Viktor Vodyanoi Dialogue

After the events of The Hex quest, Viktor Vodyanoi is the leader of the Scaldra troops in Höllvania. His transmissions can be heard when sending in Stormfall paratroopers during missions in Höllvania, and also when the Drifter goes up against his H-09 tanks. Additionally, his broadcasts can be heard on various radio towers throughout the city, with the set of broadcasts changing by season.
Sending in paratroopers
"Enough! Stormfall, may Sol guide you to greatness."
"Hex, I keep kicking you OVER and OVER again like a big, dumb, dead horse and you DON'T learn and I'm TIRED! I'm so tired. Stormfall, please, save me the bother."
"Huh, it's the Hex again? Really? Okay. I want you to ask yourself: could this have been a paratrooper thing? Could Stormfall deal with them? Yeah? Okay."
"I have explained it to you until I am bleeding from the eyes. The answer is right there in front of your gawking moon-cheese of a face. SHOOT. THEM. UNTIL. THEY. STAY. DEAD."
"Hex… why do you insist on refusing your medicine? Has it escaped you that I command a literal army? Stormfall paratroopers, engage."
"These things are no better than pond scum. Unclean and unholy. Stormfall – purge them from my city, will you?"
"Stormfall, do your thing. Make it brutal or don't bother."
"Is there a unit ready? Good. Deploy."
"Citizens! Fear not. We have the situation under control. As I speak, the planes you hear above your head are delivering elite troops to neutralise the Hex. Rest assured, this criminal organisation will be eliminated. With extreme prejudice."
"Stormfall, have faith that your sacrifice today in the name of Sol and Scaldra will not be in vain… a place has surely been prepared for you in the Hall of Heroes."
"Stormfall. Deploy. Give your lady Lua something to weep over tonight."
"Stormfall unit, my children, as you prepare to descend from on high, take a moment to read the Prayer to Sol, which you can of course find on your Credo card. We are not dying in a state of sin today."
"Stormfall, you are going up against the most dangerous breed of Techrot, the Hex. Best of luck to you. Good hunting."
"Why do you find it so difficult to get rid of these… these slugs? Throw more troops at them. Shall I write it on your hand?"
[sigh] "You are trying my patience with these antics. Stormfall troops. Make these heathens go away."
"Once again my hour of meditation has been disturbed. My sancta sanctorum has been decimated. You will suffer for this. In a million future lives of surpassing wretchedness! Stormfall units, descend."
Radio broadcasts
"A message from Scaldra HR. Due to circumstances outside our control (most likely witchcraft), I, Viktor Vodyanoi, have taken command of Scaldra from Major Rusalka. I vow to continue her work protecting the order and sanctity of this sacred city. And, like all of you, I pray she reappears safe and sound."
"My fellow citizens, I know you must be scared. Even as we prepare for the potential impact of Y2K, another digital curse plagues our fair city: Techrot. A virus both biological and electronic. A blight we do not fully understand, but with which you must fully commit to fighting. You must destroy your electronics. You will never be safe as long as devices remain in your homes. Have faith, and all will be well."
"Citizens, I am afraid I must inform you of a strict curfew now in effect. Sol willing, I do believe that with diligence, this Techrot inconvenience will be gone in only a matter of weeks."
"Out of an abundance of caution, you, good citizens of Höllvania, are instructed to immediately smash and burn any of the following: computers, fax machines, photocopiers, cellular phones, pagers, modems, printers, mimeographs, televisions, video players, portable cassette decks, and boomboxes. If you are unable to destroy these vulnerabilities, please contact the nearest Scaldra officer for assistance. Failure to comply is an act of wilful endangerment of your fellow citizens, and will be punished as such."
"My fellow citizens. We live in confusing times. Please, play no attention to the modern folk-myths of the vigilante group called the Hex. No such individuals exist. Scaldra alone fights Techrot. Scaldra alone protects Höllvania. Thank you for your ongoing cooperation."
"Due to the Techrot problem, and for your protection, I remind you that all forms of electronic communication are now forbidden. I urge you to use this opportunity to return to the old ways, as Sol and Lua intended."
