The mysterious Sentients fought against the Orokin in the Old War, and for the most part have not been seen since
The mysterious Sentients fought against the Orokin in the Old War, and for the most part have not been seen since
In the leadup to Jade Shadows, a conversation between Hunhow and the Stalker was transcribed
In languid dreams, a vision came. Of new heaven, new earth.
During missions, the Lotus may have unique dialogue for specific enemy types or situations encountered by the Tenno
The mission node of Tyana Pass on Mars features a special variant of Defence called Mirror Defence. Each Defence objective has their own Codex entry.
Ordis acts as mission control for Disruption missions on the Gas City of Jupiter, following their introduction in Operation: Hostile Mergers. These missions take place during Alad V's Sentient partnership, when the Lotus was unavailable to issue missions to the Tenno. This mission only takes place on Ganymede, Jupiter, though it can also appear in...
Pazuul is the name given to the new leader of the Narmer faction
Sometimes, a specialist operative will be required during an Archon Hunt to scan for the Archon's location. That specialist will be Chipper
After the Veilbreaker quest, weekly Archon Hunts will be unlocked for the Tenno
Sabotage time, Kahl. I've located a Veil Factory on the Orb Vallis. It's crawling with Deacons, so you'll need to be sneaky. NO GUNS.