Cephalon Cy Dialogue: Skirmish

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Skirmish is, currently, the only game mode for Empyrean missions against the Grineer. In a Skirmish mission, the Tenno loads in with their Railjack, and must destroy a random number of interceptors (up to 90), a number of larger crewships (2-6), and potentially complete additional objectives (0-2). The only way to fail this game mode is if the Railjack ship itself is destroyed. Cephalon Cy issues all transmissions during Skirmish missions.

Mission start

"This is a raid. Eliminating priority targets and defensive units will negatively impact enemy cohesion."

"Clear this sector. A decisive first strike will increase odds of victory by 147%."

"Entering operational theatre. Hit them until they do not get up."

"Bad guys. Hit them in the knees."

"Enemy forces on scope. Delete."

"Targets on the board. Good hunting."

"Grineer in-sector. Let's change that."

"Looks like the Grineer are feeling lucky. Good hunting."

"Shatter Grineer operational capacity in this sector. Targets marked."

"Grineer. Hit them where it hurts."


This objective takes the form of a Grineer Galleon. The Galleon is equipped with cannon batteries and will fire missiles and ramsleds at the Railjack. When this objective appears, it will override normal mission start and end dialogue. The Tenno will be instructed to enter the Galleon and kill its captain.

(upon mission start, variant) "Grineer forces massing alongside that Galleon. Hm. Bodyguard detail. Their captain is nervous. Let's get them dead. Infiltrate and terminate."

(upon mission start, variant) "Grineer Galleon plus support. Too big to take down, but you can get in. Find whoever is in charge of that thing and take them out."

(upon mission start, variant) "Grineer Galleon in-system. High-value personage aboard. Infiltrate and terminate."

(upon mission start, variant) "Primary target: Grineer Galleon with support. Get on board. Locate the one calling the shots. Kill them."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Galleon has entered the fight. This changes things. Updating target manifest: Galleon captain. Board and kill."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Galleon has translated in-sector. Carrying a high-priority target: the captain. Infiltrate and terminate."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Galleon. Our shipboard weapons will be ineffective. Board and kill its captain."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Galleon on-scope. Assassinate the captain."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Crew: I need volunteers to board that Galleon and kill its captain."

(upon approaching target, variant) "Eyeballing Galleon captain. Drop the hammer."

(upon approaching target, variant) "That is the captain. Hit delete and come on home."

(upon approaching target, variant) "Captain identified. Neutralise."

(upon killing target, variant) "Galleon captain is off the board. A perfect outcome."

(upon killing target, variant) "Radio chatter reports Galleon captain terminated. They are rudderless. Excellent work."

(upon killing target, variant) "Captain terminated. Galleon in disarray. Objective complete."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Galleon captain down. Support down. Sector clear. Closing mission dossier. Requesting new orders."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Captain terminated. Enemy routed. Reminds me of the old days. Closing mission."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Captain terminated. Closing mission. Crew: avail yourselves of up to, but no more than, five minutes downtime."

Asteroid base

This objective takes the form of a Grineer asteroid base. The base is equipped with cannon batteries and will fire missiles and ramsleds at the Railjack. When this objective appears, it will override normal mission start and end dialogue. The Tenno will be instructed to enter the base and kill its commander.

(upon mission start, variant) "There is an asteroid base in this sector. It serves as a point of coordination for forces in surrounding sectors. Infiltrate the base, terminate the commander."

(upon mission start, variant) "The Grineer Commander could not be made to heed a warning against building an asteroid base here. We can only make him wish that he had. Get over there and redecorate it from the inside. Him, too."

(upon mission start, variant) "A Grineer Commander is using this asteroid base to broadcast propaganda. You could eat a dictionary and crap more sense than he makes, but he still needs to go. Infiltrate and terminate."

(upon mission start, variant) "Asteroid base. Its commander is a known war criminal, lives on vobi butter, and smells like a blown-up men's room. Take him out. Leave an air freshener."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Asteroid base on scope. Get over there and terminate the commander."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Asteroid base. We cannot leave this here. Infiltrate the base and terminate the commander."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Strange. That asteroid base was not here before. Target and kill its commander."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Crew: a new asteroid base. Nip this in the bud. Infiltrate and terminate the commander."

(upon approaching target, variant) "There: that's the commander. Get them dead."

(upon approaching target, variant) "Commander spotted. We need that target killed yesterday."

(upon approaching target, variant) "The commander is right there. Do your thing."

(upon approaching target, variant) "You are right on the target."

(upon killing target, variant) "Base commander terminated."

(upon killing target, variant) "Scratch one base commander."

(upon killing target, variant) "Target terminated. Move on."