"My fellow citizens, I require your assistance in an important matter. We seek an individual. He goes by 'Doktor Friday'. If you can hear me, Doc, we just want to protect you. Everything will be fine."
"Efervon gas is highly toxic. Should you encounter a plume, avoid breathing."
"A gentle reminder that the curfews are for your protection. To be a scofflaw is to, well… threaten the wrath of the gods, who will surely answer with hellfire."
"It has come to my attention that some of you have not purged your homes of electronic vulnerabilities. Repent in the name of Sol. Then, for your own safety, and that of your own family, please get rid of those devices."
"Dear citizens. News of a criminal gang of heathens operating openly within this city may be upsetting for you, especially at this time. Please know that Scaldra spares no effort to bring these Hex thugs to justice. Remember – it is up to you to report suspicious activity."
"It has been brought to my attention that some of you are concerned the popular musicians On-Lyne may be unable to perform a concert scheduled for New Year's Eve. I have faith that with your continued support and cooperation, our situation will be much improved by then."
"Any citizens with information regarding the whereabouts of the fugitive Doctor Albrecht Entrati, aka Doktor Friday, are required to present that information to the nearest Scaldra officer. Individuals found to be harbouring or otherwise aiding this fugitive will face military tribunal and stand before the wrath of Sol."
"Lua will weep tears of silver for all those who fall in cleanliness, honour, and dignity. Hell waits for all others. Which will you choose, Höllvania?"
"Citizens. The pack of infested heathens known as the Hex are not your friends. They are not your neighbours. They are slugs. Do not be fooled by their human visage. They are violent and contagious. Do not talk to them. Do not accept their assistance. Do not eat the food they distribute. Report all sightings immediately. Why do I have to say this out loud? Why do I have to struggle to help you protect yourselves?"
"Höllvania! My Höllvania. You are a city that has survived the Radiant Khan and her steppe hordes, the black plague, great wars, and worse famines. You can survive the Techrot, too… if and only if you do exactly as you are told. Survival is a choice. Choose wisely."
"Again, and again, and again, we go through this! People of Höllvania, you are beginning to make me think you do not hold the faith. Destroy these false idols you clutch, these… electronics – they are destroying you."
"WHY is it so HARD to stay home during curfew? Scaldra cannot protect you if you insist on being in the line of fire! Do you understand? This is for your protection."
"Dear citizens: Scaldra units have been notified that travel after curfew is a capital offence. Please adjust accordingly."
"Anyone stealing food or medical supplies from Scaldra units will be [seethes] shot on sight. Tell me: can I make myself any more clear?"
"Höllvania, I am… so disappointed. After all I have done, after all my sacrifices, you insist on prolonging your suffering by helping these… these— these— these slugs, the Hex. What did I do to deserve this… disloyalty? Why must you spit in the face of Sol? Of Lua?"
"Hex, I simply cannot wrap my head around what you think your endgame is! [laughs] I have an army with Sol and Lua on my side. You are heathens doomed to rot in hell. What do you hope to possibly achieve?" [laughs]
"Hex, I wish I could say that I tried my hardest to find a middle ground, a way to work together, an acknowledgement of our common enemy. But, to be quite honest, I didn't even try. Because you are scum and you need to be put down. All there is to it."
"Höllvania, you'll get all you deserve in the end. Repent – I beg of you. Turn away from technology. Turn away from sin! Kneel before the faith, accept the cleaning fires, and your soul shall be saved!"
"Entrati. I know you can hear this. I will find you. When I do, it will not be pleasant. It will not be with grace, it will not be with kindness. This is a promise."
(obviously reading from a script) "Exciting news for all of you citizens. Despite all that has happened in this city, I have agreed to let On-Lyne play their much-anticipated New Year's Eve concert. That's right. Bop your cares away to the modern sounds of… must I read this? Very well. [clears throat] Zeke, Packet, Drillbit, DJ-RoM— wait, that's his name?? Really? And Hard— really? [sighs] And Hard Drive. [clicks tongue] For one night only, the curfew is lifted. Please enjoy it as if it were the… Party… of your… Life Time."
Viktor has a single line of dialogue in The Hex quest, as well as additional dialogue in Assassination missions against the H-09 tank.