No God Above Knowledge

The cover art of the Whispers in the Walls soundtrack, featuring the game update's key art: Albrecht Entrati walking into his laboratory, the Sanctum Anatomica, with his kavat Kalymos by his side.

This song is an ambient track that plays when the Tenno is exploring the Entrati labs without combat. The lyrics are in Voidtongue, with the official translation shown below.

Voidtongue lyricsTranslation
SHOTARAT?The master?
VA-GITH-ULLAH SHOTARAT?Has the master returned?
GITHLI, MIG.Welcome, newcomer.
OTH RIS-HU.We give freely of our many lights.

This song's title is taken from the Entrati family crest, which can be seen in the Sanctum Anatomica and the Entrati labs, bearing the motto "No god above knowledge" in Orokin script. It has the same lyrics as "Sanctum Anatomica". The vocals are performed by Matthew Chalmers, Francesca Hauser, and Alex Samaras.

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