(upon killing target, variant) "Good night, princess."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Grineer commander: terminated. That is all we needed to achieve in this sector. Time to move on."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Asteroid commander done and dusted. Sector clear. We are done here."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Asteroid hierarchy crippled. We are good to go. Mission wrapped."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Hearing chatter referencing a shift in command. The Queens already have a replacement en route, but this will set them back a while."

Asteroid hangar

This objective takes the form of a Grineer asteroid base. The base is equipped with cannon batteries and will fire ramsleds at the Railjack. This objective has no mission start or end dialogue and will not be acknowledged by Cephalon Cy until it is approached. The Tenno will be instructed to enter the base and, in coordination with the Railjack crew outside, expose and destroy two radiators. Afterwards, a docked crewship will be revealed inside the base, and the Tenno must board it to complete the objective. The crewship can then be piloted into battle, destroyed, or simply left alone.

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Strange place for a hangar. Find out why it is here."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Interesting. Grineer hangar. Here for a reason. Find out that reason, and steal it."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Grineer dry dock. They are working on something. I want to know what. Infiltrate."

(after destroying the radiators, variant) "R&D facility. Steal the command crewship. I want copies of everything."

(after destroying the radiators, variant) "Experimental Grineer war vessel: locked down tight. Take it for a spin. I want to read its logs."

(after destroying the radiators, variant) "Prototype craft. One-of-a-kind. It would be terrible if someone stole it."

(after destroying the radiators, variant) "Prototype destroyed, on lockdown. Rupture the hangar's core to disable lockdown."

(upon boarding crewship, variant) "R&D acquired. We know people who can make use of this."

(upon boarding crewship, variant) "These specs will make for interesting reading. Do what you want with that ship. I have what I need."

(upon boarding crewship, variant) "Ship stolen. Downloading navigation data. Nice work, Hotshot."

(upon boarding crewship, variant) "It will take some time to parse these millions of files. Meantime, enjoy your new jets."

(upon boarding crewship, variant) "You can cool your jets. Downloading specs. Good work."

(upon boarding crewship, variant) "All research acquired and copied. Excellent work. We can get out of here."

Missile platform

This objective takes the form of a Grineer orbital base. The base is equipped with cannon batteries and will fire ramsleds and copious missiles at the Railjack. When this objective appears, it will override normal mission start and end dialogue. The Tenno will be instructed to enter the base and, in coordination with the Railjack crew outside, expose and destroy two radiators, then the core. After the missile platform is neutralised, it will no longer fire missiles at the Railjack, though it may still launch ramsleds.

(upon mission start, variant) "Crew: a missile battery is disrupting civilian traffic in this sector. This intimidation cannot be allowed to stand. Marking objectives."

(upon mission start, variant) "The Grineer call their missile batteries 'a persistent reminder of Grineer superiority and dominance.' I call them practice. Objectives marked."

(upon mission start, variant) "A missile battery is operating in this vicinity: a clear first step in Grineer efforts to control this sector. Neutralise it. Be careful."

(upon mission start, variant) "Missile battery. Standard op. If we do not dig the Grineer out now, they will reinforce and then it becomes a whole other thing."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Missile battery. It has to go. Standard op: infiltrate and slag the core. Execute."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Crew, get inside that missile battery. Objective: expose the core's radiators."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Target: missile battery. Orders: infiltrate. Objective: expose radiators. Destroy core."

(upon neutralising objective, variant) "There she goes. Missile battery down. Take a breath and redirect."

(upon neutralising objective, variant) "Missile battery internals slagged. Everyone in one piece? Let us move on."

(upon neutralising objective, variant) "That last shot cooked off every missile rack they had. Target neutralised."

(upon neutralising objective, variant) "That is the problem with missile batteries: they are packed with explosives. Cook-off gutted the place. Moving on."

(upon neutralising objective, variant) "Hit and run. Good job. Let's move on."

(upon neutralising objective, variant) "Scratch one high-payload kinetic kill station. I have no idea how these chumps keep paying for those."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Objectives fulfilled. Local scavengers will have that place stripped in a matter of cycles. No further action needed."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Missile battery is toast. Contacting nearby Solaris craft. They could use the parts."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Targets eliminated. Missile battery neutralised. I will notify the Ostrons. They can turn it into a rec centre."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Grineer forces routed from system. Missile battery rendered nonviable. Sector secured. Closing dossier."

Shipkiller platform

This objective takes the form of a Grineer asteroid base. The base is equipped with cannon batteries and a massive laser, which it will fire at the Railjack if it gets within range, as well as ramsleds. When this objective appears, it will override normal mission start and end dialogue. The Tenno will be instructed to enter the base and, in coordination with the Railjack crew outside, expose and destroy two radiators and their corresponding cores. After the shipkiller platform is neutralised, it will no longer fire the laser at the Railjack, though it may still launch ramsleds.

