Lotus Dialogue: Archon Hunts
After the Veilbreaker quest, weekly Archon Hunts will be unlocked for the Tenno
After the Veilbreaker quest, weekly Archon Hunts will be unlocked for the Tenno
Sabotage time, Kahl. I've located a Veil Factory on the Orb Vallis. It's crawling with Deacons, so you'll need to be sneaky. NO GUNS.
Kahl, you know how you asked me to let you know when that prison Murex came back? Well, it's back. If you really want to do this, call me.
Chipper needs more Thumper parts, and you need to keep Chipper happy. I've found an old Grineer base on Earth. Should have plenty.
As each rank of the Kahl's Garrison syndicate is reached, two conversations between Kahl and Kaelli become available by interacting with the console
Kahl-175 is a former Grineer soldier who played a part in The New War, before being veiled and enslaved under Narmer.
Daughter Entrati gets more than she bargained for when she enlists the Tenno to investigate a call for reinforcements aboard a Narmer Murex.
The Sentient armada has emerged from the Veil Proxima in shocking numbers. At their head, Natah, once the trusted guide 'Lotus', now seemingly in thrall to Ballas and her brother Erra.