
The Archwing

The Balor Fomorians are coming, but we are ready. Through your efforts we finally have a working Archwing prototype and I am sending you the blueprint. However, your task is not yet complete. You still must discover the component parts.

Previous story quest: Heart of Deimos

Starting the quest

The Archwing quest is given to the Tenno upon completion of the Mars Junction, and can be activated in the Codex. For context, it should be noted that The Archwing originally released amidst the ongoing effort by Councillor Vay Hek to build his Balor Fomorian fleet. Upon setting The Archwing as the active quest, the Tenno will receive an inbox message from the Lotus containing the Odonata blueprint.

Inbox message:
The Time is Now

Incoming briefing from the Lotus.

Lotus (video message): "This is the master blueprint for the Odonata Archwing, the first of many Archwings. To complete it, you must find its component parts. Unfortunately, an ancient Orokin archive detailing the locations of the parts was recently stolen by the Corpus. Your first job is to recover this archive. Hurry; the Archwing needs to be ready before the Balor Fomorians launch their first attack."

The Odonata Archwing requires 7.000 credits, 300 circuits, and Odonata wings, harness, and systems in order to be crafted, and takes 1 hour to complete.

First Mission: Recover the Orokin Archive (Tessera, Venus)

Void Sabotage preview

The mission is a Void Sabotage mission, starting on the Void tileset with Corrupted enemies.

Lotus: "The Corpus have snuck into the Void and secured crucial Orokin archives detailing the hidden locations of much-needed Archwing parts. Your mission is twofold: cut off their access to the Void, and recover the data. Get to the portal. We need to shut the Corpus out of the Void before we search for the Orokin archive."

The Tenno must complete the normal objectives for Void Sabotage: finding the portal and reversing the polarity, then crossing over to kill the boss and take the Void key. On the other side of the portal is the Lynx in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset. After taking the Void key, the Tenno must use it to set the Torsion Beam device on overdrive and escape through the portal.

(after the Torsion Beam device overloads) Lotus: "That's it. The portal has collapsed. I've located the cache containing the Orokin archive. Get there now."

(after the Torsion Beam device overloads, if the Tenno has already found the archive) Lotus: "Good work. You collapsed the portal. Extraction is now ready."

A hidden cache is waypointed on the map.

(upon opening the cache) Lotus: "You found the Orokin archive. You are one step closer to unleashing the Archwing."

[on board Orbiter]

Ordis: "The Lotus has passed along possible coordinates for you to search for the remaining Archwing parts. Check your navigation console for more information."

Second Mission: Extract the Odonata Archwing Wings blueprint (Aphrodite, Venus)

Remote Observer #24 banner

The mission is an Excavation mission on the Corpus Ice Planet tileset, against standard Corpus enemies. Only one excavator needs to be successfully defended.

Lotus: "The Orokin archive has led us to this location. Defend the extractors until you find an Archwing part blueprint."

(after completing an excavation) Lotus: "That's it, you found an Archwing part blueprint. Head to extraction when you are ready."

[on board Orbiter]

Ordis: "Oh my, the Operator has returned with an Archwing part blueprint. You must forge it immediately! It won't be long now before you're flying through the skies like a—winged death machine."

The Odonata wings requires 7.000 credits, 150 alloy plate, 1 neurodes, 150 polymer bundle, and 500 rubedo in order to be crafted, and takes 1 minute to complete.

Third Mission: Extract the Odonata Archwing Harness blueprint (Mantle, Earth)

Grineer Forest tileset remaster hype image

The mission is an Excavation mission on the Grineer Forest tileset, against Frontier Grineer enemies. Only one excavator needs to be successfully defended.

Lotus: "The Orokin archive has led us to this location. Defend the extractors until you find an Archwing part blueprint."

(after completing an excavation) Lotus: "That's it, you found an Archwing part blueprint. Head to extraction when you are ready."

[on board Orbiter]

Ordis: "Ordis does hope to see the Archwing soon."

The Odonata harness requires 7.000 credits, 1 morphics, 1.000 ferrite, and 300 rubedo in order to be crafted, and takes 1 minute to complete.

Fourth Mission: Extract the Odonata Archwing Systems blueprint (E Gate, Venus)

Excavation game mode splash

The mission is an Excavation mission on the Corpus Outpost tileset, against Infested enemies. Only one excavator needs to be successfully defended.

Lotus: "The Orokin archive has led us to this location. Defend the extractors until you find an Archwing part blueprint."

(after completing an excavation) Lotus: "That's it, you found an Archwing part blueprint. Head to extraction when you are ready."

[on board Orbiter]

The Odonata systems requires 7.000 credits, 1 neurodes, 1 morphics, and 500 salvage in order to be crafted, and takes 1 minute to complete.

(upon crafting all the Odonata components) Ordis: "The Operator has all the necessary blueprints to craft an Archwing—so what are you waiting for?"

The Odonata Archwing itself requires all three Odonata components, as well as 7.000 credits and 300 circuits, and takes 10 minutes to complete.

(upon crafting the Odonata) Ordis: "Congratulations, you've crafted an Archwing. Now, I must commence calibration. So much to do. By my calculations, this process will take—372 hours—oh, that does seem like a long time…."

Lotus: "Tenno. This is an urgent mission. A Corpus scout ship with information about the location of the Grineer Balor Fomorians has been located. Raid this ship for intel. We need to know everything they do."

