The Cambion Drift home to many native animal species, some of which can be captured through Conservation, with Kermerros Entrati's help. The Codex descriptions and Conservation details of these animals are listed below.
Note: The Conservation details on this page are based on observational data and may not be comprehensive.
Burrowing Cryptilex: The most abundant variety of Cryptilex, this aggressive insect will slash anything it deems a threat.
Septic Cryptilex: This infectious insect is capable of hazardous viral attacks when alerted.
Caustic Cryptilex: The most dangerous Cryptilex. They have glands in their abdomens that can emit an acidic spray.
Cryptilexes are large insects (though quite small compared to other Conservation targets) that appear in groups of 2 – 4. They tend to be aggressive1, attacking when threatened, and are also fond of the Ganglia found on Haptic Fronds2. Cryptilexes are preyed upon by Nexifera in the caves, and likely others, as they form the base of Deimos' food webs3.
There are three known species: Burrowing, Septic, and Caustic. Septic Cryptilexes are infectious, dealing Viral damage, and were thus the target of an unsuccessful eradication campaign by the Grineer4. Caustic Cryptilexes have glands in their abdomens that release acid strong enough to eat through a ship's hull5, though it can also be used to burn warts off one's skin6.
Lifespan: Up to 1 year 3 months
Weight: 0.01kg – 0.10kg
Sly Vulpaphyla: The most common Vulpaphyla, they travel in packs and are generally non-aggressive.
Crescent Vulpaphyla: The Crescent is the most pugnacious subspecies of Vulpaphyla. They will rush anything they perceive as a threat. Active only while Vome watches over the Cambion Drift.
Panzer Vulpaphyla: This hardy creature has a collagenous dermis that acts as a thick, protective armour. Active only while Fass watches over the Cambion Drift.
Vulpaphylas are canine scavengers that appear in packs of 1 – 3, likely descended from the survivors of an old crashed ship7. They are often attacked by Deimos' Infested. If injured or tranquilised, they can be taken back to Kermerros, treated with antigens and mutagens, and trained to be faithful companions to the Tenno. As companions, Vulpaphylas demonstrate the ability to revert to their floating larval stage when receiving lethal damage8.
There are three known subspecies: Sly, Crescent, and Panzer. Sly Vulpaphylas are quite adept at dodging and evading attacks9. Crescent Vulpaphylas sport horns10 and are aggressive in contrast to other Vulpaphylas, charging anything they perceive as a threat. Panzer Vulpaphylas are known for their armoured hides11, requiring 3 tranq darts to subdue. They also have the ability to launch quills that inflict a contagious spore-borne plague12.
Lifespan: Up to 1 year 3 months
Weight: 10.6kg – 15.2kg
Vizier Predasite: A skittish creature, the Vizier Predasite will unleash a spume of acid before scurrying away.
Pharaoh Predasite: Easily frightened, this Predasite flees in the sight of danger, but not before hissing a geyser of parasitic sputum. Active only while Fass watches over the Cambion Drift.
Medjay Predasite: Not quite as flighty as its subspecies cousins, it will charge if it feels threatened. Active only while Vome watches over the Cambion Drift.
Predasites are large quadrupedal predators that appear in groups of 1 – 3. They carry hosts of internal parasites13, which they can spit out as a defence mechanism, either at a targeted enemy14 or in a general area as a spore cloud15. The large ear-like organs on the sides of their head are actually a complex respiratory system that filters the air16. Predasites will attack the Tenno if threatened, and require 2 tranq darts to subdue. They are often attacked by Deimos' Infested. If injured or tranquilised, they can be taken back to Kermerros, treated with antigens and mutagens, and trained to be faithful companions to the Tenno. Predasites guard their young fiercely17.
There are three known subspecies: Vizier, Pharaoh, and Medjay.
Lifespan: Up to 11 years 9 months
Weight: 25.1kg – 31.7kg
Common Avichaea: A prehistoric bird-like creature that often congregates in small groups.
Sporule Avichaea: This capricious avian unleashes swarms of Infested spores as its primary defence mechanism. Active only while Vome watches over the Cambion Drift.
Viscid Avichaea: The rarest of Avichaeas, the Viscid produces a thick, tar-like mucus that it discharges when imperilled. Active only while Fass watches over the Cambion Drift.
