
10 April 2015 – 15 April 2015

The Blackout Tactical Alert was a series of missions given by Darvo from Friday, 10 April 2015, to the following Wednesday.


On Friday (10 April 2015), the alert became available and was present for the weekend. The Tenno received an inbox message from Darvo.

Inbox message:


My contact has informed me of a convoy of abandoned merchant vessels drifting in dead space. Seems like such a waste of good product to just leave it floating there when it could be on my shelves instead.

Reactivate the navigation consoles, and I can reroute them to a… secure location. After I take down the inventory of each ship, we can share the dividends, minus my usual finder's fee of course.


The Blackout Tactical Alert took place on Corpus ships around Mars, and consisted of Deception missions. Darvo served as mission control in lieu of the Lotus. The lights aboard the ships were out, and there were no enemies. Upon delivering the datamass to the navigation console, large numbers of Grineer Manics would appear, the number scaling with squad size (15 for a solo Tenno, 75 for a full squad). These would impede the Tenno's route to extraction, and although their number was tracked in the HUD, similar to Exterminate missions, they did not actually need to be killed in order to extract. Completing the mission rewarded the Tenno with an Orokin Catalyst blueprint.

Inbox message:


I see you made it out in one piece! That is good to hear. After a cursory review of the ship's inventory, I think I may have found something that will pique your interest. Please, take this for all the work you did.

Until next time,

After finishing the first mission, an identical mission with a slightly higher level appeared on Mars. Gravity was reduced on this mission. Completing it rewarded the Tenno with an Orokin Reactor blueprint.

Inbox message:


I see you made it out in one piece! That is good to hear. After a cursory review of the ship's inventory, I think I may have found something that will pique your interest. Please, take this for all the work you did.

Until next time,

After the second mission, a third Endurance mission with a significantly higher enemy level (60-80) appeared. In this mission, warframe energy pools were capped at 50 energy. Completing this mission rewarded the Tenno with a Stratos emblem.

Inbox message:


You amaze me! My crew has been able to salvage everything on those ships, thanks to your work clearing out the hostiles.

Take this as a token of my gratitude… just don't ask where I got it from.


[Navigation: HubEventsTactical Alerts → Blackout]

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