(upon mission start, variant) "Crew: energy signatures indicate the presence of a Grineer shipkiller platform. Infiltrate and neutralise."

(upon mission start, variant) "The Grineer have deployed a shipkiller platform to this sector. That explains the lack of civilian radio traffic. Take it down."

(upon mission start, variant) "Shipkiller platform spotted in-sector. This is now a priority target."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Shipkiller platform identified. This is a priority target. Infiltrate and disable. It is impossible to say how many innocents may have already lost their lives to it."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Eyes on shipkiller platform. Clearing the sector will be difficult while it is operational. Take it out of commission."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Shipkiller platform sighted. Priority target. I need Tenno on the inside, yesterday."

(upon neutralising objective, variant) "Shipkiller platform neutralised. A grateful sector thanks you."

(upon neutralising objective, variant) "Shipkiller platform offline. Permanently. Well done."

(upon neutralising objective, variant) "Scratch one shipkiller."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Shipkiller platform down. Sector cleared. That should make things easier for civilian traffic. Closing out the mission."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Enemy forces pacified. Shipkiller platform neutralised. Mission resolved."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Shipkiller neutralised. Suggest we move on."

Pulse turbine

This objective takes the form of a Grineer asteroid base. The base is equipped with cannon batteries and will launch ramsleds at the Railjack if it gets within range. Grineer interceptors in the vicinity of the turbine receive 50% less damage due to its buffs. When this objective appears, it will override normal mission start and end dialogue. The Tenno will be instructed to enter the base and, in coordination with the Railjack crew outside, expose and destroy two radiators, then destroy the radar array. After the pulse turbine is neutralised, it will no longer provide buffs to enemy ships, though it may still launch ramsleds.

(upon mission start, variant) "Crew: in the interest of sector security, I have marked a nearby Grineer pulse turbine. Take it down, then knock the slats out of anything left standing. In the interest of sector security."

(upon mission start, variant) "A nearby pulse turbine is strengthening the Grineer fleet. Strategically, for us, this could be a pain in the neck. Take it out."

(upon mission start, variant) "The Grineer placement of a pulse turbine is a display of power intended to intimidate. We do not do intimidated. Operational objectives updated."

(upon mission start, variant) "Crew: time for housekeeping. Take out the Grineer pulse turbine and any resistance you encounter. Send a message."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "We have a pulse turbine reinforcing enemy fighters. I need an away crew on the inside."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "We have a pulse turbine strengthening enemy craft. Get on board and shut it down."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Pulse turbine reinforcing enemy units. Who is going in?"

(upon approaching objective, variant) "New target: pulse turbine. Infiltrate, disable reactors, neutralise core. As long as that turbine is running, the enemy is emboldened, and our progress impeded."

(upon neutralising objective, variant) "The pulse turbine is still. Enemy forces are destabilised. They are unused to meeting an enemy on equal terms. Cowards."

(upon neutralising objective, variant) "Pulse turbine rendered inoperative. Let us see how the enemy handles an even playing field."

(upon neutralising objective, variant) "Turbine nixed. Our enemy has lost the advantage. Excellent."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Closing the file on that pulse turbine. Good work. They will be back, but for now this sector is clear."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Turbine offline. The Queens will not be happy. Good. Closing out the mission."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Turbine fragged. Secondary targets eliminated. Grineer fleet is backing off. Good work. We are making a difference."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Turbine offline. I will spread the word that this sector has re-opened. Solid work."


This objective only appears in the Veil Proxima and takes the form of a Sentient Murex. The anomaly will not be waypointed until it is approached, but is visually distinct. When this objective appears, it will override normal mission start dialogue, including that of other objectives. The Tenno will be instructed to enter the Murex and kill 20 Sentients. The Murex itself presents no threat.

(upon mission start, variant) "The Grineer are expressing interest in unusual energy readings nearby. Investigate and deny."

(upon mission start, variant) "Grineer have eyes on… something. I do not like the sound of this. Investigate."

(upon mission start, variant) "Unusual. Energy readings I have not seen since the Old War. Investigate and clear out any hostiles."

(upon mission start, variant) "A Grineer expedition is moving with speed toward an empty point in space. Strange. They know something. Investigate."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "That… thing… Sentient. I saw them during the Old War. Board immediately. Sterilise to prevent the Grineer from exploiting it."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Anomaly revealed. A Sentient structure. Board it. Kill everything that moves. Go now."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Sentient structure. That is what drew the Grineer's interest. Crew: infiltrate and sterilise. Leave no Sentient operational."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Crew: something on sensors. A structure. Sentient. Prepare to board, sweep, and clear."

(upon killing all Sentients, variant) "Sentient reinforcement has halted. Objective complete."

