Old Man Suumbaat Dialogue
Old Man Suumbaat is an elderly Ostron that sells Nosam cutters for mining, as well as blueprints used for refining ores and gems into forms suitable for crafting. In addition, he also sells Cetus-themed Orbiter decorations, and Captura scenes for Cetus and the Plains of Eidolon. He offers a daily-changing stock of refined gems, and will also accept refined gems from the Tenno in exchange for Ostron Standing.
Idle quotes
These are un-subtitled lines that Old Man Suumbaat shouts in the marketplace when he is not interacting with the Tenno.
"Mining tools, ore refinement… [cough]… other stuff [cough]."
"Mining! Riches! Let Old Man Suumbaat help you draw wealth from the Plains. All your mining needs catered for right here!"
"The life of a prospector is no easy one, kid. You want to make it in the mining game? You need the tools! And the best mining tools are right here, sold by Old Man Suumbaat!"
Greeting the Tenno
(if the Tenno is new to Cetus) "Name's Suumbaat. If you want to draw wealth from the cliff face, then I've got what you need to do it here. Mining tools, scanning gear, ah, that kind of stuff."
"The trick to doing the impossible is to get out there and bloody well do it."
"So, you want to get rich, huh?"
"Hey kid."
(if the Tenno is rank Trusted or higher) "Hey kid! Tell me something good."
(if the Tenno is rank Trusted or higher) "Hey! Swazdo-lah kid! Ha, always got time for you."
(if the Tenno is rank Trusted or higher) "Ooh, sight for sore eyes! Finally, someone worth talking to."
Exiting offerings with purchase
"Right you are, young person."
"Prove everyone wrong, kid. Get lucky, huh?"
"Good luck out there. Watch for kubrow."
"Little advice: every kid thinks they're tough, 'til they're trying to outrun an Eidolon. Be smart. Don't mine at night."
Exiting offerings without purchase
"Move along then. I'm not running a social club."
"You're lucky I don't charge you for time."
"Do I look young enough to spare two minutes on nothing?"