Jade's Memory Feathers
In Teshin's Retreat in the Relays, near Teshin's position at summit, is a small collection of Jade's feathers
In Teshin's Retreat in the Relays, near Teshin's position at summit, is a small collection of Jade's feathers
18 June 2024 – 18 July 2024
Struggling to understand the oldest and deepest secret from his past, Stalker finds himself allied with sworn enemies on the troubling road toward uncovering the truth… and averting an incalculable loss.
In the leadup to Jade Shadows, a conversation between Hunhow and the Stalker was transcribed
The Sentient armada has emerged from the Veil Proxima in shocking numbers. At their head, Natah, once the trusted guide 'Lotus', now seemingly in thrall to Ballas and her brother Erra.
The Stalker is a mysterious figure who hunts down Tenno accused of serious crimes.
25 January 2016 – 03 February 2016
A Favour for Darvo was a special alert that was available at the end of November 2013.
Some have walked these desolate worlds while you have slept. Some like me.
The Sentient Hunhow seeks to destroy the Tenno by exploiting long-forgotten secrets.