Plains of Eidolon Conservation

A promo image for the Plains of Eidolon remaster in Update 24.6, showing a Mergoo, Condroc, and Kuaka on the Plains of Eidolon.
Plains of Eidolon Remaster promo image

The Plains of Eidolon are home to many native animal species, some of which can be captured through Conservation, with Master Teasonai's help. The Codex descriptions and Conservation details of these animals are listed below.

Note: The Conservation details on this page are based on observational data and may not be comprehensive.


A timid rodent that is easily frightened.

Small rodents that appear in groups of three. If alerted, they will flee, eventually burrowing into the ground. There are three known subspecies1: the common Plains Kuaka, the uncommon Ashen Kuaka, and the rare Ghost Kuaka. All three share the same Codex description. If killed rather than captured, or if they manage to burrow and escape, they will drop Kuaka Spinal Claws.

Lifespan: Up to 1 year 4 months

Weight: 0.01kg – 0.10kg


A carrion-eater and opportunistic bird of prey. Condrocs gather, feed upon carrion, and, occasionally, hunt in groups known as 'committees'. Several committees will be led by an Emperor.

Carnivorous birds that appear in groups of three, spawning on the ground. If alerted, they will take flight and eventually fly away. There are three known variants: the Common Condroc, the uncommon Rogue Condroc, and the rare Emperor Condroc; these are societal roles, rather than subspecies. All three share the same Codex description. If killed rather than captured, they will drop Condroc Wings.

Lifespan: Up to 13 years 4 months

Weight: 3.2kg – 5.0kg


An avian of ridiculous appearance found along coastal regions and around large bodies of water. Mergoo circle and squawk at the sight of marine predators. Many an Ostron fisher owes their life to these odd little birds. Killing one is considered very bad luck.

A strange flying creature with wings located at the hips rather than at the shoulders, in contrast to most flying animals. They appear in groups of three, circling in the air. If alerted, they will fly away and vanish. There are three known variants: the common Coastal Mergoo, the uncommon Woodland Mergoo, and the rare Splendid Mergoo. All three share the same Codex description. For the purposes of Conservation Notes, they are counted as birds.

Lifespan: Up to 1 year 3 months

Weight: 2.3kg – 4.9kg

Vasca Kavat

The Vasca strain is a symbiotic blood-borne virus transmitted via the saliva of infected Kavats. Existing solely to propagate itself, the virus makes the host increasingly dependent upon the ingestion of blood, thereby spreading itself further and faster through the population. Vasca-infected Kavats, over time, lose all sense of themselves, becoming increasingly cunning, violent, and ravenous.

Kavats that have been infected with the Vasca virus, turning them into indiscriminate blood-drinking predators. They appear only at night, in packs of three. If alerted, they will attack any enemies, including Grineer, Volvalysts, and Tenno. There are three stages of Vasca infection2, with the older stages being more rare: the initial Ostia Vasca Kavat stage, the intermediate Bau Vasca Kavat stage, and the final Nephil Vasca Kavat stage. Despite this progression-based classification, all three stages can be found at any age of kavat.

Lifespan: Up to 9 years

Weight: 14.1kg – 15.8kg

Conservation Notes

Upon catching an animal, the Conservation screen will display its age, weight, gender, and a note about its condition or temperament. These notes are listed below. Any animal can possess any of these qualities, with the exception of some that only apply to birds (Condrocs and Mergoos). This list is shared with other animals on the Orb Vallis and Cambion Drift.

Abnormal swelling, Acute hearing, Afraid of heights, Afraid of water, Alert, Always hiding, Bad breath, Big eyes, Binge eater, Bites claws, Bites nails, Burrows under blankets, Calm, Can open closets, Chest infection, Chews wires, Chirps, Clean, Collects flowers, Constipated, Cracked claws, Cracked footpad, Cracked tooth, Damaged beak (bird only), Defensive, Digger, Dirty, Discoloured teeth, Double-jointed, Drools, Dry skin, Dull waxy feathers (bird only), Ear infection, Easily startled, Enlarged genitals, Excessive grooming, Fever, Fleas, Freezes when panicked, Fussy eater, Grouchy, Healthy, Healthy and happy, Highly active, Highly aggressive, In heat, Intestinal parasites, Irritable, Itchy, Joint stiffness, Keen smell, Lesions, Lethargic, Licks things, Likes being carried, Likes open space, Likes people, Lively, Lolling tongue, Loves heights, Loves water, Mange, Misaligned beak (bird only), Mites, Moulting, Muscular, Occasional discharge, Odd, Old injuries, Overweight, Physically undeveloped, Playful, Pleasant smelling, Poor vision, Preens, Prefers confined spaces, Prefers high places, Pronounced limp, Protective, Purrs, Recognises faces, Redness, Rheumy eyes, Runs in circles, Scavenges relentlessly, Scratches the ground, Shivers inexplicably, Shiny feathers (bird only), Sings, Smelly, Snarls, Sneaky, Starving, Strange habits, Territorial, Torn ear, Tremors, Twitchy, Underweight, Undeveloped teeth, Waxy ears, Whistles

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  1. Master Teasonai: "Note the pale coat, indicative of a subspecies that spends most of its time belowground." (Conservation dialogue)
  2. Master Teasonai: "A weak little Ostia no more, are you?" / "Hunter, this particular Bau is close to going full Nephil." (Conservation dialogue)

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