Pack Mentality

03 December 2014 – 10 December 2014
Pack Mentality was the fourth Tactical Alert, running in December of 2014, involving the efforts of the Grineer to breed stronger war beasts.
On Friday (03 December), the alert became available and was present for the weekend. The Tenno received an inbox message from the Lotus.
Inbox message:
Pack MentalityTenno,
The Grineer command have been impressed with the carnage your kubrow have unleashed on the battlefield. Desiring the same power for themselves, they have ordered their Drahk Masters to Earth to capture feral kubrow and crossbreed them with their Drahk beasts. Do not let them complete their mission. Go to Earth and eliminate the Drahk Masters.
—The Lotus
The Pack Mentality Tactical Alert was an Exterminate mission on the Grineer Forest tileset, and there was a Conclave rating restriction of 700 or lower. There was a prevalence of Drahk Masters present among the enemies. Points were acquired by killing the Drahk Masters (other Grineer enemies were not counted, although they needed to be eliminated in order to complete the mission). Once the Tenno had acquired 50 points, they would receive an inbox message from the Lotus with a Wreath sigil.
Inbox message:
Success!Well done, Tenno.
Your efforts have surely set back the machinations of the Grineer. Take this as a token of my thanks.
—The Lotus
Afterwards, the Conclave level restriction changed to 500. Once the Tenno collected 50 more points (for a total of 100), they would receive another inbox message with a Stratos emblem.
Inbox message:
Mission AccomplishedYou went above the call of duty today, Tenno. The skill you displayed will inspire your fellow warriors. Wear this, so that they will know what has been achieved here today.
—The Lotus
This Tactical Alert was later brought back in the Tactical Recall Bonus Weekend a year later.
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