Fifth Mission: Find Corpus Intelligence about the Balor Fomorians (Montes, Venus)

Remote Observer #27 banner

The mission takes place on the Corpus Ship tileset, with standard Corpus enemies (not Juno Corpus, as might be expected). The Tenno is waypointed to the other side of the map, but Vay Hek soon starts broadcasting transmissions.

Lotus: "Tenno, tensions between the Grineer and Corpus are boiling over. You're here to find out what the Corpus know."

Vay Hek: "For too long the Corpus have extorted the Grineer. Frohd Bek, consider our contracts cancelled. This is a hostile takeover!"

Frohd Bek: "Not wise, Councillor. I was hoping the Tenno had taught you a little humility when they destroyed your precious Fomorian fleet."

Vay Hek: [laughs] "Did you really believe the Tenno destroyed all my Fomorians?"

Standard Grineer troops will begin invading the map, fighting the defending Corpus. Both groups will also attack the Tenno.

Lotus: "We have a problem… there is… something breaking from the Void!"

Vay Hek: "Bek! Meet Balor. Your fate, my future!"

Frohd Bek: "Impossible…. All units, full alert. Prepare for boarding…."

Lotus: "This ship is disintegrating. Aborting mission. Get to extraction."

Ordis: "Sorry, ship integrity will not permit extraction at this time."

A cutscene will trigger.

[The warframe is forced to its hands and knees as the ship starts breaking up around them. An explosion destroys an entire section of the hull, and the warframe is sucked out into the vacuum of space. The Landing Craft flies around nearby, but cannot pick up the warframe.]

Lotus: "You only have one chance. Ordis, deploy Archwing."

Ordis: "But, my calibrations, it's not—"

Lotus: "Ordis, do it now!"

Ordis: "Okay, deploying Archwing."

[The Landing Craft deploys the Archwing package, which flies over to the warframe and affixes itself to it, along with the Imperator Arch-gun and Veritux Arch-melee. The Tenno, now able to manoeuvre in space, watches as the Landing Craft cloaks itself in the Void and flies away.]

The cutscene ends, placing the Tenno in free space, with the debris of Corpus ships all around them, and a Balor Fomorian looming in the background.

Lotus: "Tenno, you need to get to the other side of this debris field where Ordis can safely extract you."

Grineer combat craft, such as Dregs and Dargyns, are scattered throughout the debris field and will attack if the Tenno gets too close. The Fomorian is equipped with a powerfully destructive laser with a seemingly infinite range, and the Tenno must generally try to keep some debris between them and the Fomorian's eye.

(if the Tenno is being targeted by the Fomorian, variant) Lotus: "Tenno, you have to keep moving."

(if the Tenno is being targeted by the Fomorian, variant) Lotus: "The Fomorian's weapons are designed to destroy capital ships. Don't let them hit your warframe."

(if the Tenno is being targeted by the Fomorian, variant) Lotus: "Get to cover. The Fomorian's guns will obliterate you."

(if the Tenno is being targeted by the Fomorian, variant) Lotus: "Incoming fire from the Fomorian. Find cover."

(if the Tenno is being targeted by the Fomorian, variant) Lotus: "Stay out of the line of fire!"

(if the Tenno is being targeted by the Fomorian, variant) Lotus: "Find cover, now."

Hidden in the debris are Zeplens, stationary Grineer ships that are dormant until the Tenno gets within range, whereupon the Zeplen will project a spherical energy net around itself that traps the Tenno within. The energy net cannot be bypassed or destroyed; only destroying the Zeplen in the centre will allow the Tenno to proceed.

(if the Tenno is trapped by a Zeplen, variant) Lotus: "That Zeplen just engaged an energy net. You're stuck in here until it's destroyed."

(if the Tenno is trapped by a Zeplen, variant) Lotus: "They're trying to trap you in an energy net. Destroy that Zeplen to take out the net."

(if the Tenno is trapped by a Zeplen, variant) Lotus: "Energy net! You're stuck in here until you take out that Zeplen."

(if the Tenno lingers in a Zeplen net, variant) Lotus: "You're trapped in this net until you destroy that Zeplen."

(if the Tenno lingers in a Zeplen net, variant) Lotus: "You have to take out that Zeplen if you want to get out of here."

(upon destroying a Zeplen, variant) Lotus: "Energy net dissipating. Keep moving."

(upon destroying a Zeplen, variant) Lotus: "The net is down. Get going."

Lotus: "You're almost through the debris field. Just a little bit further."

Ordis: "Operator, the Archwing is performing beyond expectations. I suppose my calibration process was not necessary after all."

(when the Tenno reaches the extraction point) Lotus: "Ordis, can you extract now? Tenno, stand by for pickup."

Aftermath (on board Orbiter)

Lotus: "We now have the tools to take on Vay Hek and his Balor Fomorians. His arsenal is growing, but so will ours. There are more Archwing designs and more weapons. Together, we will take to the skies and confront this new threat."

The quest is marked complete, with its description changing to Lotus' last words:

We now have the tools to take on Vay Hek and his Balor Fomorians. His arsenal is growing, but so will ours. There are more Archwing designs and more weapons. Together, we will take to the skies and confront this new threat.

The Tenno now has access to Archwing missions on the Starchart. Additionally, the Tenno will receive a Plexus, allowing them to participate in Empyrean missions on Railjack ships (although the Tenno will not receive their own personal Railjack until they complete the Rising Tide quest).

Next story quest: Natah

[Navigation: Hub → Quests → The Archwing]


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