Warframe: GHOULS, Part Five
The fifth instalment of the Warframe: GHOULS comic series was released on 30 May 2018
The fifth instalment of the Warframe: GHOULS comic series was released on 30 May 2018
The fourth instalment of the Warframe: GHOULS comic series was released on 18 April 2018
The third instalment of the Warframe: GHOULS comic series was released on 24 January 2018
The second instalment of the Warframe: GHOULS comic series was released on 22 November 2017
The Sentient armada has emerged from the Veil Proxima in shocking numbers. At their head, Natah, once the trusted guide 'Lotus', now seemingly in thrall to Ballas and her brother Erra.
Little Duck acts as mission control for all Disruption missions outside of Jupiter.
24 March 2020 – 28 April 2020
Little Duck is a Solaris Rail agent with a mysterious past, with many connections to the more enigmatic and secretive factions in the System.
This heist aims to bring down the Profit-Taker Orb Mother above the Enrichment Labs
These are the intel fragments that were revealed by The Business during the Fortuna ARG.