mod and an Ayatan Valana statue, in addition to the other items in the drop table listed above. Notably, the Wolf also dropped parts for the Wolf Sledge as well as the Saturn Six mask, making this mission the first time these items could be farmed without using beacons since the original Nightwave Series.
Week 14: Historic Tactical Alerts featured missions from old Tactical Alerts. It was described as "You may recognize these Alerts from events and TacAlerts of old, Tenno! Take on the challenge and banish them back into the dark once more."
Mission: Nights of Naberus Jack O'Naut was a copy of the Hallowed Nightmares Tactical Alert, located on Earth. It awarded an Exilus warframe adapter.
Mission: One Thousand Cuts (Advanced) was a copy of the final mission from the One Thousand Cuts Tactical Alert, located on Saturn. It awarded a noggle of a Manic.
Mission: The Proxy Rebellion (Rigorous) was a copy of the final mission from the Proxy Rebellion Tactical Alert, located on Europa, though it was a 10-wave Defence instead of the historical 20 waves. It awarded the Jack O'Naut Recall glyph. The Rigorous drop table for Week 14 included a Zaw Riven mod, a Kitgun Riven mod, and an Ayatan Vaya statue, in addition to the other items in the drop table listed above.
Week 15: Iconic Bosses featured Assassination missions against bosses from all three main enemy factions. It was described as "These foes won't go down without a serious fight! Battle iconic bosses from throughout the Origin System once again for even more Recall: Ten-Zero rewards."
Mission: Jackal was a standard Assassination mission against the Jackal, and awarded a noggle of the Jackal.
Mission: Lephantis (Advanced) was a standard Assassination mission against Lephantis, and awarded an Exilus weapon adapter.
Mission: Tyl Regor (Rigorous) was a standard Assassination mission against Tyl Regor, and awarded the Regor Recall glyph. The Rigorous drop table for Week 15 included a Shotgun Riven mod and an Ayatan Piv statue, in addition to the other items in the drop table listed above.
Finally, on the day of TennoCon 2023, the final day of Week 15, 26 August 2023, the new Dex items for the year were distributed. All Tenno who logged in on that day received an inbox message containing the Operator Dex suit and the Drifter Dex suit.
Inbox message:
Gifts of the Lotus – Your 10th Anniversary[name],
My child, ten cycles have passed since I awoke the first of you to become the Origin System's guardians.
You have been valiant both in the outer battle and in the inner, standing fast against tyranny and greed, while uncovering the mystery of your true nature.
I shall be by your side as you prepare to confront a new danger. A shadow from the past, entangled with the roots of your Tenno power.
Take this Dex suit as an adornment for your true selves. For like me, you are more than one.
—The Lotus
Additionally, the Heirloom Collection was unveiled at TennoCon, an exclusive bundle of new skins for Mag and Frost along with other cosmetics that celebrated 10 years of Warframe.
[Navigation: Hub → Dialogue → Lotus → Dex Anniversary Rewards]
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