(upon killing all Sentients, variant) "No further Sentients are incoming. Objective complete."

(upon killing all Sentients, variant) "Sentient forces decimated. Objective complete."

(upon mission complete, variant) "All is quiet. Crew: you may stand down."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Sentient threat: eliminated. Grineer threat: eliminated. Mission: successful. Stand down."

(upon mission complete, variant) "Sentient structure secured. Mission complete."


This objective only appears in the Veil Proxima and takes the form of an Orokin orbital defence grid node. Unlike other Skirmish objectives, it is entirely optional. If the Tenno enters, they will find it occupied by Infested. Deep within the derelict is an archive that holds a Spectra Vandal component. This objective has no mission start or end dialogue.

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Sensor readings indicate nearby derelict."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Crew: We have a derelict vessel on scope."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Derelict spotted. Your call."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Eyes open. We do not know what is on that thing."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Derelict on scope."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "Abandoned derelict nearby."

(upon approaching objective, variant) "We have a dead ship in range. Possible wreckage."

(upon boarding objective, variant) "This is where the celestial meets the terrestrial. Derelict boarded."

(upon boarding objective, variant) "Tenno on board derelict."

(upon boarding objective, variant) "Derelict boarded."

(upon boarding objective, variant) "Crew, take what you can and get out. Remember what happened last time."

(upon accessing archives) "Decrypting archives…. Crew, you might find this interesting."

(when Infested appear, variant) "Infested. Watch your back."

(when Infested appear, variant) "The Infested. A hideous malfunction of biology. Rectify that."

Disabling facility

These lines are spoken when the Tenno needs to disable any large facility. The mechanics are mostly identical, no matter what kind of objective.

(radiator open, variant) "There it is. Blast that radiator."

(radiator open, variant) "Exterior weakpoint exposed. Open fire."

(radiator open, variant) "Bingo. Crew, trash that radiator."

(radiator open, variant) "Radiator naked. Hit them with all we have got."

(radiator open, variant) "Radiator exposed. Open fire."

(first radiator destroyed, variant) "Radiator down. Away crew, expose the next radiator."

(first radiator destroyed, variant) "One down. One to go."

(first radiator destroyed, variant) "Expose the second radiator."

(first radiator destroyed, variant) "Again."

(first radiator destroyed, variant) "One radiator down. Make it two."

(second radiator destroyed, variant) "Radiators destroyed. Away crew, go for the core."

(second radiator destroyed, variant) "Destroy the core. Now."

(core marked, variant) "Opportunity: core is exposed."

(core marked, variant) "Core is vulnerable."

(core marked, variant) "Key components marked. Destroy them."

(core marked, variant) "Away crew, wrecking time. Destroy marked components."

(core marked, variant) "Marking sensitive systems. Trash the place."

Interceptors appearing

"Fighters incoming. Keep them off the ship."

"Fighter launch detected. Bogeys closing in."

"Alert: enemy fighters have been scrambled."

"Detected: single-person attack craft. Prepare to engage."

"Grineer interceptors alerted. Contact imminent. Good luck."

"Incoming fighters. Get to stations."

"Multiple bogeys. Man the guns."

"Bogeys on scope. Good hunting."

"They have launched fighters."

"Fighters on attack vector. Gunners: fire at will."

"We are on their boards. Look alive."

"Fighters on scope. Take them down wholesale."

"Incoming attack craft. Crew: light them up."

After destroying half the interceptors

"Maintain anti-fighter cover. They are about to break."

"I am seeing a lot of fighter shrapnel. Pilot morale: destabilising. Continue."

"Enemy fighters down 50%."

"Enemy squadrons halved. Maintain pressure."

"Enemy fighter cover halved."

"Enemy fighter support has been halved."

"Enemy pilots are panicking. Keep it up."

After destroying all interceptors

"We broke them. Skies are clear of fighter cover."

"Enemy morale has broken. Fighters are peeling off."

"Enemy fighters on the run."

"Enemy fighters are routing."

"Fighters neutralised."

"Remaining fighters are being called off. Excellent."

"Enemy fighters are falling back. Good work."

Mission complete

"Enemy in retreat. Sector secured. Drawing a line under this one."

"Enemy in retreat. Surviving Grineer will spread the word. Mission resolved."

"Not a bad warm-up. Objectives met. Moving on."

"Grineer in disarray. Sector secured. Mission: successful."

"Sector secured. Enemy have turned tail. Mission complete."

"Enemy forces beheaded. Threats neutralised. Closing mission. Next."

"The enemy is no longer a viable threat. Your tactics were sound. Resolving mission brief. Nav ready for new heading."

"Enemy infrastructure neutralised. Filing mission as complete."

[Navigation: Hub → Dialogue → Cephalon Cy → Skirmish]

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