Fortuna ARG Intel

These are the intel fragments that were revealed by The Business during the Fortuna ARG.

Intel 1: Repossession

The Business: "Repossession. Nasty business. The Solaris need cybernetic upgrades to protect themselves from the hostile Vallis climate. And guess who supplies the upgrades? Nef Anyo and the bloody Taxmen. We're forced to do the work, and then we pay the Taxmen for the 'pleasure' of hard labour. Because of these mandatory body mods, we all live in debt to our Corpus overlords. It's a vicious cycle we cannot escape through obedience.

"In Fortuna, we live in fear of 'repossession.' At any hour of the day, Nef can send one of his vile repo squads down here to 'take back what's theirs'. Limb by limb, piece by piece, the Taxmen will rip out your cybernetics until there's nothing left of you.

"We must fight back, Outworlders. Because if we lose, we lose everything."

Name: HR-67
Race: Solaris
Location: Fortuna, Orb Vallis, Venus
Profit Tracking: [graph]
Job: Labourer
Debt: High
Punishment: Organ repossession
Records: History of violence. Black market connections. Suspected dissident.
Status: Partial repo

Intel 2: Brain-shelving

The Business: "The Taxmen have a disturbing protocol they call 'brain-shelving.' For major debts or acts of defiance, the repo squad will tear you apart and keep your brain 'tanked' in a storage facility. Your brain will stay there until your friends or family can clear away your initial debt. Then the Taxmen will graciously release what's left of you.

"And when — and only when — your loved ones can afford to buy a new rig to house your brain, you'll return to a functional, conscious life.

"Absolutely dreadful."

Race: Solaris
Location: Fortuna, Orb Vallis, Venus
Profit Tracking: [graph]
Job: Welder
Debt: Medium
Punishment: Total bodily repossession
Records: Trespass. Possession of stolen goods. Repo rights advocate.
Notes: No family
Status: Permanent brain-shelving

Intel 3: Little Duck

The Business: "Little Duck. One of our best agents. My former protégé. Just look at that rap sheet! If our distraction works, she'll fly in tonight with those Reactors and Catalysts."


Alias: Little Duck
Race: Solaris
Location: Last known: Cetus, Earth
Profit Tracking: Data loss
Job: Freelance Rail agent
Debt: Moderate
Records: Trespass – wanted. Intimidation – wanted. Possession of Orokin artefacts – wanted. Murder – wanted. Unpaid docking fines – wanted.
No case photo
Suspected Quill associate. Known associate: The Business – mercenary (see file MS-68A). In possession of heavily-modified Rail tractor.
Status: Wanted. At large.

Intel 4: Thursby

The Business: "Poor Thursby. First he loses his parents on Deck 12, then he inherits their debt. Now he's facing repossession. I need to tell Eudico about this."

Alias: Thursby
Race: Solaris
Location: Fortuna, Orb Vallis, Venus
Profit Tracking: [graph]
Job: Vagrant
Debt: High – inherited
Punishment: Full repo – imminent
Records: Procuring, possession, and sale of stolen goods. Blasphemy. Poverty.
Notes: Inherited debt. Parents deceased (ref. Deck 12 crackdown). Known associates: Boon – criminal "Ventkid"
Status: Unemployed

Intel 5: Zuud

The Business: "Zuud's a few circuits short of a full board, but I can't blame her. Another Deck 12 survivor.

"A night of horrors, to be sure. Precious few of us escaped alive, none of us intact, fleeing to the shadows. Zuud lost her entire family in the flames. All six of her sisters.

"Eudico still blames herself."

Alias: Rude Zuud
Race: Solaris
Location: Fortuna, Orb Vallis, Venus
Profit Tracking: [graph]
Job: Technician
Debt: Moderate
Records: Disorderly conduct. Vandalism. Disloyalty. Physical assault.
Notes: Unstable personality. Decrepit. Malfunctioning modifications: audio receptor, comms. No family – six female siblings eliminated in Deck 12 crackdown. Possible Solaris United associate.
Status: Eligible for retirement.

Intel 6: Eudico

The Business: "Eudico. Nef Anyo's loyal floor boss. Or so it would seem from her report. Clean as a whistle on paper. Her reputation is why we're still alive. We'll all get brain-shelved if Nef finds out she's the leader of Solaris United. 

"Well… she was our leader. Eudico put an end to Solaris United after Deck 12. "No more muckin' blood on my hands," she said.

"Outworlders, when you get here, Eudico is the one you'll need to talk to first. We need to move past Deck 12. Help me convince her to bring back Solaris United."

Alias: Eudico
Race: Solaris
Location: Fortuna, Orb Vallis, Venus
Profit Tracking: [graph]
Job: Floor boss
Debt: Low
Records: Commendations for efficiency and personnel management
Notes: No family
Status: Employed, loyal

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