The Archarbor houses an Enigma puzzle that is always present (as long as the Archarbor is present). This puzzle is much more complex than other Enigmas in Duviri, and must first be unlocked by rotating four busts of Dominus Thrax located around the island to face the centre. Once unlocked, the Enigma has 8 glyph plates, as opposed to the normal 3. All but one have some gimmick or other before they can be activated. 4 of the glyph plates are empty; accordingly, 4 target discs can be found at the back of the room.
Each glyph plate has a panel of Orokin text1 in front of it that can be interacted with to display a brief paragraph. This text is reproduced below, in order from left to right.
Note: This is not a guide, nor a step-by-step walkthrough of how to solve the Enigma. This is a record of the text on the Orokin screens.
Omnipotential Screen
Wise is the eye that closes without thought upon sight of the blinding Sun.
It is sometimes necessary simply to close yourself off from an emotion and process it later. Like a scientist placing a specimen into a container, lock your emotion away. If necessary, place something between you and the emotion – an activity, a mantra, even sleep.
This glyph plate is closed, requiring the Drifter to shoot the latch on the plate in order to open it for a brief time. The glyph disc is unstable, emitting beams of heat damage when shot.
Gyrotic Transformer
All entities contain fathomless power of which they are ignorant.
There is not one emotion that you cannot use positively, given sufficient discipline. Anger can drive you. Fear can make you alert. Even guilt is useful, for it proves you have failed to live up to your own moral standards. Practise listening to your emotions and putting them to use. You are the master, not they.
This glyph plate is closed, requiring the Drifter to shoot the activator disc directly below it. The glyph plate is initially empty, so a disc must be obtained from the back of the room and thrown into place.
Datum Aggregator
We are all receptacles of data.
In time, your life experiences will make you into a complete person, a worthy servant of the Orokin Empire. But they can only do this if you accept them, incorporating them into your psyche. To divide parts of yourself off is to be a nation at war with itself.
This glyph plate is initially empty, so a disc must be obtained from the back of the room and thrown into place. Once filled, the glyph plate is unstable, emitting beams of heat damage when shot.
Quadra Tabulator
As it alternates between displays, this apparatus reminds us of the importance of shifting perspective.
A child in the nursery cries because a monstrous face is leering at him, but all he has to do is shift perspective, and he sees it was nothing but a heap of clothes. We may think we are in eternal love. Oh, how quickly we find it was nothing of the sort!
This glyph plate is standard, with no gimmicks.
Spectral Tabulator
Apply the lessons of this device in your analysis of your emotional states.
When turbulent emotions assail you, focus on the details. Learn to identify the discrete elements of your experience. In this way you will find the hidden order in the midst of your personal chaos, just as a prism discovers the hidden colours in white light.
This glyph plate is unstable, emitting beams of heat damage when shot.
Mnemonic Adjutant
Memory is meaning.
Train yourself to replay your experiences in your mind, as if you were attuned to an Ayatan framework. You will soon find that you are able to disengage the experience from its emotional context. Even in the case of intense, troubling emotions, familiarity can bring habituation, and thus objectivity.
This glyph plate is initially empty, so a disc must be obtained from the back of the room and thrown into place. Once filled, the glyph plate is unstable, emitting beams of heat damage when shot. This glyph plate is a memory plate, remembering the last glyph displayed even if the disc is ejected, which is necessary because there is one fewer disc in the room than the number of empty glyph plates.
Proximal Vitaliser
Through contact, energy is transferred.
Learn the ways in which your mind instinctively associates an emotion with a phenomenon, based on prior experience. Once you are adept at this, you will recognise when emotions are arising because of prior association, rather than because they have any business doing so.
This glyph plate is closed, requiring the Drifter to stand on a pressure pad in order to open it. The glyph plate is also empty initially, so a disc must be obtained from the back of the room and thrown into place.
Obliviating Entanglement
The hollow ruin, though death for the soldier, is life for the creeping ivy.
Strange though it may seem, the mind's tendency to forget is not necessarily a weakness. The body has its excretory system, whereby we dispose of what we do not need; so too does the mind. Allow yourself to forget that which is useless to your emotional development.
This glyph plate is covered in brambles, which must be destroyed before the glyph plate can be utilised.
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