Avichaeas are small avians of prehistoric appearance that appear in groups of 1 – 3, circling in the air. They tend to be skittish, flying away if they spot a threat.
There are three known variants: Common, Sporule, and Viscid. Sporule and Viscid Avichaeas are said to release a cloud of spores or a thick mucus, respectively, when startled.
Lifespan: Up to 1 year 3 months
Weight: 1.8kg – 5.7kg
Umber Undazoa: A shy, bizarre-looking, semi-aquatic creature that seldom attacks unless provoked.
Vaporous Undazoa: The Vaporous Undazoa gets its name from the noxious gas it belches out when alerted. Active only while Fass watches over the Cambion Drift.
Howler Undazoa: The Howler is easily startled. Its penetrating scream will cause other, more dangerous animals to investigate. Active only while Vome watches over the Cambion Drift.
Undazoa are strange creatures, appearing in groups of 2 – 3. They typically reside in the exocrine or other fluid environments in Deimos' interior18, but occasionally venture on the surface. Biologically primitive, they consume the waste and byproducts of other creatures19 and reproduce asexually20. Despite this simplicity, they are by far the heaviest and most long-lived creatures yet observed on Deimos. Undazoa require 2 tranq darts to fully subdue.
There are three known subspecies: Umber, Vaporous, and Howler. Vaporous Undazoa are known to expel large clouds of noxious gases when alerted21. Howler Undazoa, true to their name, are known to scream loudly when startled22. The sound of a Howler's cry can elicit primal reactions in other Infested life… even the Entrati themselves23.
Lifespan: Up to 50 years 1 months
Weight: 45.9kg – 63.5kg
Purple Velocipod: A sluggish highlands insect that's capable of bursts of speed when threatened.
Green Velocipod: This large arthropod is generally found flying around Deimos' several grottos.
White Velocipod: The fastest variety of Velocipod, it tends to favour the swamplands.
Velocipods are massive winged insects that appear in groups of three. Unlike most of Deimos' fauna, they are neither aggressive nor skittish, and can be approached by the Tenno and mounted. Once mounted, the Tenno can control it like a K-drive, flittering over the terrain at high speeds. Velocipods cannot be baited by echo-lures, and must be found in the wild as natural spawns.
There are three known varieties, each preferring different biomes: Purple, Green, and White.
Lifespan: Up to 1 year 4 months
Weight: 0.01kg
Amethyst Nexifera: A distinctly Deimosian grotesquerie that attacks its opponents from above.
Viridian Nexifera: The Viridian Nexifera can produce a cloud of poisonous gas that's always best avoided.
Scarlet Nexifera: Due to its remarkable strength, this Nexifera can cause seismic shocks when hitting the ground.
Nexifera are strange creatures that reside in Deimos' caves. They implant themselves on cave ceilings, produce a puddle of bile on the floor, and wait for prey to investigate – primarily Cryptilexes24. When a target is in their sights, they launch themselves downward with great speed, crushing their prey upon impact25. They remain tethered to the ceiling by a filament, retracting after a strike to resume their waiting position. Their bodies are covered in a keratin shell, making tranq darts ineffective unless they hit the tether when the Nexifera is fully extended. Nexifera, like Undazoa, have no distinct biological sex. They cannot be baited with echo-lures, as they remain affixed to their locations on the cave ceiling. They must be sought out as natural spawns.
There are three variants of Nexifera: Amethyst, Viridian, and Scarlet.
Lifespan: Up to 1 year 4 months
Weight: 0.17kg – 0.40kg
Conservation Notes
Upon catching an animal, the Conservation screen will display its age, weight, gender, and a note about its condition or temperament. These notes are listed below. Any animal can possess any of these qualities, with the exception of some that only apply to avians (Avichaea). This list is shared with other animals on the Plans of Eidolon and Orb Vallis.
