Ambulas Dialogue (Outdated)
Ambulas underwent a substantial rework on date with the release of Update 20.4, as a part of Operation: Ambulas Reborn. The pre-rework dialogue from the Assassination mission is reproduced below.
Note: this information is of dubious canonicity and may no longer apply as far as lore is concerned. Operation: Ambulas Reborn implies that this is simply an older model that was replaced by the current Ambulas in a discrete historical event, but this cannot be verified. For more up-to-date information on Ambulas, visit the Operation: Ambulas Reborn event page.
Target background
Lotus: "The newest entry into the Corpus AI security arsenal is a deadly biped dubbed Ambulas. We have tracked the prototype to this location. Locate and eliminate it."
Lotus: "Ambulas likes to play with fire. Try not to get burned."
Lotus: "Ambulas possesses a devastating kick for those who get too close. Long range attacks are advisable."
Lotus: "Corpus robotics technology is reaching grave proportions. Destroying this archetype is imperative."
Lotus: "Obliterate the prototype. We need to be certain it does not make it to the manufacturing stage."
Lotus: "Destroying Ambulas will be a blow to Corpus robotics research. Stay the course."
Mission and battle taunts
Ambulas: "Offensive System Classification: conflagration."
Ambulas: "Offensive System Conclusion: enemy combustion."
Ambulas: "Incursion probability: negligent. Tenno mortality probability: inevitable."
[Navigation: Hub → Other → Outdated content → Ambulas]