Sometimes, strategic opportunities to weaken the Grineer position arise at unexpected times. If this occurs, the Lotus will alert a nearby Tenno on the Plains of Eidolon to undertake this task, regardless of what the Tenno was doing before. These Incursions are short, singular objectives that resemble individual Bounty stages. The Tenno can accept the mission or decide to let it lapse, in favour of their original task.
Incursions were removed from the game in Update 24.4 and these dialogue lines now only occur during Free Roam Sorties. If a Free Roam Sortie occurs during a Ghoul Purge event, some stages may be replaced with their Ghoul Purge equivalents (any Liberation or Drone Hijack stages will proceed as normal, as these stages do not appear in Ghoul Purge Bounties).
(variant) Lotus: "A high-profile enemy who has evaded us for quite some time has just shown up on scans. I need them eliminated. Move to the waypoint to accept this mission."
(variant) Lotus: "I have just spotted a high-ranking Grineer target of opportunity in your vicinity. If you're available, proceed to the waypoint at once."
(at 30 seconds, variant) Lotus: "Hurry up. Our target won't stay exposed forever."
(at 30 seconds, variant) Lotus: "You're running out of time. Our Grineer target is preparing to move."
(declining the incursion) Lotus: "The target has left the area. Our opportunity window has closed."
(upon completing the incursion) Lotus: "Enemy target eliminated. Good work."
(upon failing the incursion) Lotus: "The target escaped. This mission is a failure."
Cache Recovery
Lotus: "Intel indicates the enemy has dropped a number of supply caches nearby. If you are able to accept this mission, travel to the waypoint and recover supplies before our enemy does."
(declining the incursion) Lotus: "Those supply caches have disappeared from my scans. We missed our chance."
(upon completing the incursion) Lotus: "Mission complete. These resources will be supremely useful to our cause."
(upon failing the incursion) Lotus: "The enemy have escaped with the remaining supply caches. We cannot allow this to happen again."
Lotus: "Tenno, I have just pinpointed the location of an enemy officer wanted for interrogation. I need them brought to me alive. Travel to the waypoint to take on this mission."
(at 30 seconds) Lotus: "If we don't capture this officer now, we may never find out what they know."
(declining the incursion) Lotus: "I've lost the officer, and with them, our opportunity for interrogation."
(upon completing the incursion) Lotus: "Officer captured. I will begin interrogation immediately."
(upon failing the incursion) Lotus: "The officer has escaped. This mission is a failure."
Drone Hijack
(variant) Lotus: "We don't have much time. An enemy drone has crashed in your area. I need you to escort it to safety. Proceed to the waypoint if you accept this mission."
(variant) Lotus: "The Grineer are searching for a highly sensitive spy drone they have lost. I need you to find it first and bring it back for study. Make your way to the waypoint to accept this mission."
(at 30 seconds, variant) Lotus: "The Grineer are about to recapture their drone. Are you going to let that happen?"
(at 30 seconds, variant) Lotus: "If you don't take this mission, the enemy will certainly recover their drone."
(declining the incursion) Lotus: "We are too late. The enemy has recovered their drone."
(upon completing the incursion) Lotus: "The drone is safe. I will begin decoding its systems immediately."
(upon failing the incursion) Lotus: "They destroyed the drone. This mission is a failure."
(variant) Lotus: "I've detected troop buildup in the region. If you accept this mission, move to the waypoint and disrupt the force before they can mobilise."
(variant) Lotus: "Tenno, Grineer soldiers are amassing nearby. If you choose to take this mission, proceed to the waypoint and take out as many Grineer as you can."
(at 30 seconds) Lotus: "Tenno, I still need you to disrupt those troops. Get to the waypoint if you can help."
(declining the incursion) Lotus: "The enemy has moved out. We've missed our opportunity… for now."
(upon completing the incursion) Lotus: "That does it. You've broken them, Tenno."
(upon failing the incursion) Lotus: "They keep growing stronger. You're not going to break them at this rate. This mission is a failure."
(variant) Lotus: "The Grineer are holding a key piece of strategic territory. If you accept this mission, move to the waypoint and drive the Grineer away."
(variant) Lotus: "A strategic location has fallen into enemy control. It must be liberated. Converge on the waypoint to accept this mission."
(at 30 seconds) Lotus: "I still need you to capture that enemy camp, Tenno."
(declining the incursion) Lotus: "The enemy has fortified their camp. We've lost this opportunity."
(upon completing the incursion) Lotus: "That's the last of them. This location is ours now."
(upon failing the incursion, variant) Lotus: "There are too many Grineer. They've retaken the location. This mission is over. Find safety."
(upon failing the incursion, variant) Lotus: "They've overrun the area. I'm aborting this mission. Escape while you still can."
(variant) Lotus: "Our enemy is in the process of relocating an allied prisoner. Will you help me free this individual? If so, get to the waypoint."
(variant) Lotus: "The Grineer have captured an ally. I need you to rescue them before any harm comes to them. Go to the waypoint to take on this mission."
(at 30 seconds) Lotus: "Tenno, the prisoner is almost out of range. If you don't take this mission now, they may be lost forever."
(declining the incursion) Lotus: "The prisoner is out of range. Let's hope we get another opportunity like this one."
(upon completing the incursion) Lotus: "Thank you, Tenno. Our ally is safe now."
(upon failing the incursion) Lotus: "The prisoner has died. We've failed them. This mission is over."
Resource Theft
Lotus: "The enemy has put heavy guard around one of their mobile armoured vaults. We need to break in and take what's inside. Move to the waypoint to accept this mission."
(at 30 seconds) Lotus: "Tenno, you're running out of time to strike this armoured vault."
(declining the incursion) Lotus: "The contents of that armoured vault have been airlifted to another site. We've lost this opportunity."
(upon completing the incursion) Lotus: "Mission complete. These resources will be supremely useful to our cause."
(upon failing the incursion) Lotus: "They destroyed the console. I'll never be able to open the vault now. Abandon the mission."
[Navigation: Hub → Dialogue → Lotus → Bounties → Incursions]