Abnormal swelling, Acute hearing, Afraid of heights, Afraid of water, Alert, Always hiding, Bad breath, Big eyes, Binge eater, Bites claws, Bites nails, Burrows under blankets, Calm, Can open closets, Chest infection, Chews wires, Chirps, Clean, Collects flowers, Constipated, Cracked claws, Cracked footpad, Cracked tooth, Damaged beak (bird only), Defensive, Digger, Dirty, Discoloured teeth, Double-jointed, Drools, Dry skin, Dull waxy feathers (bird only), Ear infection, Easily startled, Enlarged genitals, Excessive grooming, Fever, Fleas, Freezes when panicked, Fussy eater, Grouchy, Healthy, Healthy and happy, Highly active, Highly aggressive, In heat, Intestinal parasites, Irritable, Itchy, Joint stiffness, Keen smell, Lesions, Lethargic, Licks things, Likes being carried, Likes open space, Likes people, Lively, Lolling tongue, Loves heights, Loves water, Mange, Misaligned beak (bird only), Mites, Moulting, Muscular, Occasional discharge, Odd, Old injuries, Overweight, Physically undeveloped, Playful, Pleasant smelling, Poor vision, Preens, Prefers confined spaces, Prefers high places, Pronounced limp, Protective, Purrs, Recognises faces, Redness, Rheumy eyes, Runs in circles, Scavenges relentlessly, Scratches the ground, Shivers inexplicably, Shiny feathers (bird only), Sings, Smelly, Snarls, Sneaky, Starving, Strange habits, Territorial, Torn ear, Tremors, Twitchy, Underweight, Undeveloped teeth, Waxy ears, Whistles
[Navigation: Hub → Other → Item Descriptions → Cambion Drift Conservation]
- Kermerros: "Don't underestimate a Cryptilex: they're small, but quite aggressive." (Conservation dialogue)
- Kermerros: "Ganglia are considered quite a delicacy by Cryptilexes. So it might behoove you to search any Haptic Fronds you come across." (Conservation dialogue)
- Kermerros: "Insects are the base of Deimos' food webs." (Conservation dialogue)
- Kermerros: "That's a Septic Cryptilex! The Grineer invested quite a bit of time trying to eradicate all these little fellows… probably because they're infectious." (Conservation dialogue)
- Kermerros: "The stuff these creatures secrete can burn through a Liset's hull." (Conservation dialogue)
- Kermerros: "Grandmother used to squeeze the juice out of these to burn off 'warts'." (Conservation dialogue)
- Kermerros: "Vulpaphyla is a bioform adapted from old Earth canid scavenger stock. Likely cargo from one hapless wreck or another." (Conservation dialogue)
- This ability is represented by the Sly/Crescent/Panzer Devolution mods.
- This is represented by the Survival Instinct and Sly Devolution mods.
- Kermerros: "Can you believe the Grineer snap the horns off these beautiful lifeforms? Appalling." (Conservation dialogue)
- Kermerros: "I'd estimate by its armour plating that it might take a few darts before you can safely secure it." (Conservation dialogue)
- This ability is represented by the Viral Quills and Panzer Devolution mods.
- Kermerros: "Powerful, majestic, and with a mouth full of parasites!" (Conservation dialogue)
- Represented by the mods Endoparasitic Vector, Infectious Bite, and Volatile Parasite.
- Represented by the mods Anabolic Pollination, Iatric Mycelium, and Paralytic Spores.
- Marco Hasmann's initial concept art for the Predasite notes "complex respiratory system filtering air" on the ears.
- Kermerros: "Let's hope it's not with its young. They can get aggressive when defending their offspring against a perceived threat." (Conservation dialogue)
- Kermerros: "Undazoa require a fluid environment. Secreted within some warm runnel or artery. They will surface to investigate." (Conservation dialogue)
- Kermerros: "Undazoa are extraordinarily simple organisms, subsisting primarily on what Deimos excretes." (Conservation dialogue)
- Kermerros: "I'd say that's an Undazoa. A striking-looking thing. Reproduces asexually. Lives on contaminants. The sort of creature only Deimos would beget." (Conservation dialogue)
- Kermerros: "Now, they're a belchy lot, so be careful you don't inhale anything it might expel." (Conservation dialogue)
- Kermerros: "Try not to startle it – those things can scream bloody murder." (Conservation dialogue)
- Kermerros: "I confess, its voice pulls at something deep within me. My Infested bodily organs, I suspect." (Conservation dialogue)
- Kermerros: "I have plenty of Cryptilex to feed it." (Conservation dialogue)
- Kermerros: "Oh, this is a tricksy creature. They knocked me off my feet many times, back in the days when I had feet." (Conservation dialogue)