About the Archives

The Orokin Archives is a compendium of information on the Origin System, assembled by the Curator, GrayArchon.

The Orokin Archives largely concerns the Tenno, including their nature, their exploits, and their history. Most of this information is gleaned from transmission logs and communication transcripts, which are stored here. Some texts have also been imported to the repository, such as memory-scripts obtained by Cephalon Simaris and legends compiled by Cetus Archivist Onkko. Where necessary, the text has been slightly altered such that it adheres to a unified style guide. The vast majority of these alterations involve punctuation, capitalisation, or spelling, and do not precipitate syntactical changes in the record.

All entries can be reached via the Navigation Hub. Navigation bars at the bottom of each page can be used to retrace your steps or access other sectors. Please notify the Curator if you identify errors with any entry or the archive itself. Feel free to contribute to discussion posts, or in any other way you are inclined. The archive is currently still under construction. If you'd like to support the website to cover hosting costs, you can help by sending a Ko-Fi.

Attribution and Copyright

All Warframe characters, text, and other intellectual property belong to Digital Extremes. All images displayed in the Archives are either official promotional images from Digital Extremes, concept art or portfolio showcases by official artists working for Digital Extremes, or in-game screenshots taken by the Curator. All artwork is properly credited by name, with links to the official source or the artist's website, where applicable.

Commenting policy

The comment function on the Orokin Archives is facilitated by WordPress and is not subject to control by the Archives. Visitors to the Archives are welcome to post comments on the various pages, especially Discussion posts. Please be respectful of others when commenting.

Note: Bots often leave spam comments on this site for some reason, so if you wish to leave a comment, please make it clear that it's coming from a person. Comments that discuss the content are appreciated. Comments that are irrelevant, overly generic (eg "Loved this post!"), or contain shady links will be presumed to be spam and deleted. Apologies if you get swept up in the bot-purge.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Curator. Good fortune to you as you explore the knowledge of the Origin System, and enjoy your visit to the Orokin Archives!

All Warframe characters, text, and other intellectual property belong to Digital Extremes.

[Navigation: Hub → About]